What does Sup Forums think of this guy? Better than Merkel for Germany?
Martin Schulz
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Don't know much about him but he looks really Jewish, would not trust ;)
>Germany only exists to be a puppet state for Israel
>Refugees are more precious than gold
Germany should not be allowed to exist.
Just know him from trying to barage the Farage in the EU parliament.
Seems like a cunt.
I think you got something there
You joking right Hanz?
Literal shekelberg that shills for Skypes
Filthy kike
Germany Is Fucked.
I'm amazed that you Germans somehow managed to find the only person in the world worse than Merkel for Germany.
If there are any Germans who don't want Germany to turn into an extension of the middle east you should vote for AFD
Don't know much about him but I've seen threads shilling for him.
Blows my mind anyone on Sup Forums would ever unironically shill for a Jew.
Would be a change so yeah, why not.
Better for Germany as he'll kill the EU and left faster
Theyre all the same. You're Israel's bitch either way.
He's proving Hitler was right all along
Do you have anything to say OP?
Much better than Merkle. He actually cares about germany and germans.
He's absolutely terrible what ever happened to this fella
He's somehow even worse than Merkel and he's winning which doesn't make any sense until you remember that Germans hate themselves and want to commit suicide.
i don't know much about this baldy fuck, but from what i've heared from european anons, he seems to be far worse than merkel, and that is saying something...
>tfw germans have to choose between an old hag who imported niggers and dunedindus by the millions or a hardcore commie that will keep it up until europe turns into Al-Andalus
germany on suicide watch
A literal dog turd is better than Merkel.
Not that this guy is much better than a turd.
God emperor Schulz will make Europe great again.
>cares about Germans
Top kek m8
> he hasnt taken the schultzpill yet
no seriously this schultzposting is the lowest quality bait on Sup Forums. pol may be a board of peace and diversity, but I think all pollacks, from stormfag to lolbertarian to brony can agree that this man needs to be first on teh day of the rope.
I hope we can have a two for one hanging special on the day of the rope
I like how you cant blame the real cause of your problems (the jews) so you just blame the Muslims instead.
The jews are laughing at you while they spend your tax money.
His Göbbels playtime's over, not even his own party can stomach his dumb shit anymore.
The salty infighting which ensued is delicious.
Put other EU member state flags on the tracks in front of train.
Just finished reading this book how long untill Germany builds a statue of Hitler in Berlin if its going to take an Islamic Germany to reabilitate Hitler and challenge the official Holocaust story so be it
Establishment technocrat. NWO puppet.
>mingling with the people
>listening to their problems
>boosting local small businesses
>this somehow means he dosn't care
This is a joke right?
Is it really over for him shit that fucking sucks
Hitler was allied with the Muslims and Arabs, he understood that they both had a common enemy. Arabs want to leave Europe if Europe and the US would stop bombing them for the benefit of the Greater Israel project.
You have to see the bigger picture.
toothpaste shill trying to steal our memes ands failing
fuck off commie hacks.
>EU technocrat
Well in that case
>race car, gas the bikes
A bucket of vomit would be better than Merkel for both Germany and Europe. Schulz would probably be somewhat better than Merkel, but the bucket would definitely remain a strong contender.
He's the cuckiest of cucks in cuckland, a white submissivist if I've ever seen one, a literal communist and also a notably rude person. He is an actual threat to the sovereignity of other European nation states. However Germany would probably be temporarily even better off in terms of EU politics than it is now - until it finally drowns in mud.
Germany will die either way, this guy is a total cuck and so is Merkel
Frauke was you guys' only hope and you guys chose suicide over Frauke. So be it. Goodbye, Germany!
Stop trying, shill
Keep that god-emperor shit on leddit, Schulz will kill Germany because he is a cuck and the German people are also cucks.
Who is that jew Soros is shaking hands with?
>Don't know much about him
You bout this life or nah?
a literal communist shilled by CTR
Will make Germany into Sweden
It's irrelevant. Germany passed the demographical point of no return in 2015. I think Black Pigeon Speaks summed it up best:
All that is left is to wait for the underlying problems in Germany to surface and for a gigantic internal conflict to break out. There is no political solution; you could put Hitler in charge of Germany and he would still not be able to solve this.
This turd of shit clearly is better than that turd of shit.
t. Michel
Merkel was a Schulz puppet from the beginning.
He hates Germans.
They put this Jewish guy out so that Merkel would look better in comparison.
Kanker op, /r/europe
Just as bad if not worse.
Mutti Merkel is better.
fuck off shill
That's the point you cretin...
A fucking potato would be a better choice than Merkel at this point
The true savior that Europe needs.
And yet somehow they managed to get someone worse than that.
Albino nigger birth?
Thanks for the reminder, I feel much better about my country. But how is germany supposed to unite us and save us now?
He's Merkel 2.0
Isn't he the guy who was on video saying something along the lines of "germany's white population is falling and this is good news"? Can anyone link that video?
wat was it?
by forcing you to stay in the EU and saving your birth rates with cultured POC
Is piss better to drink than shit?
Cheese Pizza probably.
Crypto-kike. GAS.
I'm all for it. Maybe the Jews can do a better job of running the show. White men have done nothing but fuck up every last western country in the span of 100 years.
Not to mention Trump's presidency has already failed...I mean seriously the idiot was supposed to DRAIN THE SWAMP, and THEN start with the meme-tier Executive Orders. He couldn't even get that right.
Yeah, I'm sure he'd really appreciate seeing His Own People fade away to be replaced by barbaric low iq shitskins who hate His guts and want all his shit free of charge.
You can't convince people here AT ALL shareblue, just tell brock to his face that it's not working and to give up, it's for his own good.
>White men have done nothing but fuck up every last western country in the span of 100 years.
I think German voters should tell lies in public (just enough to fall off the radar of spying eyes and ears) and then vote for AfD in private.
>pic related
German Edition
THey're both terrible
its like asking whether you want to die from cancer or aids
voting for the akp in germstan, weee lad
Merkel 2.0
literal communist
He'll crush all anti-marxist liberal dissent even more. If you think it's good, then he's better
>clearly staged photo
this. germany's best hope is a russian invasion.
Nothing fake about this. Watch the hate speech.
It's also a change when you're already bleeding to death and then take a shotgun and blow your head away.
Possibly worse.
Literally Mr. EU, only worse person is Guy Verhofstadt.
>e actually cares about germany and germans