heil hitler with me you reet fags
Heil hitler with me you reet fags
Other urls found in this thread:
>fucking leaf
cute tranny
>left arm
Ffs when will you cunts learn
op, is this your girl?
blame the mirrored cam
it can be mirrored you know thoothpaste
I don't understand chinese
oy vey lets Jewish salute
Who would do such a stupid thing
the camera flips the image automatically, how can you not know this by now,
MUCH better
Maybe Sarah will. I personally think hitler sucks.
I'm sure you do
Or Gaga, she looks the part.
P.S. fuck nazis
Where is her hijab?
i'd still rather suck his one testicle than to get near your prepubescent shitskin penis
why haven't you found yourself a wasp qt
>blue-pilled leaf
what are the odds!?
non around
That looks like a young Ramzpaul.
Bitch you don't even use the right arm. Literally.
Die you liberal scum. I have a picture that will break your brain. Here.
That is a vast definition of the term cute.
I love OP
let's kill kikes and naggers together
Grandpa wouldn't approve of the Chinese.
Chinks who think they’re Aryan??? I’m confused.
post a time stamp hand op
That is a good one.
Hmmm... :(
Nah, let's work on ourselves and raise a family together. Nature's place take care of such things if need be.
It was the right thing to do.
Wow OP, I just saw you on Sup Forums.
Nice attention span.
Also, fast forward to today.
You cannot unsee it
tell how to bleach skin so i'm not a bean grill anymore
Poo in loo
>brown hair hazel eyes
lol ok
they'll recover and she will forever be known for her role
Ouch, my heart...
please link me her social media.
you'll be fine, you recovered from far worse. Keep your head up user, stay safe *slides beer*
One can only hope.
This girl is from HWNDU no?
post your hand with time stamp or you're just a lame
kys footfag
Are you a real girl? Do you live in east or west Canada? Be my wife.
I have no doubt
She a CUTE!
Femanon beaner. I think I know u
I'd fug that boipucci.
Why do normies love to derail threads. Some paid, other unpaid. Some black girl chimed in during a blacks appreciation thread--you know, the opposite of hate threads. Girl user post proof, and cashes in replies. Most replies were shitposting and hnnnggg'ing. What's the point?
t oldfag
you just got me emotional with that video,
Cute bedsheets fag.
Canada stand straight up!
Forgot sage
Holy shit is that at the trump rally?
Can a nigga hook me up with a source?
Gonna start a YEWTEWB channel pointing out this shit.
where's the doubt button
thanks, I doubted you
you don't have to but the top of the hand would have been better (fingers and nails) it's hard to tell if you're just a young guy or a female from the palm pic version.
it's up to you, but thanks for this time stamp anyway
Mine doesnt
you've got some balls doing that in today's world.
hail victory
He's a Canadian, Canadians by law must have their bollocks chopped off at birth
depends on if it's a mobile phone or standard cam. it also depends on if it's the selfie front cam on the mobile or the main back camera. I think the front cam mirrors the image
Perhaps I'll be a martyr lol, I can't even buy a gun so there is no defending my rights!
Nice try Muhammet, remember to tell the proper brits you will marry and impregnate their women!
inb4 pic
Fucking virgin beta losers, fuck off to your containment board.
you can always claim you were adjusting the screen with your hand when the camera took the picture. but don't fuck around at this age, employers frown up things.
Chill out Merkel
>one-posts from Canada
>elaborate propaganda from Ireland
we're already on /pol old man
>mfw northern and completely white
Apologise it's all you people are good for, your people stand no chance against superior BBC ( BIG BRITISH COCK )
The anglo seed is the most dominant, virile seed on the face of the earth.
Don't you have a gookesse to orbit? Maybe an elliot to father?
Check this out, you bean. Might as well be useful for your feminism agenda. Never forget to break that glass ceiling, kid. It'll be tough being a double minority and all.
WHile as my features suggest I'm far from the eternal anglo, a proud Saxxon even. But you wouldn't know genetics, Mahmood, you're into tech!
forgot video
I claim
canacuck tickle my pickle pls
15 cents per pickle :D
T-there are no girls on Sup Forums
Mahmood? Wow, you prep your bull with that mouth?
Don't be mad because we anglos
>was kings
>was knights
>was crusaders
>biggest dicks of any nation
>rules the waves
>smokes the finest
>muh biggest empire
I can't help that I'm genetically superior to any non-anglo/non native briton
We're perfect, it's just science.
leafbros sister?
I lost my virginity to a gook who looked kind of like you. But you're not white, so please don't have children with white men.
You were, but now your genetic profile is something like the common negroid.
Ade mein liebes schatzerlein, ade, ade, ade.
es muss, es muss, geseiderseihn, ade, ade, ade
es geht um deutschlands gloria, gloria, gloria,
sieg heil, sieg heil victoria! Sieg heil victoria!