>post yfw you see through the jokes
>poo poo pie
who gives a shit. sage
sorry i donĀ“t spend all day on pol, faggot
LMAO, dat concern face
Kek such a poser
At least burn some synagogues for credibility.
The Stormer has been pretty good lately
Dat jaw. Is that a trap?
in all honesty, it was objectively quite funny.
>arwa mahamuudwi
You appear to be a foreigner in MY fucking country complaining about how we do things
How about you fuck off back to Abu Dhabi to get raped by your cousin because you showed a bit of leg? Oh right that's why you left
>Are you laughing yet?
Yes, I have been laughing at your ilk for years. The world is sad enough without you (not Pewdiepie, you) creating more shit to be sad about. I will forever view you as comedy material, because your ideas are ridiculous to the point of humor.
iDubbbz can say nigger as much as he wants.
Filthy Frank can make fun of any Asian as much as he wants.
God forbid anyone says something about Jews though.
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
Around jews, you loose
fuck you porker i eat your mum tonight
>Much of this started with Sup Forums, a notorious internet message board, which spawned a racist trolling culture and basically wrote the rulebook for the way in which white supremacy is coded and spread online.
Alright, own up. Who's sat on the rulebook?
How is this any different than WE WUZ KANGS N SHEET
that's awesome
If I literally got to watch some Jews burn to death or something like that, right in front of me, I would probably laugh a little.
I can't stand niggers. But even they I would prefer over the kikes.
I want to genuinely wipe out the Jewish people, altogether. Can't say I hate any other group of people even near that much.
>libtards redpill all the young fans of a pewds (size of a medium size country) by being totalitarian, sensationalist, no fun faggots
Yeah well done cucks. This is why we will KEEP WINNING for the upcoming decades.
It's not a joke.
It's a statement.
How come jews are allowed to constantly peddle death to all white people?
>trying to guilt by association 50 million 12 year olds
kek, they have no idea
I really wish I could still be entertained by clickbait headlines.
>This is what Western media has become
>Arwa mahdawi
Oh god that is truly a traditional English name.
no shit
what morons
>Arwa Mahdawi
Yeah i'm laughing at your ridiculous name, what are you, a Star Wars character?
People say death to all white people ALL THE TIME and nobody bats a fucking eye
I'm laughing a lot. I hate the jews
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements
in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside
Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
This young activist was run over on purpose by an Israeli military
bulldozer while trying to stop them from destroying a village
to make room for Jewish only settlements
In reality iserealies are OK. I don't care what happens to the American jew
Yeah I'm laughing at how he got every media outlet to report on a jew joke
>Arwa fuckmyasswhatshittynamesdothesepeoplehave
What makes her think that anyone gives a shit about she has to say?
because blacks weren't really kings
Stop reading fake news.
>the guardian
This trash is on its death bed. They will be bankrupt soon.
Sorry mate, I think I left it at your mums place
i have been laughing since 1944
he is still laughing.
>wonder why Canada doesn't get any aid
>realize that it would probably be spent on turning Ottawa into a giant bong that would smoke out the states
Still, probably money better spent than on Israel.
But "death to all Jews" was not the joke. The joke was to pay a fiver to guys who would literally show up a sign saying that while dancing.
h3h3 explaind it better:
I'm laughing quite a bit. I'll be giving a mighty chuckle watching you kikes and shitskins be dragged into the trains, too.