How long until Trump's administration falls apart?
Uh Oh...Looks Like There's Blood in the Water
When are we going to start saying...
Just a pussy jumping ship before it sets sail.
How was this bad for Trump?
Not sure about that, but there's a political happening every single fucking day.
My dick can't get any harder. What are we going to learn tomorrow?
More infighting there is more China, Russia & Iran can do their thing.
Keep it up, Donald.
>Babbys first poli-sci class
never, because that's not how your retarded voting system works, burgerman.
Thank God. Puzder was shit-tier.
It's one of his cabinet nominees; pretty big deal... but Trump supporters will deny it, just like they deny facts.
How in the fuck did you mess that pepe up so badly, you deserve no sheckles for that effort.
Maybe he should have more strong women in his cabinet.
There's blood in the water now with Flynn. Now, Drumpf is circling the drain.
I don't believe it. I bet your flaccid. Pics or it didn't happen.
What does AP mean?
Shut up, Hitler. What's your system like? You just sieg heil to the nearest Edeilweiss and Hansel and Gretel do Rock Paper Scissors?
It's really bad though. Why won't you admit Drumpf is losing?
They have alternative facts. They don't care about reality. SAD!
I knew he was going to lose one, thought it would be DeVos.
This guy was to send a message to the $15 min wage shills. He's expendable.
Expect a lot of churn in this administration, it's standard business practice
>Blood in the Water
Is this the new shill line? I've been seeing it for days. Makes you guys sound like vicious animals, maybe go with something else
How about Pussies in the Pool, since that's what you trumpkins are?
Drumpf can't stop losing. Hahahaha
Pepe is a symbol of white nationalism. You're racist!!!! It doesn't deserve any respect!!
Submit your will to the true Queen.
Madame President!!!!
Oh no, now Drumpf has to pick another labor secretary. You sure showed him, OP.
He was not going to be confirmed due to some republicans voting against him. Trump will have to nominate someone else. Really not that big a deal. Probably his worst pick and he could use to rethink it.
I hope a civil war happens
>Expect a lot of churn in this administration
Its funny the msm is clinging to the fact that people got fired like its some sort of huge deal. Trump is literally known for firing people, if anything he is just purging the shit which is a good thing. I hope we get to see tons of this shit, I am sort of glad he got rid of him even though he was cleared. Shows he isn't going to tolerate horse shit just to avoid the lens.
He stepped down because he couldn't stand the harassment he was getting from the media and senators.
Drumpf keeps embarrassing his administration and our country. When will he resign to salvage any remnants of his dignity that he has left?
Just watch. The sharks are circling.
Drumpftards can't wake up to reality. It's almost over. He'll be impeached very soon.
He employed an illegal alien as well. So it's a good thing he is out.
Look at his campaign.
Lewandowski, Manafort, Christie, etc.
>Firing people when necessary
The media is the opposition party. They won't exist in 20 years
you ctr or shareblue or whatever you virgin nerds go by are really grasping at straws. if trump was really so bad you'd at least be able to explain why. maybe you're just really stupid....
Also I heard if you say B en Fisch bein uncensored you will be banned.
And he lost Flynn. And his travel ban was overturned. And Mexico won't pay for the wall. And Drumpf is going to be investigated by Chaffetz for leaking national security information at Mar-a-Lago. AND they've uncovered the Russian connection. He's toast. It's watergate 2.0.
It's a VERY big deal. He can't stop the bleeding now. Democrats are winning.
So we can wipe out all the Drumpftards. Round them up like cattle.
It makes him look incompetent. It reflects that he has such low standards for hiring.
Nerd virgins
I actually hated Pudzer so I am good with this
Hate to admit it but Trump looks like he is done.
He should have just immediately cracked down on Clinton, her entourage and the leftist media in the first week.
>Probably his worst pick
>while Mchinin exists
This is the guy who opposed the min wage increase and wants to do away with minimum wage altogether. Good thing his ass is gone. It presages an increase in min wage to prob 15 an hour
He's a criminal. Lock him up.
He looks like a nervous wreck.
He's under control by Russia!! He's been compromised! Let's see the PP tape.
Who are they?
I don't know what you're talking about...
Time for a beautiful woman to be in charge.
Republicans have learned NOTHING from this past election. You cannot reason with leftists. This will only embolden them. Such an idiot move.
You need a helicopter ride STAT
8 years by my count.
Because he's as crooked as Drumpf?
He's drowning. He's almost done. Don't worry. They all want him gone anyway. Mike Pence will get in, then we can take him down too.
But Drumpf wants someone with his views. He doesn't care about American workers. He just wants to enrich himself.
>still can't explain what's wrong with him
just link a huffpo article you retarded fuck. you're probably fat and ugly as well not just incredibly stupid
they are destroying themselves. it's amazing
Bernie would never serve in Drumpf's cabinet. He doesn't want the stink of scandal on him.
And now it's all over. trump is BTFO
A helicopter ride where?
You're delusional. He's lucky to survive 8 weeks at this point. The media alone will drive him crazy. He's going to end up nuking somebody. Seriously...we can't allow him to have the nuclear codes.
Hillary will take over. If you ask nicely.
You mean like when Obama picked a tax cheat for his cabinet?
>He looks like a nervous wreck.
Donald Dump raped that disabled reporter and called the gold star family rapists and drug dealers for being Hispanic.
And he raped all those women.
And he's controlled by Russia. Turn on the news. You'll find out the truth. There's a negative story every second because he's the new Hitler.
Trump is fucking done. Are we ever going to get someone who'll defeat the libtards?
Obama is a selfless individual. He only cared about our country. He passed health insurance for all. He's the best president we've ever had!
See pic for crying Drumpfkins.
Obama did nothing wrong.
Associated Press
They should have voted in Jeb Bush. They like the Bushes. At least he isn't crazy.
Drumpfkins are horrible and immature. Look at what they did. Pic related.
and you touch your 4 inch dick every night. what's your point?
30 min or less
>Trump is literally known for firing people, if anything he is just purging the shit which is a good thing.
He's also supposed to make up for his wide gaps in experience and policy knowledge by picking good candidates for positions.
How many times has he failed at that, now? Flynn was a liar, DeVos skated by because she's got shitloads of money when she couldn't even answer basic questions at a hearing, now Pudzy is stepping down... it's because he's a pussy?