Everybody notice how the Heebs have eased off after MAGA gave assurances to Bibi?

Okay Okay 1 State Solution, who cares?
>Good goyyy!
>NBC no ties to Russians
>Look at all the evidence from before that there were no ties to Flynn by previous investigations

Really makes you fucking Ponder!

One thing you have to understand.
There is a difference between zionists and globalists. Soros is a gllobalist while Netanyahu is a Zionist. Both have very different agendas and it is why soros hates the conservative Israelis because they are preventing him from using Israel as a tool for world domination.

riiight. I've heard it all before. Then I talk to actual Zionists and they say, Ease off Soros. He's a good boy dindu nuffin. And then Soros calls off his feminists in Tel Aviv with their tits hanging out. And then the Zionists build the Israeli Supreme Court building with NWO Rothschild money..

The pondering continues.

I can't even read your jargon. You stormweenies are too ignorant to fabricate a simple sentence

not an argument

You can read it. You just have to dance. That's all.

I'm not here to argue with children.

you arent here to argue


School's out

Has JIDF arrived?

Trump is wedging a division between the zionists and the globalists.

He is preventing the globalists from being able to hide behind antisemitism.

They are the same thing, dude.

that press conference just underlined what a bumbling idiot trump is, btw.

>that blurted out comment about the settlements
>those evasive cringe answers

oh well, lets see how this will develop in the ME. it might get seriously ugly tbqh

How are they the same thing when Net and Soros are enemies?

If they were allies you would know. They would have already established a one world government by now and trump would have completely denounced Net

Honestly I'm glad the Israelis are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want now. I'm tired of hearing that phrase 'two state solution' from the lying mouth of skull and bones NWO faggots like Kerry. Now the ball is in the israeli's court. Which is odd for them. Maybe they even preferred the cover of us being the bungling one. Now they have to grow up and fly out of their goddam nest... hahah.

wew. I feel like I'm describing the goddam conspiracy to the conspirators hahah.
>It's all part of a giant scheme, goy. >Nothing you can do about it.

It's called a good-cop bad cop routine, idiot. Or for the more fancy tongue it's what's called the Hegelian Dialectic.

I don't think you're a stupid person but for your own benefit do some research. It isn't healthy for you to circle jerk with nazis. Question your self by doing independent research and finding the real truth instead of being a sheep whom can't think for himself.

Here's one thing, jew. I don't believe in the Holocaust...but I will tell you this: I support the propaganda about it--do you know why? It's better if it is true. And do you know why? Because then we won't have another mass extinction event stationed right here in the US...I'll tell you how Jews work if you don't already know---

Is every jew involved? No.

We both know that they are malicious schemers.

They do this til they are found out, a pogrom takes places and they can blast out in the international press how they are persecuted.

Its always the same cycle.

Trump will just slow down the demise not stop it.

And maybe he was part of their plan all a long to plunge the uS into a war before real deal natsocs would take over while the white population is still numerous enough to keep the country running.

It is indeed fascinating how jews keep doing this over and over again...like a murderer that burns the house down to cover his tracks..

Because I disagree with you you accuse me of being a kike. This is why I can't take you stormweenies serious.

fine--don't address anything I have to say. Who's the child, again?

>disagree with someone
>accuse them of being "stormweenie"

You aren't any better.

Holy shit I haven't seen JIDF in a while

hey guys where ya been?

I'm basically just tired of thinking about jews...How about you guys?

>they have to grow up and fly out of their nest

wtf are the palestinians gonna do? they ain't got shit, every one of israel's neighbors has either chilled TF out (egypt, jordan) or is so destabilized they don't matter anymore (Lebanon, IRan)

Israel has never had it so good

true. ten bucks says it won't stop them from complaining though

>I'm tired of thinking about Jews
Bitch, please. You don't have to live next door to a bunch of inbred, disease-ridden thieving scumbags. Christ I hate Haredi Jews, they're like faggots who glue dildos to themselves and run around screaming.

I believe that if t came down to it, and Israel wanted war with SAA Iran and Russia, I feel like Trump would say sorry this isnt good for America.

>When Bibi revealed how long he's known Jared.

What did he mean by this?

>I talk to actual Zionists
doubt it. soros is on record saying he wishes to remove the ethnic element of judaism (and is hardly jewish in any religious sense himself either).


kek. He's a real reliable source.