French elections are near, and we need to help them! So stop fapping to fucking chinese cartoons and give me some Le Pen and Pek memes
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fuck your forced meme, shareblue. go peddle your bullshit to the normies.
fuck off with this bird shit from that Sup Forums tranny porn sharing discord
I fucking love watching thot threads get BTFO by kek. It's... glorious.
That looks like Napoleon TW cover
>Stop fapping
>Not sacrificing your orgone energy to the god of chaos
Le Pen is mightier than the sword
what the meme war was never over you yellow fingered cunts we just won 2 battles brexit trump 1 lost austria many more battles to go
no need to help, they are helping them self
Praise Kek! Praise Thoth! Grant Marine Le Pen victory. Destroy the EU! Destroy the globalists!
What's going on here?