Predictions for future alliances

Predictions for future alliances

< australia
< northern
< russia without belarus
< baltics and finland joining russian alliace
i don't think so

deep down the finns still love the russians, just playing the rebel teens

Shut the fuck up you stupid potato nigger.

France soon hopefully

Kek. Good joking you made there user

Australia can join as long as their native population doesn't get out of control

What about Japan user?

>columbia joins nato
>venezuala atakks columbia
>vanezuela and its zoocialism is wiped out from the face of the earth
>great columbia 2.0

What the fuck is this map?

Poland will be part of the EU reich in the war of British Independence mate.

TFW your Irish, Norwegian, Syrian, and Ojibwe

I predict Turkey breaking off from NATO eventually and trying to annex some or all of Syria when the latter's government inevitably collapses.


>Vietnam not with China.
Someone is living in the 80's.

>Roman Civil War

What the fuck alt history site you pull this from, this looks like a legitimate article.

>Poland allied with Russia

Fucking retard

Literally every country hates China now.

NATO is the Hotel California of military alliances.

Yeah... no. Vietnam relies on China for independence after the North annexed the South resulting in eternal American failure and butthurt.
Similar to North Korea in this regard.

Rough predictions if team Trump stays in charge.

Not too sure about Australia.

>Laughing at an alliance with a superpower
See, this is why you're poor

Vietnam isn't allied with the US or China, they just want independence and right now China is the greatest threat to that.


Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Chile and Colombia would all be /ourguys/

Well you can go ahead and believe that East Asian communist regimes want to be liberated by the USA but you'll be wrong.
There are some minor disputes but nothing that would end in complete disintegration of the state like an alliance with the USA would end in.

>With Russia

That would be neat. With rest of visegrad group too.

Gran Columbia soon.

>South Africa
>Post-Calexit California

Name this alliance.

Fuck off Russia shill, we will never be friends with the Slav morons.

it's more like EU kolkhoz. The market union is starting to wave, though. EU wants to kill the idea of delegating workers to different countries, which would heavily hit our transportation industry. I wouldn't be surprised if EU stopped existing in the next 20 years.

Never going to happen. I mean never.

> Russia
> Superpower
Are you fucking retarded?

Russia and China are pretty much the only things standing in front of the US having total global domination, economic or otherwise. Well, them and our own stupidity.

YOU'RE American. What country your great great great great grandparents came from no longer matters at this point.

With a decent foreign policy based on realpolitik you could have already torn Russia apart.
It's literally fucking Nigeria with oil and mines with white workers.

>russia and america ever joining forces

TOP JUJ, the only possible way for them to join forces is if there actually was an alien invasion on earth.

Do you even know these countries apart from USA, Australia and Russia?
I have some serious doubts about it.

I can point to almost all 192 countries on a map, excluding most Caribbean and Pacific islands.

Whatever shit will happen first I want to be allienced with Polaks.


Proxy fag detected ?

It's always nice to lose a war on the side of our northern brothers.

Stars represent resistance movements within the countries

This hurts my heart, hopefully next election we will get right-wing president again. Fuck this left-wing president.

>alliance which Russia is part of
>Serbia is not part of said alliance

>Malaysia is divided into 2 pieces

Suggested name: The Antepodal League


Add Holland

"Genocide the whites" alliance

This is retarded, and you should feel retarded.


>american education

The Union of Islamic States.

Rainbow alliance.


Maybe you are right I like them more than to be a part of loosing team. But picking romania for an ally is also a terrible idea. Who would even want us in their team?

Check my trips fuckers

Australia is out.


We should just evacuate all the whites from Tiszántúl and deport all the gypsies there.
Then let the Romanians invade it. I mean it's rightfully theirs, cuz they were xDXdxXD already xdDxd there and they are also the descendants of the xDxDDXd Romans xDXDxDXD, right?xxDxdxDXDxd