I'll start:
Shoot up schools
I'll start:
Shoot up schools
Other urls found in this thread:
Go to the moon.
Pay taxes
Create made up social commentary regarding the suffering of others, then condemn everyone for their own feelings of self-fabricated guilt.
Go to school
Be human
be racist
oppress minorities
Say: "I love you dad!"
Hate their own race
get sick digits
get numerical repeatings
Have white children.
drink sprite
blame each other for something their great, great, great, great grandfather may or may not have done to another race.
Get to see the 22th Century
Get impeached
summon kek through the power of 7s. you must check them
Feed their families
Make it through their twenties without catching a felony
create 95% of all scientific and medical advancements
and have low crime rates even when matched to population
Tob geg.
Create a civil society
Have Dads
>Shoot up schools
not quite nigger
save civilization through the process of numerical repetition
Be able to say "thanks for the warning officer"
cho has highscore.
want to end their race
Fight to end the enslavement of subhuman niggers.
Fail to reproduce
Succeed in life and not getting shot while robbing a store
try to get a get and succeed in getting a get
check them
Waste huge amounts of time and resources trying to civilize subhumans.
go to work
Stay with their family. I swear even Obama looked like he was fantasizing about dick every time we was with Michelle and daughters.
Drink milk and hold all the strong men world records.
Be persecuted for taking pride in their heritage.
Doodle while making a phone call.
say "thanks for the warning officer"
Celebrate Fathers Day
Establish logical reasoning. Invent calculus. Invent democracy. Invent metaphor. Invent drama. Invent comedy. Successfully conquer almost every nation on Earth. Write the constitution. Win WWI. Win WWII. Invent nearly everything in your iPhone.
Civilizing subhumans
>I swear even Obama looked like he was fantasizing about dick every time we was with Michelle and daughters.
$65000 of succulent hot dogs
invent things
Only white people go to school so this is no surprise to me
Go to moon and back.
school shootings are done proportionally to population for the most part. asians and hispanics shoot up too many for the population, whites shoot about 20% less than their population distribution and blacks shoot up about their population with 10%. if you count gang violence/killings, black school shooting would be astronomical, but they discount them even when near or at schools.
good one Dutchbro. have an upvote.
Start Democracies.
Flag checks out...
Make successful civilizations
Whites have a massively unfair advantage though in that they go to school.
We need to end the white supremacist domination of school shootings! #DiversifyShooters
win the hart memorial trophy
Shlomo with the bantz, kek
As well as demolish successful civilizations
name one
Bring the Jews with them everywhere they go.
Tolerate minorities
Allow minorities to live.
Literally all of them.
Germany for example.
Their decision to invade all their fucking neighbors and start some pointless shitty war led to almost all European countries going bankrupt and having to dismantle their empires and give independence
to their overseas colonies. But this could've been prevented had the other European powers not squeezed Germany dry through reperations
Black people avoid school like it was a probation officer or parental responsibility.
Were ancient eygptians black?
>pointless shitty war
If you went to school you would know that WW2 wasn't pointless.
Make their countries into superpowers.
Have a legitimate reason to live
Care for their children with the fruits of their own labor
run some of the most successful countries in the world
create functioning societies
Anthony Fantano?
Come together in groups and build larger more productive groups
well said, son.
Create Civilization
>What are inner city gangs
That's hardly something only white people do (which is the topic of this thread). The Mongolians were quite adept at demolishing civilizations.
take showers