US programmers are no longer allowed to use the term "whitelist" xD
Good job Microsoft cocksuckers.
US programmers are no longer allowed to use the term "whitelist" xD
This is truly the worst timeline. Not even in my nightmares I could have predicted such a long dread and rollercoaster ride into the abyss.
Don't worry Berndt,
I'm sure faggy mods on Sup Forums will ban me for mentioning this on their PC board.
Hahaha what the fuck is this real?
Even dumber than when they wanted to rename master/slave.
Fuck off
Institutional racism has no place in an industry dominated by individuals of color
Is Grumpy Cat (the user's icon in OP's pic related) the official commercialized forcememe of the soulless faceberged normie?
Or the people that have a problem with 'kill' in POSIX.
I'm a network engineer and I use terms like whitelist and master/slave all the time, I'm not fucking changing that. I can't think of many IT people that would.
can i get a run down of "whitelist"
whitelist good blacklist bad so clearly white people good black people bad, makes sense right?
Literally everybody will still use whitelist
The only list these faggots are going on is my shitlist.
Red hat change fedora for beret, thinking fedora is alt right hat.
sounds like a stupid meme
that PR replaced 'referenceWhiteList' with 'ignorableReferenceNames'. fucking pathetic.
a few other projects replaced the industry-standard terms of 'master' and 'slave' with 'leader' and 'follower', because SJWs
IDE master and slave are already a thing of the past too
It is stupid but it's also infuriating. The node.js community had a huge argument about removing the terms master/slave last year. I think they ended up removing the terms. I don't know how tech became so infested with SJWs but it makes me regret my choice of career.
black = devil = evil = criminal
The Pope should make Devil white.
>mfw soon they're going to rename the colors too
The industry is full of thirsty betamaxes who will bow to whatever women demand.
Where the fuck is Carmen Sandiego?
>how did tech become infested
You made it seem "easy." You should have conspired to create a general impression that you do trinomial algebra with imaginary numbers for each line of code.
womyn, you insensitive prick
remind me again where this is legal binding?
where i work whitelist is the list of approved software that can be installed on workstations and blacklist is the list of prohibited software
You want that sweet sweet .NET job, do you?
How many of you certified techies understand what an outrage -- a sense-defying intellectual offense, not a matter of offending Christianity -- it was that BC and AD were replaced with BCE and CE, which are historiographically meaningless and chronologically the exact same god damn thing? Because that helped to lead to this.
>I don't know how tech became so infested with SJWs but it makes me regret my choice of career.
Same here. My choice of jobs are limited for the simple fact that I can't fucking stand to work at so many converged companies.
white list = allow list
black list = "absolutely dont let this shit happen" list
also they tried to attack master slave terminology,
master device is what is in control and dishes out the orders.
slave devices do as they are told.
also in physical connections the cable with the pokey bit is called the male end and the receptacle that takes it is called the female end.
Anyone else reads papers? Ever seen people change "he" to "she" instead of "he/she"?
It's funny at the same time, because at some point people are going to start giving "bad" examples where "she" will be a murderer or something else.
>haven't gotten rid of the term "white box testing"
>language for pajeets
Nothing of value was lost
>whitelists bow to Adolf Hitler
>in contact with Imperial Wizard of the KKK
>possess organizational-like abilities
>control lists with an iron but fair fist
>own categories globally
>direct descendants of the ancient librarian blood line
>would have bankrolled the first cities on mars
>now unable to since they have been deprecated by shitty programmers
>owned 99% of code-editing research facilities on earth
>now cucked beyond belief
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of whitelists that will descend on your company's directory and bring an era of comfy and snug organization
hope this helps
oh boy
there are lots of troubling words in cs
for example master/slave
There are a lot of people with an interest in making programming seem easy or cool.
* Companies that hire programmers.
* Teaching institutions.
* Language/IDE developers.
* Feminists.
* Minority interest groups.
Truth is programming scales from incredibly easy to unimaginably difficult. But when you don't filter out certain people at the credential level with difficult math you get a lot of programmers who can solve problems in the middle of that range, but not solve them well.
You also get SJW bullshit.
The terms are now "Masterlist" and "Niggerlist."
This can not be true.
Civilization is fucked.
When they ban white bread?
>lets rename something everyone understands to something that doesn't make sense
>lets bully people in the industry who give no fucks whatsoever about social justice
Good I ditched the industry 10 years ago.
Or is it bad. was my voice absent and my place taken by emo?
>more than 2 syllables
>it gets renamed to nazi list and list of color
I think we need to remove the term static because electricity can hurt people, I also think we should start calling protected variables privileged or white variables
>find small project on git
>check out code
>replace whitelist/blacklist with masterlist/niggerlist
>check in
>wait for lulz
>not massalist and niggerlist
I use BC and AD in all my papers, I do study at a Christian university though
Now we gonna call it
>Schindler's list
you like?
Thank god I work for a software company that doesn't put up with this bullshit. I think you have to hit a certain size before this garbage can actually get its hooks in.
Probably when you start needing an HR department
SchindlersList / OvenList
Soon we won't be able to call computer bugs bugs in case it offends Turks.
My sides.
>white is racist
>white no longer describes a color, all references to it are renamed to avoid oppressing PoC in the programming community
>hex is reformed so white now comes out as BORING and black is DIVERS, everything else adjusted appropriately
thanks for the quick rundown
Whitelist/Blacklist could adequately be replaced with Approved/Unapproved
Master and Slave is a bit more complicated. Leader and follower are not synonymous.
>he's confused at words having more than two syllables
You're the reason why people don't like American education
>Whitelist = everything is by default blocked / banned except for what is on the list
>Blacklist = everything is by default allowed except for what is on the list
You'll often see this in networking - firewalls are an example of a whitelist system.
Its not about it being confusing
Its about making things more complicated for no god damn reason.
This might make some question their childhood and their need for approval from an authority figure. YOU SHITLORD!
I propose: confirm or disconfirm.
>putting black people stuff on the whitelist
NOPE, it's only for WHITE things!
Everything black related goes onto the black list
>tehehehe >:)
white collar in general tends to be hipstery and silicon valley being based in california definitely doesn't help
Insanity has grown over war threshold.
are chalkboards racist?
>a white chalk inscripts its ideas on a black plate
>I think we need to remove the term static because electricity can hurt people,
static is also extremely judgemental because the gender of many people is fluid, not static. The thought of something being static gives me PTSD.
Comments are kek:
"Actually it seems discriminating to "allow", "block", or "ignore" anything. This shit needs to be completely removed from modern day software. Things like firewalls make my blood boil. Discriminating network packets and the free flow of digital data. You programmers. It's inexcusable how you're getting away with this behavior."
I guess even the betas that are most programmers are getting sick of this
Fucking hell.. Word police.
Ban the term blackout. Nuke Silicon Valley when?
i propose we arbitrarily prefix something else with "white."
when they give us a change-ultimatum we'll effect a change to another term to match the offending schema.
if we don't they'll just keep throwing shit at us. we have to be aggressive, like the gun lobbies zero-tolerance policy on regulation.
off the top of my head wireless is one that has a fair bit of client-facing explanations. we could start using "white signal/black noise".
Not when it becomes a hate crime
You also post on Sup Forums, so you are probably a fucking Nazi
What is it going to be called now? "Certifiably not niggers list"?
Privileged list
this winner is
"I totally agree. Additionally, I think we should remove static typing. We shouldn't be telling objects what they are until they decide for themselves, at runtime. Segregating objects based on type? I think I've heard that before..."
Don't worry, I shit up my code as much as possible. Every session variable has been named Session jeffSessions = .... for a while now. StringBuilders are all wall related. etc
so we are back to whitelist again
As a programmer and life long tech enthusiast, not soon enough. 90% of big tech companies can eat my dick.
Silcon Valley = piece of shit suburb with 3 bedroom ranchers with no central air costing $2 million
Why have accept/deny lists? That's not very diverse. I shut off my firewall for that very reason.
And what about this SJW PC bullshit
created by this fat whore (or maybe a tranny)
Also check out this SJW bullshit involving St Ignucius
why are computing terms so redpilled?
Sup Forums just let this thread die. I guess after gg all oldfags left Sup Forums forever.
Cant wait till we have trans and genderfluid ended cables
white males
Half of the computer scientists back then were eastern european.
I think it's time we spread the word about how triggered we are about the term 'motherboard'. Surely 'parentboard' or 'guardianboard' is more appropriate in this timeline?
shorter too, same syllables, but only an idiot would get racially offended at whitelist/blacklist, they may as well flip out that snow is white and it's dark at night
Of course, thats why they have been getting replaced by whiteboards(dry erase)
hahahaha, no code reviews?
Can we just switch the labels? The blocked list will now be called the white list and the allow list will be called the black list. Think of it as reparations. We all need to do our part.
That shit didn't stick, though. Neither will this.
It's a good step in the right direction, but programming is still way too Eurocentric. We need to start changing keywords to use African languages instead of English.
I propose we change for loops for ooga loops, conditional statements for booga statetements and other keywords for more vibrant, colorful, progressive words.
Ugh, I'm a Lebowskisexual (Pronouns: Dude/His Dudeness/El Duderino) and that offends me.
Oppressive much?
Its called usb C