So i asked why people where opposed to race mixing and the response i got was "Blackies have bad genes low iq so immoral!!!!" but here is the thing i dont believe iq to have to do with genes but if it did me being a black man with an above avarage iq would be good for you race
Race/Race mixing
i know i just misspelled average but shit happens
>i dont believe iq to have to do with genes
why not?
Because I don't want to live in Brazil.
Either do you but you're a faggot
>Above average IQ
>Still lower than average for whites
You could be a fucking Einstein for blacks and it would still be lower than the average IQ for whites.
You fucks accuse Americans of being ignorant.
I'll tell you what, come to Houston or go to Chicago...and just walk around downtown. See if you still want summa dat.
I don't believe in iq being related to genes because my parents have pretty average jobs but me and my brother have above average iq's and it makes way more sense that its mostly do to social developments and i never heard of an specific "iq gene"
>Still lower than average for whites
Actually, the average IQ for whites is 110, so it's pretty easy to beat. I'm black, and my IQ is at least 10 points above that.
>See if you still want summa dat.
Summa dat wat?
My iq is 120 that is above the average white male sorry to burst your bubble
Their main reason against it is also white genocide. They think that white people are coming out of extinction.
What you believe is irrelevant to reality.
Kill yourself already.
>What you believe is irrelevant to my reality.
>Doesn't understand averages and generalizations
>Claims high iq
>Because things are this way for me, it's this way for everyone else
There's plenty of people with high IQ who simply don't care about how much more money they can make or what their social status is.
And I'm not saying that because I'm like that, I doubt my IQ is above white average.
An exception to the rule proves the existence of the rule
as based as the Sleepy Doctor is he got a lot of help via positive discrimination. There's a reason he quit whilst he was ahead whereas white and oriental colleagues of his are still working as neurosurgeons
I think because the children would have trouble identifying who they are culturally. This would lead to depression extremism for which culture they want to probe they're a part of.
WTF are you talking about? The average IQ for whites isn't even enough to get into college. What point are you making and what point did you think I was making?
I did an iq test made by probably white people in a majority white country and got a 120 which is above most white people? so what your saying is even tough my genes are good according to this logic their still bad because i'm not Caucasian ?
You can't reason with stormfag beta males who sit in their mothers basements, most of them morbidly obese and with assorted health problems calling for day of the rope.
>positive discrimination
I feel like that is an excuse. Also, he didn't quite while he was ahead but carried on since he now has a job as one of trump's workers in the white house.
It's ironic these white trash genetic failures calling for eugenics and genocide are perma virgin rejects, with no chance of finding a mate unless the state intervenes in their favour.
i've met a lot of mixed race people and i wil say most identify as one or the other their are some people however who are perfectly fine with being in between i wont deny the fact that some kids might struggle with it but that is more because of the lack of exepetence by other people
>I think because the children would have trouble identifying who they are culturally
the mch culture argument. Although this is true and I have spoken to some who do feel this way, but you're making it seem like much big of a problem than it actually is. Most mix people in my school just hang out with the black kids or white. Just be friends with whoever you fit in with and feel comfortable with.
> i asked why people where opposed to race mixing and the response i got was "Blackies have bad genes low iq so immoral!!!!"
Obvious shill thread, anyone who has talked about racemixing in here can confirm this is bait.
Mixed raced people are ugly, and besides that a mixed race child has no true identity. What made both parents' races unique is diluted and lost when the races mix.
I'm sorry to bust your bubble but I'm not payed by Jews i hardly met any Jews like 2 also i never got an offer to get payed for posting about race
>Mixed raced people are ugly
[citation needed] Also, sorry to burst your bubble but whites can be ugly too.
>besides that a mixed race child has no true identity
seeand>What made both parents' races unique is diluted and lost when the races mix.
So. If two people love each other, they can make any type of baby they want there are hundreds or millions of whites in the world and also what they create will be unique.
i'm black and i'm smart but not extremely athletic decently athletic cause i played sports all my life but nothing special also have you seen some mixed race people a lot look really good south america is basically filled with good looking mixed race woman
Logic won't work with her.
>fb IQ quizzes that you saw your grandma get a 300 on doesn't count.
The dutch, everyone.
The swedecuck everyone.
Race is a pseudoscience. Why are you surprised that racists cite other pseudosciences as pretenses for their racism? They've been doing that as their go-to for over 150 years now.
Race mixing destroys cultures.
Also find any local half nigger and ask him about his childhood. The blacks see him as 'not black enough' and the whites disregard him as trash.
I'm going to be honest with you. If I ever find out that I girl that I'm interested in has ever so much as made out with a black man I would never go near her again. That is a stain that cannot wash off.
>Race mixing destroys cultures.
No it doesn't.
>Also find any local half nigger and ask him about his childhood. The blacks see him as 'not black enough' and the whites disregard him as trash.
seeand see
Nobody cares you fucking leaf.
right on, whites have been keeping other countries from getting prosperous for way too long
Official iq test bro
I'm a USA mutt, Italian and polish. I am tan with blue eyes. Confession: I'm dating and will eventually impregnate an Egyptian / Colombian woman. She's pretty light skinned, people usually assume she is half or 1/4 Asian. Our children will likely be very attractive. Feel free to not believe any of this.
Really where did you do yours?
Whatever you say darky. That's the reality that you probably will never be able to accept. Any true redpilled man will never go near a woman who has laid with a black man. Chances are shes either fucked in the head or she now has an std. You should get off of this website if you can't understand that.
>If I ever find out that I girl that I'm interested in has ever so much as made out with a black man I would never go near her again.
Can you please explain your reason for this i can think of one reason maybe your not that big a man and her being with a black man intimidates you? i hope you have an actual good reason tough
>better insult canada
lmao this fucking limey with sharia zones
An official dutch institution
What's your problem? You say you're black but you name is "randomdutchman", you say you're smart but "don't believe that intelligence is genetic", you say blacks are fine even tho everything in the world indicates otherwise, you say you contribute to society but you left your shithole of a country (Suriname I guess?) because it was a mess, you say your genes are good but your face resembles a monkey's, and lastly you made this thread in a pathetic attempt to justify racemixing with a white woman saying you're smart even tho the reason you want to racemix in the first place is because you know you're inferior and wish to give your offspring a genetic upgrade. Fuck off subhuman.
Theres also diseases that apply solely to blacks/asians/whites
Mixing may open your kid up to contracting diseases from both side, which would be unhealthy
Then theres the muh feelings like
>wanting a kid that looks like you
>not wanting your race to die
To be honest Im not against mix-raced couples. In general theyre very rare, and if they truly love each other thats great. If a white woman is with a 120 IQ black man who owns a business and a nice house, whatever. I just find it ridiculous that theres so much race-mixing propaganda.
The only way to combat pro-mixing is to be anti-mixing.
In reality Im pretty neutral, and believe most whites will be inherently not attracted to blacks
>don't want to live in brazil.
Too late
>That's the reality that you probably will never be able to accept.
I fully understand that there are people out there that don't like me. No matter who you are there will be people that will not like you it could be due to your political belief, your personality or things out of your control like skin colour I just don't expect everyone to like me it's life. But at the same time, I don;t think everyone hates me and live in a world where absolutely everyone is a racist.
>Any true redpilled man will never go near a woman who has laid with a black man.
>Chances are shes either fucked in the head, or she now has an std.
You are a walking stereotype of a white, red neck racist who believes in absolutes such as all blacks commit crimes and all people of a certain race are the same. You have brought nothing of importance this thread just rehashed versions of what other people have said.
>You should get off of this website if you can't understand that.
I'm black, I've been here for at least a year, still happy with myself and you are definitely not going to change that, Leaf!
>Muh dick!
It has nothing to do with penis size and everything to do with the fact that blacks act like animals. They have the highest rates of STI infections, they have no manners, they cheat constantly on the women they are with and they act very low class. They also tend to knock up a bunch of women and then leave them hanging offering no support or even being apart of their childrens lives.
Knowing that, if a woman still chooses to lay with a nigger then she isn't worthy of respect, let alone my attention or affection. That might comes as a shock to you because nobody has ever told you the truth but the reality is that those women who do burn coal are forever tainted.
>The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late adolescents and adults.[70][71] It may seem reasonable to expect genetic influences on traits like IQ to become less important as one gains experiences with age. However, the opposite occurs. Heritability measures in infancy are as low as 0.2, around 0.4 in middle childhood, and as high as 0.8 in adulthood.[72][73] One proposed explanation is that people with different genes tend to reinforce the effects of those genes, for example by seeking out different environments.[8]
of course this says nothing about correlation with race
hey user, im a black user too and ive accepted a genetic component to racial differences. have you? I personally dont think the truth should get out though
>have you?
>I personally don't think the truth should get out, though.
I think it should but only to the black community, so it gives some sort of motivation to look at themselves and realise they are the problem and not the white man.
Thanks to this guy, average white IQ is a point or two lower than it would otherwise be.
first of all yes i am Suriname's but i see myself as a Surinamese dutch man because i was born in The Netherlands i go to school here dutch is my first language etc i been to Suriname beautiful place i'm very proud of my Surinamese heritage but i only been there like 3 times and i notice when i'm there there are a lot of cultural differences between dutch Surinamese people and people that life their that a side i know it might look like i just wanna justify me dating a white woman but i personally don't have a special thing for white woman like some are good looking but so are a lot of black woman i don't want a white wife i want one who is intelligent i just don't want to limit myself to only one race of intelligent woman
>You are a walking stereotype of a white, red neck racist who believes in absolutes such as all blacks commit crimes and all people of a certain race are the sam
Alright, I'll bite. Can you explain to me why black people act like criminals in every country they inhabit? Even in Canada where there was never any history of slavery towards blacks we are seeing black people over represented within the prison population.
>But at the same time, I don;t think everyone hates me and live in a world where absolutely everyone is a racist
You should. Nobody wants to live around black people. You people fuck up any society or neighborhood that you inhabit. People choose to stay away from you and walk across the street to steer clear of you because generally speaking most blacks act like thugs and animals.
>I'm black, I've been here for at least a year,
Fucking newfags shitting up this board. You'll learn soon enough why blacks are hated here. Maybe then you'll do the world a favor and fuck off back to Africa.
1). You could be underestimating your one or both of your parents' IQ.
2). Genetics are weird; I look more like my uncle than my dad. My nephew looks more like my dad than me. Traits aren't always passed down from parents to kids in a visually obvious way.
3). Environment is also a factor. APA says that IQ is ~75% heritable. 25% is a enough to make a noticeable difference.
> i dont believe iq to have to do with genes
Whelp, opinion disregarded. Moving on.
i don't live in the best neighborhood in The Netherlands and i can tell you i see my white neighbors do the same thing as some of my black and Muslim neighbors you seem very angry towards black man i don't know why maybe you blame them for your ever lasting virginity i don't know but educated black people act way better then white trash so your fooling yourself with your logic cause the girl your with could still have been with a degenerate
More like RandomImmigrantMan or Random(((Dutch)))man.
Look, i don't have nothing against you, however you need understand race mixing creates a huge problem that goes beyond basic understanding and touches in history, sociology and biology.
have you read any hbd blogs at all? I recommend looking into hbd as opposed to "race realists" and the like. hbdchick, jayman, peter frost, and others.
gene culture coevolution/dual inheritance theory is the real red pill. Environments and cultures change; selective pressures change with them.
Any population can begin shifting their selective pressures. Ashkenazi gained their superior intellect in a few centuries. Whites went from snowniggers to civilized relatively quickly as well on a historical scale. West African Igbos are smart as hell.
Populations are real, but old school categories "Negroid", "Caucasoid", etc...are not very useful when studying this stuff.
>be latino
>browse Sup Forums because its the best news source
>keep seeing "we must secure the future for our beautiful white race" post followed by this exact fucking shit
>suddenly realize that white women are physically thee most attractive race
>cannot get hard at the thought of non-white women
>realize white people are genetically intelligent
>realize that white people are going extinct and this maybe my only chance to get some of those white genetics before white people realize wtf is going on and start segregating themselves
Good job faggots. As of this moment i will make it my goal in life is to race mix with white women. Its all i want now, i have to improve my genes. As soon as i find a 8/10+ white woman i'm going to do the ol'mexiroo and cum inside her and not tell her so she's stuck with me and i can have the perfect white / brown family of my dreams. I never asked for this fetish faggots
>Alright, I'll bite
>Can you explain to me why black people act like criminals in every country they inhabit?
[citation needed] Also whites can be even more worse look up Tulsa race riots on Wikipedia. It was exactly what an ideal black community and whites just bombed it.
>black people over represented within the prison population
Multiple socio-economic reasons, e.g., there not being a father figure the culture and such. But there are good black communities even now in North Texas Desoto there is a black community that is really wealthy. I guess it's just due to living in the right environment. Also, environments can improve i1 by at least 10 points.
>You should. Nobody wants to live around black people.
You are a walking stereotype of a white, red neck racist who believes in absolutes. Not all whites are like YOU! Can't you understand that there are people out there that have different opinions towards you? I've even spoken to whites who do know about the state of the black community, but if there were a good black community, they wouldn't mind living there.
>You'll learn soon enough why blacks are hated here.
Nigga, I think I've gotten the memo. Also, I've known this before I even came onto Sup Forums. I learnt about the iq thing when I was 14. Also, I have thick skin and the jokes don;t offend me.
Watch this Norse documentary and tell me you still don't believe in differences in average IQ between races.
>Tl;dw there are huge differences in athletic ability due to genetics. Olympic sprinting is won by west africans genetically (though usually jamaicans from west african descent as they have bigger chance of being scouted and not malnourished), olympic marathons are won by east africans. If we accept as most evolutionary biologists do, that there are race differences in body, then why not differences in the brain, the most expensive organ in our body?
>Ashkenazi gained their superior intellect in a few centuries.
yeah i've heard about that and it is what gives me hope that there can be a prosperous black community. Also, have you heard of tulisa and the race riot?
>first of all yes i am Suriname's
The dutch, everyone.
How much of a nigger do you have to be to consider yourself a brown latino? I've seen cases of supposed latino people having white kids just like any other average white couple.
Regression to the mean. Two high iq parents will likely have children with iq closer to their racial average, just as two low iq parents are likely to have a higher iq kid, if their genetic iq on average is higher.
Besides, it doesn't make much sense to do these kind of things on the basis of one example.
Seen it a ton. Just raise your child to be hard working and build good habits then he'll be alright. Sure it will be difficult "IF" he has a low IQ, but then again hard work beats talent.
the memoirs of an autistic burger, ladies and gentlemen. likely was present at the HWNDU livestream mongrel fest as well.
kek same here. Once I accepted the HBD pill, I now want nothing more than to upgrade. It only makes sense because I want what is best for my children. Why wouldn't I want to ensure my kids have every advantage possible? By marrying white (smart white not redneck white), our kids will be whiter, smarter, and more attractive.
Here are two government studies that show mixed children end up with many more health issues than single race children.
The "advantage" of mixing is only there for the lower race as in the black race.
You give up a very simple thing: the ability to absorb as many rays from the sun as you can.
The more pigmentation you have, the more for example vitamin d gets blocked out and results in health risks, physical as vitamin d deficiency concerning joints and muscles and also psychologically as vitamin d deficiency is one of the number one reasons for depression.
Also mixed race children get unhealthy birthmarks etc see picture
The mother died her hair to match the child's birthmark.
These kind of birthmarks are fairly common South Africa where race mixing was studied intensely.
>i dont believe iq to have to do with genes
Science have proven genes played a large role in IQ of a person.
It's about bell curves, stupid nigger. Yes there will be some smart black people, but you can't build functioning democracy on average iq 80, which is the average american black iq (they have on average 20% euro genes)
Have you looked at the bell curve? It's controversial and some of it has been challenged, but interesting nevertheless
See races here. If you do not look like a Congoid, you are not a full blown African. You are mixed with Arabs and or Whites/Asians.
weak. Those health issues are so rare, they're not even worth being worried about statistically speaking.
That picture just stole some synapses from me.
I have no problem with people marrying, fucking, or breeding with whomever they want.
... what I have a problem with is when the political and media establishment promote it and actively discourage the preservation of one's own ethnic group.
17% get anencephaly, polydactyly, and microtia
6% get hypospadias and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
That is rare? If 17% of white people were born blind, that would considered normal?
If 6% of all black people were born without arms that would be considered rare?
>i don't believe
>me being a black man
You can see why i don't give a fuck?
That's good, but true information is better than false information and when both are hardworking the one with more talent/iq will win more consistently.
i'm as Congoid as you can get beautiful wide nose luscious big lips and chocolate skin
Sure thing.
I like you have to use a picture of a black brain surgeon who is famous for having a job that is mostly white people.
That should tell you a lot.
He's an exception. Whites are the rule.
>when both are hardworking the one with more talent/iq will win more consistently.
Sure but the low iq person can still achieve a high level of success by hard work. He could start his own business or something sure he might hit a roof where he can't get above but he can still achieve a very high status in life and with luck he can possibly go higher than a person with a high iq.
OP is right you storm weenies and you pseudo science like muh haplogroups need to fuck off
2 points why IQ is bullshit and doesnt further your pro white agenda
1. Gooks and chinks have higher IQ than whites
>but muh white race is more creative, than chinks
yeah no , the amount of inventions made by asian's and copied by europeans is way more than the vice versa
2. the average indian in india has an IQ of 80 the average 2nd generation indian in the US has an IQ of 110, similar difference to that of blacks from africa and blacks immigrants in USA.
intelligence really is like 95% environment, also if you come from a lineage of poor people as do many blacks ur more likely to have a low IQ because of epigenetics , again because of environment that your ancesters were in fucked up their dna to the point their dna passed on shitty dumb nigger genes, but the more niggers are in a better environment with more nutrition than their dna and their offsprings dna will improve.
People have to understand that regular normal working class people have an iq of around 90-100
It's not like it would be hard for a nigger to get up to 80 with hard work. This wouldn't mean he can fully grasp everything a 106 can but hed be a working class man even a little simple if so.
People that are well trained in mental capabilities have an iq of around 120-140 depending on who you talk to. Some even higher.
Blacks cannot achieve that in a single race black man. If he was mixed probably, but a Congoid and Caproid lack the brain capacity to even develop such IQ levels.
The average black man's IQ in Northern America is 82.
>17% get anencephaly, polydactyly, and microtia
>6% get hypospadias and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
HAHA you cant into risk ratio. Allow me to explain to you what the numbers in your linked study mean.
> moderately increased risks (risk ratio >/= 1.7) of anencephaly, polydactyly, and microtia
This means that there 1.7 times as likely chance of one of those things happening compared to a white only couple. This says nothing of the fact that the chances are slim to begin with.
>(risk ratio
Not everyone who sees race is a stormfag
1. No one denies that, of anything it just helps out the different races theroy
2.110 is slightly above average, that's good they are improving but intelligent whites and intelligent Asians can reach 140+
That then means 70% more likely. Even higher.
It's not just an IQ issue as far as i'm concerned. Let's say (for sake of argument) that blacks had normal average IQs. It still would be a problem for aesthetic reasons. It would destroy European Morphology on the long run. (which is also part of European identity)...Why would you want to destroy people who look like this ?
And even if we ignore this (we can't but let's pretend)...It would destroy our culture too...(because , you change the people , you change the culture...Japan wouldn't be Japan if it was filled with Chinese or Koreans would it ?)..