My answer: no, if you would be here you would understand why.
Would you fight for your country?
Ofc not
>the phoenix will rise from the ashes
10 years ago i may have, buts its all been downhill since then.
Fuck the direction this country is going.
Depends on the cause, I don't really want to fight because some (((guy))) said it.
only if we were being invaded
>netherlands second to last
I can see it.
We're so small. Most cities made up of hideous postmodernist architecture. Vinex housing, dehumanized spatial planning, ugly cities, faceless places without history, built and filled by cultural marxists. So densely populated there's no place to go for silence.
This land has no culture. While we may care for our people and to some extent our race, especally in the face of violent Islam, we cannot be nationalist, for in order to be nationalists there must first be something worth fighting for. And that's the people, but not this country.
Yeah sure.
I'll fight for Israel
My country as it is now doesn't deserve to be defended.
>Best Korea conspicuously missing
>230% would fight
Japan is fucked if the South China sea situation ever heats up.
This. They deserve our support.
Also, yep I'd fight for my country
Yes because trump gave me a reason to fight
why is croatia never included?
I'd rather fight for Trump than my own country.
Fighting in a war is the most cucked thing a man can do.
For the (((holy land)))
So in the end the conquers of the world are Pakistan and Finland. Other high % countries have no army which could impact on anything.
No fuck this leftist dump
>die with a gun in my hands
>die without a gun in my hands
I'll go with the gun.
Also the fact that there is no white country in the black category is telling of how far we have fallen
This poll is a lie
For my country? NO! But for Israel I would throw my life down in a second.