Milo Yiannopoulos BTFO
C-C-C-Combo breaker!!!
What the fuck is this dumb cunt even talking about?
Welcome to the world of "I don't give a shit"
why are women so stupid?
>He who shall not be named
Milo confirmed Voldemort.
I think she is acusing the gay jew of walking into the ghetto and shouting "NIGGER!" at the top of his lungs.
>I come from a conservative family
So it's a 'I want to piss off Daddy" episode
>tolerant about everything except different ideas
She's right, Milo makes good points most of the time but not in the right manner.
He's constantly speaking in a manner that knows makes people go off. If you are a serious "political thinker" with a voice as big as his you must understand the sensibility of the public about certain topics.
I'm not saying we should all be political correctness fags, but maybe, if we want serious progress to be made regulating speech might be a good tool.
A gay man got a book deal, and the left is butthurt. All because he wants to crack some jokes about feminists and their shitty hairste
>when you BTFO of someone on Twitter, when the target isn't on Twitter.
What has he said that's so outrageous? It's not like he said gas the lines race war now
>we have to censor his name
Fucking autocorrect
>regulating speech is good
Sacred cows are made into hamburgers.
Regulating speech that you don't like means people who don't like what you say will come after you.
Don't give the enemy a gun to kill themselves with, they'll always shoot you with it, first.
>Milo should be held accountable for the violent autistic rage fits in response to his chuckle-tier pseudo-stand up comedy political dissertations
Yeah, nah.
He's more a Liberal than they, and if they keep assaulting people and burning everything down because they're too dumb to debate, then they're gonna get The Final Argument in the form of bludgeoning and execution. One of them was already gut-shot by an Asian guy about a month ago.
>Milo hurt my feels so he doesn't get to talk
If you know how to properly make your points it shouldn't matter that they come after you.
It's called diplomacy, it achieves things.
I agree with Milo and Trump in most cases but it's completely retarded to insult the way they do, it just minimizes the impact it could have.
>Talk shit about milo on twatter
>Milo kills your ass
>Get milo banned
>Continue talking shit
She's so brave she should the man of the year.
>He's constantly speaking in a manner that knows makes people go off
So? You're offloading blame from the dumb cunt Fascists onto Milo and you know it.
(((Ben Shapiro))) has gotten a fuckton of shit talking from Milo and he remains an intellectual sniper and rises above it, he doesn't his synagogue together to smash the goyim's windows and blow up generators and shit.
These Fascists do not have a leg to stand on in a legitimate debate, which is why they cut straight to mass violence. Milo pads his talk with smart ass insults and memes, but when he gives a fuck he can make legit points that no Leftist can counter.
it's ok, it's not your fault you were born fucked up.
>These Fascists do not have a leg to stand on in a legitimate debate, which is why they cut straight to mass violence
And people like Milo and Trump give them enough material to make look their chimprage justified.
Just imagine that instead of that smart ass attitude he displayed a genuine understanding and empathy for the people who listen. Being like this only feeds leftists narratives that the right i full of evil nazis that make fun of everyone who isn't them.
Or like Trump, instead of reapeting "you are fake news" to that cnn reporter, he could have pulled some of their shitty articles and briefly explained why he refused to talk to them, exposing his agendas on a calm manner is far better than going full goyim denying questions or threating a neighbour country for a war that will never ever happen.
It just takes away credibility and numbs progress.
>People put blades behind their posters
>That's pretty edgy
>No one laughs.
And what, that shit is hilarious. Do a single "lol" will you? It was brilliant.
If he's a provocateur and we are aware of it, why do we still get mad at him. Calling him that does not immunize yourself from what he says, nor does it invalidate his words. How he says things is irrelevant. Judge him not by the color of his language, but by the content of his vocabulary.
What she's really saying is "If I tried to debate Milo I'd get raped" she could have just said that, less words
Depends on who you call "we." I though it was pretty much clear that milo is a gay jew at this point.
Though is you move a little on the internet, you will be bombarded with editorials on how milo is homophobic and anti-semitic.
I'm anti-semitic and he's a jew and still like him better than most politicians in my fucking country.
How tolerant
What exactly did he say?
>its wrong to provoke violent scum
>the woman who dressed slutty and walked home alone was not to blame at all for being raped
women. are. dumb.
This bitch is fucking insane. She should be locked up in an insane asylum.
>provocation equals defamation
I do think that Milo should be more responsible. He's a major political figure now but he's still behaving like le epic troll
>Let's stop talking about things I don't like because if feelings get hurt then your politics is bad!
Mostly he knows how to speak to people like they're peasants
>Censorship is OK when it benefits me the post.
This kind of bullshit is why I'm happy Trump is throwing you nasty fuckers out of my country.
Here's your (you) for today.
>read post
>look at flag
Oh, okay
>tolerant about everything except something that encompasses pretty much everything in some way
Women are stupid.
>"we have to censor his name..."
Get AIDS cunt. Provocative speech is still free speech. Go break the law for your convictions and face the harsh reality of justice if you're so courageous.
To provoke is a call to think
To bitch about provoking just means what you believe is a lie and can't make any reasonable argument.
So basically this chick is just some vapid whore
I'm not talking about censorship, I'm talking about diplomacy and regulating speech. Not so difficult to comprehend is it? Do you honestly think that an smart ass attitude is going to redpill people? Do you think it helps at all?.
Be realistic, the wall and any anti inmigration stance is fucking pointless, people will cross the border anyways, the problem is not border security the problem is the economical situation that creates migration and its consequences.
The only people that move to your shithole are the ones who are born in such a fucked up position that is either that or a criminal life, I honestly admire them for taking that choice and I would never set a foot on America, 90% of the people that migrate to your shitcountry go there because it's the less worse choice, not the best.
You knwo I support Trump and agree on his view that migrants and free trade is fucking up not only America but everyone else, but the way he delivers his speech s fucking stupid, like his die hard supporters.
modern art is supposed to be provocative
Real picture of Milo's boyfriend (yes, they do anal together).
She's literally victim blaming Milo
And this is why america hates you fucking beaners.
"You can say whatever you want, but only the way I want you say it."
Eat shit and die, you useless spic.
The point isn't whether you think his speech or our speech is stupid or productive, the point is why the fuck should we let YOU be the one to decide that?
I want the right to say "Fuck niggers, fuck Muslims, fuck liberals, fuck you" and nothing legal to happen to me. I want to be able to say the world is flat, the holocaust never happened, religion is a cancer on society, Young Earth Creationism is true, astrology works, aliens visited cavemen, and gays should be able to get married and/or be stoned, and anyone who thinks the State should act as Mommy and Daddy and come in whenever your side starts losing or gets hurt feelings is my enemy. Or to put that into mexi-nigger
The right has been doing this for decades and got nowhere .
America owes you nothing. And how Trump talks is none of your concern. Try fixing your shitty country before you look over the fence at ours.
Holy shit this woman is a fucking bore
>Just imagine that instead of that smart ass attitude he displayed a genuine understanding and empathy for the people who listen.
Just imagine that a leftist actually debated him rationally instead of crashing his speeches by screeching autistically while showering themselves in period blood or by starting fires and beating up women with flagpoles?
>Be realistic, the wall and any anti inmigration stance is fucking pointless, people will cross the border anyways
Be realistic, locking your door and installing a burglar alarm is fucking pointless, people can break into your house anyways.
This. The reason Trump is winning where as the Old Right lost is that the Old Right was fighting a chivalrous engagement against insane Leftists waging Total War.
No more chivalry
No more terms of engagement
No more mercy
Fuck these madmen.
>"You can say whatever you want, but only the way I want you say it."
Once again, not censorship its simple really. If you are trying to change people minds to see the truth it's most likely they will listen if you approach it calmly and respectfully rather than make them feel personally attacks or act condesending all the time.
It's not me deciding it's basically the entire world watching and judging, sure you are allowed to say all those things and have nothing happen to you but if you want to achieve progress and get people on your side so you can actually accomplish things instead of ranting for tv or Sup Forums the whole time, it doesn't matter how right you are as long as the rest of the world sees you as a racist white supremasist and you keep feeding that view you will forever be cuckholed by leftists and anyone trying to take advantage of you.
All because you can't be polite to people you disagree with.
>Countries work independently and what happens on one is no concern of the other
What the fuck are you even doing on Sup Forums you have cero understanding of world politics.
>Just imagine that a leftist actually debated him rationally instead of crashing his speeches by screeching autistically while showering themselves in period blood or by starting fires and beating up women with flagpoles?
That's my point, they can't. Everyone knows that yet republicans keep being stupid enough to make statements that the left can still use to rant.
Not the same, a country is not a house, the amount of distance that must be secured it's insane, you have no idea of how long it really is.
The resources needed compared to the results it will give makes it one of the worst ideas for inmigration.
Honestly just think about it it's the most simplistic solution to a huge complex problem "Uhh just build a fucking wall" ok builder bob see you tomorrow.
Donald Trump being elected proves that your ideas are wrong. The idea that being polite and inoffensive will win people over was utterly destroyed by his bull in the china-shop manner of rhetoric.
People nowadays want someone who is blunt and crude, not some flowery asshole. Don't act like you can tell us how we're supposed to wage this fight when, last I checked, we were winning. The Left is in decline, the Right is in ascendance, and both are radicalizing.
The idea of changing tactics back to the ways we used to do things, when we were LOSING, is ridiculous and dumb.
What the fuck is "gaslighting"? I keep seeing libtards using this term.
>Not the same
It's exactly the same. You're arguing against enforcing immigration controls on the basis that many will slip through the net, so the US shouldn't even bother trying.
You only want to be reasonable now that you've lost and and your American sponsored welfare is going away.
If Shillary had won and thrown open the doors for you to leech of our system you'd be singing a completely different tune and you know it.
There's no point in being reasonable with parasites, you scrap them off, smash them, and move on. Exactly like what we're doing with your country.
>America is the whole world.
Trump won because his message resonated to the americans that were being fucked by democrats, they understood what he meant and supported him for that reason.
The rest of the world doesn't like him and half of the american population right now. Trump won't make good progress if he's constantly portrayed as the new Hitler and he feeds those acusations.
Granted half of america likes him, but not world leaders, not most of other countries, and does who do agree with him will most likely than not stay quiet for the fear of being related to a "Nazi".
It's not so hard, you are not the only ones in this planet, you need to act accordingly.
No it's not the same, you need an excesive amount of resources to build and secure that wall every day for how long?, wouldn't it be cheaper and more productive to target people who employ ilegals? wouldn't it be far better to pressure México into creating viable living and working conditions for migrants?
>What is Brexit?
>What is La Pen?
>What is rising nationalism worldwide?
Face it, you're losing, the Left is imploding, and the globalists are the ones who need to change tactics. We're rebels, we're hip, we're funny and edgy and winning.
>hat's my point, they can't. Everyone knows that yet republicans keep being stupid enough to make statements that the left can still use to rant.
This is the stupid asshole thing to say. I'd be a republican, well centrist according to american political radar. But even I can see that left doesn't want a dialogue. You don't want a dialogue. Everyone who doesn't agree with your worldview is stupid retard.
That's the problem. Not that the left can't have a debate, it's that they're so rooted on their own world view that anything that isn't completely agreeable is then satan nazi homophobic and anti-semitism.
Can you for a second just drop the insults and talk like a normal person. You might be able to do it, but as a whole the left can't. They won't. And as such any debates boil down to leftist cunt calling the other person all kinds of names and the right person trying to evade the insults while calling you unemployed leeches back.
Nothing ever moves forward. If you are so virtuous as you say you are start acting like it, will you? Otherwise it's just empty words. And empty words from the left got trump elected and you hate it, but you still continue on this path, like it works.
I just can't understand.
You're arguing from a position that the left still has political power. They lost the house, the senate, and a shit-ton of governorship. Not to mention even the electoral college defected against Hillary.
>Or like Trump, instead of reapeting "you are fake news" to that cnn reporter, he could have pulled some of their shitty articles and briefly explained why he refused to talk to them, exposing his agendas on a calm manner
You're intellectualizing. This would not work in the real world. He would either get shouted over or it would be too wordy to stick.
>threating a neighbour country for a war that will never ever happen
Fake news.
See how easy it is when you have a nice term for it?
Say what you will about the man, but the way he butt-frustrates the regressive left is priceless.
>Cause riots and Damage public property to censor a Dissenting opinion that would only be heard by dedicated fans.
>End up having most of the country know his name, appears on Fox News, book sales shoot up, and the fucking president hears about the events.
it's like pottery.
>As a provocateur, he seeks to provoke
No shit
But she is right, he purposely provokes libtards to blow their fuse.
Bernie called Cnn fake news and got his mic cut in middle of the interview.
>instead of reapeting "you are fake news"
They are fake news. And everyone knows what that means.
>he purposely provokes libtards to blow their fuse.
In all fairness that requires no effort. Simply being a white male is enough to piss them off.
its another cancerous term from the muhhh abusive boyfriend crowd
basically its when you tell your annoying gf to stop being paranoid because you're not cheating on her or whatever
Apparently calling your gf paranoid is abusive because you're making them feel responsible for the problem
in other words, none of them have ever dated a girl before and have no idea how paranoid bitches can get
Seems like you missed this: >I support Trump and agree on his view that migrants and free trade is fucking up not only America but everyone else
You have no reading comprehension, I'm not talking about open borders, I'm talking about speech delivering.
Why is every american replying so fucking retarded, you can't even debate properly on your own language.
>rising nationalism worlwide
You are obviously discconected from the reality, this are isolated cases whose consequences are being more negative than positive for the right.
Do you honestly think tons of Trump supporters didn't rethink their stance after the so called "muslim (not rlly muslim) ban"? Real life is not a meme and everyone is starting to eat on the leftists narrative about Trump.
Read the first reply, I support Trump and most of his ideas, I'm not leftist, I simply disagree with his rants, there's no need for them.
If the left won't debate then they will lose credibility over time but as long as the right keeps feeding them material to be outraged they will never be shown for what they are.
That was carl the cuck. Aids skrillex was the one fucking a white male.
BTFO Milofags
Assuming you're not a troll, you're an appeaser. The way to beat the Left is to expose them as the lunatics they are, and simply force business through.
Compromise and good manners aren't going to get us anywhere, they haven't gotten us anywhere for forty years. If you give the Left a little bit of their "Progress", they'll be back ten years down the road demanding more, and more, and more, until the whole society collapses under its own decadent weight.
>>I support Trump and agree on his view that migrants and free trade is fucking up not only America but everyone else
Nobody cares what you agree with and disagree with in terms of Trump. Get that in your thick spic skull. You're irrelevant in the debate.
There's nothing to debate, the walls going up and you're family's being deported from my country and your welfare is being cut-off.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
I never thought I'd live in a world where Demolition was not only prescient but also relevant.
*Demolition Man
i'm really not radical or an extremist of any kind, but women should be banned from discussing politics for the sake of humanity.
>Being so delusional to think that the ideology half of the country agrees with won't have political power regardless of numbers in the senate.
They stopped an executive order already.
It would work, there's no need to patronize the general public. Just look at the praise Trudeau got for slapping Trump in the face with his polite speech on the White House. He was remarkably hostile but worded nicely the message went through.
It wasn't fake news tho, he did implied even though they were empty words, and that's my point, it takes away credibility.
No, not everyone. The rest of the world saw that as censorship from a dictator, and honestly if you are not too much into politics like most of the planet it does look like censorship.
Milo is a kike faggot
but how did he get btfo by showing how ez it is to get leftists go nuts
That's fucking pathetic
O i knows how to get someone off darling
That's true. They destroy their own cities when their sports teams win or lose. L.A. and Vancouver come to mind. kek.
i meant to say that women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Mean-spirited, immature trolling becomes political speech when manchildren start to believe you AREN'T ALLOWED to upset them with said trolling.
Milo knows what he's doing. His behavior is the equivalent of drawing Mohammed being assraped when some Muslim goon declares you can't draw Mohammed. I support Milo. I hope he makes every shitlib cry.
Yeah, the left is tolerant with everything except politics, she just forgot to say that the left transforms everything, EVERYTHING, into politics.
I don't think insulting your way through the presidency is going to take you anywhere either, it will take you back as it is.
There is no way Republicans will win the next elections, all because of Trump's anti-diplomatic behaviour. Mark my words.
>Not debating only throwing shill "insults"
I pointed it out because you implied I was a Hillary supporter.
Funny thing is I probably have more than twice money in the bank than you.
Then again, repeating myself over and over again: I'm not saying you are not allowed to speak like that, I'm saying it won't take you further than this.
Maybe he could respond to her points if he hadn't been banned from Twitter for making fun of Ghostbusters, because banning people for what they say and their opinions is a core American value.
Support for trump wasn't the main point, just a meme I threw in the end. The point is that leftist don't want to have a debate and will do terrorism to silence people they don't agree with.
There is no debate to be had, can you see? I understand you want to have a feel good solution and all is well if people talked. But when the left are organizing riots and firebombing buildings just to shut people down. I'd think that's all the cliches; orwell, machiavelli and history repeats.
You're right in the way that the left won't debate and they lose credibility. This is why alt right nationalism is on the rise pretty much everywhere.
Another point is that leftist are outraged by EVERYTHING. It's not even a joke someone mansplain to him how manspreading is offensive and temperature control is sexist. Not even kidding. Left has morphed into some kind of hateful victim culture that blames even us, a country that was a colonial territory to both sweden and russian, for colonization.
But why is the left still able to pull this stunts?
Because half of americans believe them and support them and they will continue to as long as the right keeps behaving this way.
It's already gotten attention, there's no need to continue to behave like a bafoon, now that you have the attention say coherent and well thought off things.
>>The rest of the world doesn't like him
America didn't get to where it was by being liked
It got to where it was by being strong, accepting help when it was needed and giving help when asked.
When we entered Pax Americana, around the time of the cold war, we could not be "liked' because the opportunity to be strong presented itself and ten times out of ten, it's better to be strong than be liked.
> Trump gained popularity and won while shit-talking everyone around him but it will stop worrying soon and people will hate him for it and start voting for the party of the socialist, rioting SJW pajamaboys, trust me
> mfw you actually believe this
>You can't insult your way to the Presidency Donald
>He insults his way to the Presidency
>O-okay but you can't insult your way THROUGH the Presidency
Go to bed Jeb.
According to my poll data half of the population supports trump and his executive orders. Some 35% fight back violently. Then there are people who just don't care.
It's autistic screeching from well off white people. I can get you the race data too and over 50% of hispanics are happy with trump.
America was born and stablished during a time were international law was basically survival of the strongest.
We have rules now, protocols, agreements diplomacy, they can't be dissmissed with a macho attitude of being the strongest.
If you want to accomplish things today you need aproval not submission.
Trump got enough momentum to win but it's not sustainable to keep going like that for 4 years
>Political campaigns are the same as presidency terms.
I never had a doubt Trump would win, but the kind of attention he got for that is not the right kind of attention that you need as a head of state.
I can't hear you over the sound of how obviously hurt your butt is.
Well actually 35% is giving it too much credit, those are just normal people who disagree and go on about their life. Maybe 5% are actual antifa cuntfucks who are rioting against democracy.