Holy shit goyim

he did it
he actually fucking did it


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Well it is your guys issue. Not ours. Wonder if they'll start calling him an anti semite now?

He said this multiple times throughout the election cycle btw

We need to give both regions a well-regulated pay day and purge them to different countries.

Yes and he got called an anti-Semite for it by Jeb and Rubio.

daily reminder

Israel is NOT a country, it is an ILLEGITIMATE and UNSUSTAINABLE state

He's making deals, Mossad deals with troublesome media and Israel gets goodies.

Does this mean Palestine is fucking toast?

Good Goy Trump will make Greater Israel a reality.

happy now, heebs?

>mossad starts offing people/judges/media acting against trump
>media can't speak up about it because it sounds like an antisemitic conspiracy theory

Is this what 6d chess looks like?

which is ridiculous, real antisemitism is pushing the two meme solution.
in a nutshell it's why Palestinians never accept anything and will never settle, thus we won't have peace ever.



Or maybe you retarded kikes will finally realize that starting shit in the middle east and bombing the shit out of Palestine will not make them settle

call me 'achmed' I don't care about your shitty forced JIDF memes


B real my nykka. Your state's strategy is permanent 'peace talks' with ridiculous conditions that the palestinians can't possibly agree to. When they don't agree you cry foul play and all the while build more settlements slowly.

What? This is good for the Zionists

your holy land is being created, you better now start to give west some money and stability.

Why don't you kikes stop pretending and just go through with the genocide you all want.

this. Do what you want. Now's your chance. Nobody cares anymore. There are hardly any arabs left. They're all rotten and killing eachother. BTFO them and leave us all alone.

I love how trump was just like basically:
>"One state, two states--who cares...you guys figure it out."


>Israel will give the west their precious shekels

top kek

Israel wants world domination through fighting, unreasonable peace talks, and their control over the banks

"Israel wants peace" is almost as contradictory as "Muslims like gays"

extra charred


how about you read a little and challenge your retarded opinion.

it's what you said, except the opposite. that's exactly what the Palestinians are doing.

I wish. our politicians and army are completely tied here. imagine what Trump is dealing with with the 9th Circuit's rogue judges, except every fucking day. we pretty much can't pass any laws or take execute any actions if they're even slightly right-wing.

But (((Sup Forums))) loves Israel ! Oh what will do now?

Absolutely BTFO

>won't have peace ever
Which is what you want right? You're gonna keep poking the palestinians until they fight back, and that will give Israel the excuse to go full kike and annex their lands and kill any arab that resist.

>how about you read a little and challenge your retarded opinion.

At least I read more that what your shitty media shits out

how about you actually READ and challenge your retarded opinion

fake lmao

implying trump the faggot will dare do anything against his jewish masters
Trump is a good goyim and will never do such things dont be silly

Don't lie to me bro. Idgaf about palestinians, they can all fuck off to jordan for all i care. But that is the strategy of israel at least since the Oslo talks and has been highly effective because america has protected it in the un. It will be successful in 100 years or more, but don't kid us into believing the palestinians are the ones doing the ripping off.

What is this? A country for ants? It needs to be at least... three times bigger than this!

> poking the palestinians

this is not what's happening. every time things start getting quiet and the palestinians realize the "peace talks" are "stuck" (aka they can't squeeze any more at this point) they start agitating - stabbings, running over people, or shooting missiles (which are mostly harmless but cost us a fuckton to shoot down). since are hands are tied all the time thanks to progressives and kikes everywhere, our only way to make the fucktards stop is to say "no more" every couple of years. if our country wasn't governed by a bunch of cuckolds, we could actually have policy that would genuinely prevent palestinians and other arabs from agitating, but we can't.

I don't read anything my media puts out, and neither should you. it's CNN-tier progressive garbage (or much worse if it's Haaretz).
lately we've had a couple of genuine right wing sites popping up here, but they barely get any exposure, certainly not in the international kike-dominated blogosphere

Hello there, Israeli citizen. I wish you a good day.

Okay I take that back, you're weird.

holy fuck based kikes of prosperity

I know you goyim have a serious problem understanding jew finances so Imma explain it in terms you'll relate to

we're basically a Citadel tier province in MTW2, anything around us is a motte and bailey or a wooden castle at most, with a VERY low civil order, nothing to mine and very little to trade. if we fully conquer it, we'll need to keep a massive garrison to prevent it from revolting every fucking turn, and upgrading the tech level will be very costly for our treasury

it's better to just keep the region as rebels, there's literally nothing for us to want there aside from stopping bandit raids, which is what the palestinians are doing. we do not, however, want an actual new fully fledged palestinian gaming faction popping out right at our doorstep

But didn't he also call out the Jew King for their settlement expansion?? What is it that you people want from Trump? I don't fucking get it.

We want Trump to reject the state of israel



We want Trump to help build an strong Israel and then expel all the kikes there.

>Donald Trump has dropped a two-decades old US commitment to the establishment of a Palestinian state
Good. Fuck Bill Clinton, fuck George Bush, fuck Barack Obama, and most of all fuck "Palestine".

A strong Israel is named "Palestine".

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