WWIII just been declared lads. You've just been drafted into Trump's airforce to liberate Europe (again)

WWIII just been declared lads. You've just been drafted into Trump's airforce to liberate Europe (again)
>name your Flying Fortess
>What are you going to paint on the nose?

I'm tall and I have poor eyesight, so I'll just write GTKWWN on my desk.

>name your Flying Fortess
>What are you going to paint on the nose?
see pic


Enola Gay 2


I would just paint a giant smug pepe on my plane.


Christian Bale pointing towards the cockpit


How many mission will we fly?



Wait who took europe this time? Not that it matters i would fucking join in a second.



You should have a tally of all your kills on the side of the plane and make sure you have a get before the end of the war

>Anally Gay with Milo prolapsing aids juice onto Saudi Arabia.

The NAP (tm)

i hope they get here before its too late (again)

Trump 2020

7777 combat flights

Tbh i dunno Estonia, but I'll be back to have sex with the survivors if it's any consolation to ya, had a qt 3.14 Estonian gf once before, best fuck ever.


I said girl not trans-fucking-vestite

>Name the airship
>What are you going to paint on the nose
>Implying you'd be using such a style of aircraft in 2017, and implying you'd be allowed to paint it

Death, Destroyer of Worlds
And a grim reaper painted on the side.

Digits Express


The cuck den
A merchant

Nice. Impressive.


Name: Die Cis White Scum!
Nose Art: naked Lena Dunham riding a 500 pound bomb

Long Legs for EU

I'll just call it "The Cunt".
I'll paint a big shit on the side and stock only Bunnings sausages for rations.

>tfw I'll never shoot japs out of the sky in a plane with a WESTERN ARTIST 2D Waifu painted on the side of it as I high five my ample chinned squad mates while smoking Winston cigarettes

why live?

Big Guy U U U U

The Triple K Mafia with a Moonman on the nose.

So just two Lena Dunhams?

>only males get drafted

Would american men REALLY be that stupid? To die for what women have become after they preached equal rights and equal roles for 50 years?

That's a B-25 Mitchell.

how about they go have a nice war in asia this time

>Name of the airship
>Paint on the nose
Pirate symbol

>Pic related

>name your Flying Fortress
>posts a Mitchell


>Airforce name
Pig with red glowing eyes to scare mudslimes shitless.

>painting a merchant
>not naming it Merchant of Death

>"Praise kek"
>Pepe with the 777s


>Name of the airship
Bane or The Big Guy or Big Guy's Bane
>Paint on the nose
Bane's mask

The honey badger. Also place an Anime waifu on the plane. From Wisconsin.

i will paint a picture of this green frog.

Pepes on the nose art.

Europe is entirely under Jewi...American control.
There is absolutely no chance that in the event of a WW3, European states will be against Isra...US in any way.

Best case if the tail number has digits. But what would my nose art be?

i hope hed meant flying fortress as a generic term for a big bomber. i dont think wed want to send b17s or b25s to a modern war

>implying I won't be flying a b-21 on bombing runs over china
>implying her name won't be Misato

I already have bombers named after me.

pepe or a long checking arm pointing at the tail or something of that nature I suppose

Sorry man



I'd name it "Merkel's Lament" and have a picture of a naked blonde chick with a suprised look on her face and a Burqa falling off.

If you faggots don't all request pepes to be painted on you are dead to me

>Tfw you Great uncle (Ted White) had the only flying b-17 in all of Europe but gave it to the B-17 Preservation LTD in his will.





kek, I lost my sides. I call mounting machine gun.

Rebel Scum

Big Boss
Pic related

Pepe trump inhaling a whole pig, and the ship would be name Pepe trump inhaling a whole pig.

Liquid surprise
Goatse painted on the nose

Stop liberating me faggot

>tfw can't paint ladies on planes anymore because muh sexism

I would have the nose painted like a dick and the bomb-bay doors painted like a butt and the bombs all painted brown

>to liberate Europe

Der ewige Anglo is craving for more aryan blood...

Beware the insular jew!

>name your Flying Fortess
>What are you going to paint on the nose?
Mercy throwing a Seig Heil


Jude Stealth Bomber MKI
The file attached to fool (((them)))

voluptuous pepe pointing to tail number it is then