No show today?
True Capitalist Radio
Ghost sounded really jaded yesterday, he seems to be sick of his faggot fanbase
Ghost is a no call no show today
If I were his boss I'd fire him
Ghost said he'd be taking a break because the autistic meme loving fucks on Sup Forums acting like nothing is wrong
Yeah, for not sucking his completely on every issue. The inner goys are all he needs.
Don't blame him, the TCR fanbase needs its own Night of Long Knives.
lel he truly is a fucking fag
He got doxxed by you fags. fuck Ghost and fuck white people.
I live for ghosts anus anguish
Just because we don't buy into his Alexander Dugin "muh Russia" bullshit
If I didn't know better, I'd say Ghost is a CIA asset for all that verbal sewage
He's lost hope. You faggots decided to meme away while being psy-oped to make Russia into /ourguys/
Doing 3 hour long shows 5 days a week is a little bit more difficult than shitposting all day
Who cares - it's shit.
sad day, now I have to be productive with my life for 3 hrs
You should not have doxxed Ghost yesterday
>he thinks the cancer in the TCR fanbase comes from Sup Forums
Ghost didn't get doxed yesterday numb nuts
>"GODDAMN BRONIES!" *sound of beer cans crashing*
Literally the only thing I know about Ghost.
it is
ghostler was happy with memes until the tide turned and now he's butt-mad that the fight has got harder
>muh blue-tie trump
Forgive us if ghost's conspiracy theories don't get much play.
Ya he did he was here arguing with annon who knew who he was. check the archive.
no, no he was not
Why can't RG be like that again?
if anybody wants educational podcasts
His name is Andrew and his dog is a whippet.
Whats changed? Havent seen newer ghost.
Annon told him he would out him if he didn't get into the circle. now we get no Ghost today he is gone into hiding.
So first TRS gets doxxed, now Ghost? Wtf, I hate Sup Forumsacks now
Isn't this the guy those ponyfags used to troll? How pathetic do you need to be to get trolled by ponyfags?
Are there any inner circle members here today? Has he said anything?
why is ghost so mean to us Canadians :(
OK buddy, whatever you say
Check the archive proofs it wasn't him you have?
stop shilling this LITERAL FUCKING TRASH here
fuck off
He doesn't really lose it at ponytards as much anymore, but he still hates them. I'm just waiting for him to start a Night of Long Knives on them.
I was the OP of the tread dumb ass
Furthermore, there are those of us here who actually know his identity
I dont even know where Canadia is.
Ghost seems to relate it with bacon.
They were like "Honkeys BTFO"
Fuck off frogposter.
His identity? And that is: Tom?
yes, Thomas Albin
dude has a dog named Templeton
Shit is about to hit the fan, ghost is living it up right now enjoying the bit of peace we have left. This Russian shit as well as the deep state is no joke; this could legitimately hurt Trump since Pence is a backstabbing faggot and someone from the inside leaked info to make Trump and Flynn look bad.
Ghost is either in a bunker by now or incredibly drunk from all this fiasco involving the deep state
The grand happening we've been anticipating looms near Sup Forums
you must be super secret inner triangle within the inner circle. none of you fags know who he is.
I've never given Ghost one single dime
>Drump BTFO Trump train over WW3
Yes yes we know already
Of course.
It's undoubtedly him, but there's no way to verify since no public info is provided. He has a FB profile, maybe I should send him a request.
Only real way to find out is read his online address and head down to Texas.
And yet you clam to know his dox. No one here knows him. he is totally fake just listen to his first few shows where he pretends to have callers and it's just him arguing with himself. like the first 420 episode where he is the stoner.
Dugin wins yet again!
I still dont understand Ghost's fucking problem
He ranted yesterday about how Globaists are trying to out Trump and then blamed his supporters for getting into the memes despite the fact that he meme Pepe and Kek for most of 2016.
I think he's in the early stages of dementia
Ghost only acts like he did yesterday on days when he's sober
>doxxing ghost
Don't post shit like this on people who don't deserve it.
Do you think if Ghost doxxed himself it would really go viral like he says it would?
The lazy hambone is inserting horse dildos in his asscrack while watching Putin picture albums and listening to the Soviet anthem.
I do actually feel sorry for Mr. Albin
it was an unfortunate choice in dog names
Kek I have to hear this
Ya the 10 people who care out of his 200 brony listeners would order him a pizza.
Also unfortunate choice in getting a Chihuahua? I think the coincidences are a little to telling.
it's from true conservative radio like 2008-2009 April 420 eposode he gets a fake troll by another blogtalk show that's him and he pretends he is getting trolled by a pot smoker also him. kinda pathetic.
What's wrong with Chihuahuas?
Ghost's show sucked yesterday
He went full neoconservative.
Ghost shows always suck he just says the same shit every day with the same insults with the Same 5 people trolling him.
I'm just saying that one of Mr Albin's dogs is a Chihuahua, as well as being named Templeton. Ghost's dog Templeton is also a Chihuahua, and I also remember him explaining in one of the episodes after breaking his hiatus that Templeton was named after the rat in Charlotte's Web.
Good. Ghost needs to be boycotted after insulting us for liking both poltocts and anime/touhou/mlp. When he does absolutely god damn nothing himself. Most of his "sources" is likely Sup Forums anyway.
Ghosts dog is named after a town he got doxxed and is never coming back.
All little dogs are annoying shits people always claim there friendly which they aren't always bitching. Also whenever a nice big doggo goes by barking the whole time and big doggo pays no mind... Anyways he doesn't have a dog that's a soundboard you tards
No dog no wife doesn't live in Texas is poor and in a trailer park raised by a single mother. it's like you guys believe his persona. he won't even talk to the inner circle right now.
Are you a member of the inner circle?
what'd u think?
>tfw the bromance between Alex and Ghost has ended
Yes it's quite obvious there is a much larger facade going on here... And most people are buying into it
Jones has cut out Ghost from the water filter sales.
DESU I thought his reeeee yesterday had something to do with him not having a valentine
I was hoping to here his take on the secretary getting fired
He sudoku'd
>2016 has been a quiet year for bronies in True Capitalist Radio
maybe he's disheartened now that he's been abandoned by the bronies
>still believing that Ghost is a vietnam war vet in his 60s
The guy is in his mid 40s at most. Why do you think he knows so much about 80s/90s pop culture? Why does he never reference pop culture from when he was supposedly a child? Why do the stories we have of his youth always miss out any time-specific details? Why believe a man who has shown himself to be a compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur? And of course, the most damning evidence of all:
He even tells in the inner circle chats how he has several different online identities. He's gone into tangents on the show about how online acquaintances are not to be trusted. He literally says that if you believe the things people tell you about themselves online, you are stupid. This is probably why he hates his fanbase so much, because they suck his dick and don't even listen to his words.