Can we have one of these threads? Any and all welcome!
Can we have one of these threads? Any and all welcome!
I can dump
Thank you Huebro, lost my collection!
Hows it going over there m8
when the drawings start getting too good then you know its getting too popular
I love smuggies
Nice watermark fag
Jason Unruhe is great.
You aren't one of these "people", are you Sup Forums?
hmm what's this
>I'm a huge fucking faggot that cannot stop sucking cocks
Kill yourself, you cheese-eating surrender-monkey
Some of us have to be in public or else we'll face economic ruin from butthurt libs. Sad!
A guy with maggots chowing down on his left calf.
>no more TRS death panel
Since when did Milo do that?
Man why the FUCK do EMTS cut patient's clothes? I was hiking and fell, in the ambulance this fucking bitch cuts my sweater WHAT THE FUCK ASK ME TO TAKE IT OFF. I had to physically stop her and take my shirt off because she was going to cut that too. I fucking loved that sweater
don't reply to the shills
with that guy though i don't think they could take off the pants without fucking his leg up
>possibly about to die
>no save my clothes you fucking bitch
Materialism is tip top degeneracy
I didn't break any bones because I walked out of that crevice and i repeatedly told her that I was fine i was just scratched to hell and had a sprained joint apparently. I had that sweater for like 5 years and never seen it around since.
not really from the same guy, but there's some good shitty comics out there...
More of this?
I remember there being one of these where her name is Malala Yousafuckingidiot
Don't know that one.
What group is this insulting? Creation scientists?
more please
We can have one of these threads. I'll dump some of my folder. But first let's talk about that watermark...
Is that Obama?
I know the EMT's should have made every effort to save a pair of $15 dollar no name jeans covered in maggot shit, gangrene and god knows what else.
The untouched library is a nice detail.
People who only use appeal to authority and never use logic to figure things out.
It's too well drawn.
Ah, thanks for the clarification.
>They're actually funded by the state
You are like a child
This fucking trash thread belongs in r/Le_Donald. I can't remember the last time there was a good thread on pol thanks to you faggots.
I know
cash point for Antifa. SPD is one of the ruling parties
>tfw actual retards use this logic with pseudoscientific topics like circlejerkIQ or phenotype studies
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Is this NOT a valid argument to you?