Lauren Southern or Tomi lahren?
>a whore or another whore
gee i wounder
Tomi Lahren = female PJW
Lauren Southern is a man so......
Southern will get fat in a few years. Lahren has better genes.
>Being attracted to women because of their political beliefs
Literally why do faggots care about the girl's political alignment? It makes no difference to me and it shouldn't be a matter of concern to you either.
>but muh redpill
Men can be redpilled, It's not the woman's job to defend civilization from the third world hordes.
>muh conservative wife
She doesn't have to be politically active to be a traditional wife. In fact it's probably a red flag if a girl is too politically active. Why? Because most political clubs and organizations are sausage fests.
Hey there cuck boy, how are those dresses you wear working out for ya?
They both burned coal.
>Literally why do faggots care about the girl's political alignment? It makes no difference to me and it shouldn't be a matter of concern to you either.
It speaks a lot about their morals retard. You want to start a relationship where you both fundamentally disagree on the most basic values?
This is libel and you deserve jailtime
faith goldy
Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling?
patrician here
>all these faggots that wouldn't bang them
they're both fucking hot. either one, you fags
tomi and not even a contest
I love her voice. Canadian non regional diction gets my syrup steaming.
Tomi is too fucking skinny it makes her cranky all the time because she is starving. Lauren is the superior choice.
Call me when they take the Molyneux pill and stop getting paychecks from Ezra at Rebel Media.
Women who hold political views should be stayed away from at all costs, even if they agree with you. Politics should be left to men.
Tomi any day.
Hmmm which dumb blonde kike mouthpiece controlled opposition whore? So hard to decide
Kat Timpf
Also stop posting threads about yourself Lauren
ikr where the dicks at for fags like u
millie weaver
how bout both?
I don't know who Tomi is but Lauren is 18 and she looks 35.
What happened?
posting best girl
Burn coal pay the toll
Hey Ezra! What products should I buy today to support Israel?
One post by this ID
i wish she had a penis
>tips fedorah
>no mention of porn being banned
shit image
how much would you pay lauren to sit on your face and grind her vagina and anus in your face
>Current year
>Respecting blacked roasties
>It makes no difference to me and it shouldn't be a matter of concern to you either.
>it doesnt matter if your gf would jail you for disagreeing, stripping you of your kids and your futur.
>it doesnt mater if your gf supports theft or violence as a means for political solutions.
wew boy how cucked are you?
Both, at the same time.
Since I know hes iberian my boner its not so good, sorry. Looks portuguese to me.
Forty dollars
Best MAGA gurl right here.
>shitpost on Sup Forums and chill
this sloot
>marry qt and have 5 kids with
this one
>Both extremely plain looking
>Both have disgusting leaf accent
>Both are obviously faking the whole redpilled thing. I mean, they might be a bit redpilled but they over-do it for attention from "Muh conservative wife" betas
Ill take a bullet, thanks.
Tomi lahren seems more comfy when you're alone with her.
For me, it's Lauren Southern.
Neither, both are dumb as dirt.
you only have to fuck them, not marry them
>ill call him ezra, thatll totally show that im not a flaming fag
calla maricon
Who cares. Fuck them both and fuck you.
How about a fucking SAGE
Lauren southern with a bag on her head then
the younger one dipshit
My mistake! I just assumed you were Ezra but should've know you were JIDF instead
>caring about a woman's beliefs and opinions
>being this cucked
Tomi did, idk about Lauren.
I vote for the iberian beauty Lauren Southern
still not funny
Don't forget Liz Wheeler, lads.
I would
If Tomi is confirmed coal burner than the answer is obvious.
C'mon Schlomo lighten up.
Or do you get docked pay if you're discovered?
this is the first time i realized they were different people
>can't read
>can't write
>Kent State
Lauren admitted to wanting to hate fuck Trudeau so the other one wins by default
1k usd
>A wild Kat Timpf appears
Tomi's face with Lauren's body and Ben Garrison's zealous pro-white advocacy
pad C3
This. She is best girl
She's been looking terrible lately.
and checked
Both look like they are robots made of plastic.
Tomi ate dinner with a halfbreed and left alone. You have no proofs
Boy, that got me bad.
nothing if I cannot fill her up with my semen over a weekend session, but for that I would pay about $5,000.
Neither of them seem to have any real depth to their supposed convictions. They do poorly under even minor scrutiny.
Her old posts on twitter/instagram showed quite the, um, "party" lifestyle before she purged it. Not at all the conservative traditional gal she likes to play today. Circumstantial evidence is all that's needed.
Second for Millie, she's dumb, but she's adorable.
Southern because she has a better body and seems like a more fun person in general. At the end of the day they're just riding the wave of "conservatism" like any other e-celeb is.
her gap is delicious
>her interview with Richard Spencer
I confirm.
Lauren is hotter but she works for Jewish controlled opposition.
I am too dumb for this image please explain merchant
I preffer Lauren. Tomi is cool but I can't stand her voice.
>intends to kill 50 people
not possible?
Oh wait, I didn't read the trolleys contain 10 people also.
Post Moar Rares pls
You can literally see the facepaint falling off.
Why though, she seems like she would be cute without make-up.