And pewdiepie became nazi and literally hitler... Is this another one of Sup Forums's trolls? Media overreaction to edgy content? Or is this true? Can I get a quick rundown?
And pewdiepie became nazi and literally hitler... Is this another one of Sup Forums's trolls...
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Felix literally did nothing wrong.
Lethal get. Holy shit.
He was born at the wrong time, too edgy for the year of 2017
Ok potato I will come, just a sec.
Top kek
Kill ALL jews
A fucking retard.
The thrashing of a dying leftist media.
Felix is most certainly a very clever person.
My money says that he was not liking where he currently is and started pushing it. Just ever so slightly where he wouldn't be able to recover from it.
Now that he's been dropped, you could say that he is a free man again.
Sure with what happened, he has lost a good ammount of money, but he's still doing $10M+ a year. He got a metric fuck tonne of free publicity from all this.
Here's the thing: if he did it once, that'd be one thing. He did it multiple times with increasing severity, sometimes more than once in the same episode. I highly doubt he wasn't told to cut that shit off by his buisness partners, and when he did anyway they dropped his ass. So basically, Felix is an idiot who people will defend because inconveiencing him on his way to being even more obscenely wealthy than he is from just his regular youtube views is apparently a SJW crime.
>Is this another one of Sup Forums's trolls?
it's not always murder, sometimes people commit suicide.
have the russians tried to annex your thread yet?
also the retards are losing control of the narrative, fast, think about it
Whether or not he's a pollock, he commands an audience of over 50 million people, to which many of them are generation z, who are generally considered to be heavily conservative. The media literally have no idea of the powder keg they're messing with here. If (((they))) fuck with their idol thats 50 million pissed of generation z and make them even more conservative, if they take him out completely, he'll go down as a martyr and cement their conservative views.
Its poetic, the downfall of the liberal will be their own offspring.
>he signs a deal with Disney to do a reality TV show
>he either contemplates it and realized it's not what he wants to do, or starts working on it and realizes it's not what he thought it was
>under contract
>can't quit, but he can get fired
Really that simple.
I like this guy, that's cheeky m8.
I like that there is this opinion that he is just playing edgy for views.
People can't even coupe with him being really subtle about his views while making Hitler jokes about them.
I dont even believe in zionist conspirancy, but holy shit, hide your fucking nose
> Talentless idiot loses his good fortune for being a talentless idiot.
Justice was served
Very good replies thanks guys.
Normies are waking up
Why do people dislike him so much. When I didn't watch his videos I didn't care about him. Now I'm like, he seems alright.
Nothing about him is particularly hate worthy.
posting in epic dub tripppz
well when he does his vidya playthroughs, he can be a little cringy. But it's more for little kids. And he's a nice guy, just Swedish so he's goofy.
Huh why is she holding that severed bulgarbal?
I know it's a news story and what not, but please tell me nobody here regularly watches this faggot YT'er?
This, his fans won't abandon him, he is free from disney and an top of it he got free publicity.
>Be fan of Pewdiepie
>Media starts slandering your idol and accusing him of being a racist when its obviously not true
>Media just created more media distrust with millions of young Pewdiepie fans
Very nice. This is actually a good thing.
nah, for ree ree it's goin down pdp is raging against the machine. and he's winning.
it's crazy to see the media class double down on their bullshit. exhilarating, really.
>meanwhile furfags are against pewdiepie because he is literally hitler
>hating hitler
But I thought Sup Forums is full of closet fags and furfags.
Also traps are gay.
This is the same guy who burned a Trump effigy and the left hates him so much?
There was no outrage over his anti-antisemitism until AFTER he was dropped... there was no outrage. His stupid business partners tried to tell him what to do, that doesn't make him the idiot it's Disney who is obtuse and ignorant