You don't actually believe that the "good guys" lost WW2, right?
It's just a joke... right?
You don't actually believe that the "good guys" lost WW2, right?
It's just a joke... right?
Fuck off Merkel. I woukd gladly die for Hitler.
No one was/is a good guy
why wouldn't it be lmao
Yes. Sup Forums is a board of peace (and satire)
If they would have won, then they would be the good guys.
History is written by the victor
> the german deerposter again
If the good guys won, how come cold war happened?
how do we put an end to deerposting?
I wish that churchill stayed on his side of the pond and japan stayed outta the pacific.
the choice was poz or fascism
fascism wins every time
this picture makes me sadder than it really should.
Only in a subjective sense.
In an objective sense the nazis would#ve been the bad guys.
They engineered one of the most effective genocides in history.
They treated people like animals and killed them for no reason.
They were anti-freedom, anti-self-determination and anti-western values.
How can an American defend this shit?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>They engineered one of the most effective genocides in history.
>They treated people like animals and killed them for no reason.
>They were anti-freedom, anti-self-determination and anti-western values.
they were literally the opposite of all those things
Let's see. My fucking ancestors fought for their bare existence, got MIA, KIA and whatnot, got bombed to hell and back, and lost everything in the process while i still have to hear up to this day what evil people they were and therefore what an evil person i am, that i should be ashamed of myself and welcome 6 Trillion more refugees as compensation who i of course gladly support with my tax money despite being barely able to support myself. Also said refugees are here to replace me and take over my country.
Hmmm, really makes me think whether the good guys lost or not. Now go fuck yourself, fucko.
>They engineered one of the most effective genocides in history.
>They treated people like animals and killed them for no reason.
Fake history.
Is his deer considered an avatar by now ?
What did mexico do durring ww2 ?
I see Germany is still busy being a walking blue-pill.
Nice source
Nazi Germany was a totalitarian survaillance state that puts every communist country to shame.
The state had total control over almost every institution.
They perched POWs, homosexuals, jews and other people together like animals just to kill them in a completely machinated way.
I ask again, why the fuck do Americans defend this shit?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Your forefathers fought these anti-freedom brainwashed kraut basterds and you shit on their sacrifice?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
nice source? lmao
I'd rather see rude Frenchmen than invasive nigger hordes
>No cold war
>No East/West Germany
>No North/South Korea
>No North/South Vietnam
>No communism killing 100 million
>No Israel
I think it's objectively true that the world would be a better place if it went the other way
Our forefathers fought Nazis so that (((they))) could call Nazis for believing what our forefathers believed
>self-hating german
HA real knee-slapper buddy
why are germans always going out of their way to shit on their forefathers? even if you do think that they were wrong, you shouldn't be screaming it from the highest rooftops. have some self-respect, and stop being so pathetic.
Nazis were the good guys on the eastern front and the bad guys on the western front
There were no good guys, and the only winners are jews.
My grandad was a rapist and a pedophile that harassed my father don't make that fat bastard out to be a hero.
How cucked are you that you would defend a man like that over your own people.
Americans are uncultured scum, I should know.
Too bad your grandad didn't kill more of us for ruining the future.
My forefathers were DRAFTED to fight the Nazis, and we got communism and cultural marxism out of it.
You're a little fuckin' faggot.
Hello newfag.
No one actually believes that. It's a tactic by Sup Forums to keep redditors and shills out because of the "shock factor", but unfortunately has attracted actual KKK trailer park members from stormfront instead that shit up the board, thinking they are in good company.
>muh jews
Take your pills your mouthbreathing retard.
Nazi Germany was the enemy of the American principles of freedom, self-determination and independence.
Go lick the boot somewhere else stormfag
>for a 12 year long country that accomplished nothing but the death of conservative Europe and millions of innocent people from all sides
So bad guys in general, got it.
Most klansmen in my area are wealthy landowners.
The poor ones live on family land that they pass on from one generation to the next.
I don't know where you got the trailer park meme from.
>was a totalitarian survaillance state that puts every communist country to shame.
>The state had total control over almost every institution.
>They perched straights, whites, and other people together like animals just to watch them tear each other apart in a completely machinated way
Almonds = activated
Sup Forums has been this way for 6 years moron, those /natsoc generals/ aren't fake, and the nazis were ultimately correct
I've heard this theory before and I think you're right.
I've been here since 2010
Reminder that the eternal KRAUT gave the birth to communism and not just that, he actually made sure that the soviets gained enough power in Russia.
It is Imperial Germany'S fault for communism, not America you dumb fuck
>durr my family is utter shit
>durr that means every American is like this
You sound frustrated about your shitty family.
No wonder that you turned out to be a stormfag.
Fuck off shill. Yes, most people here believe that. What's it to yer?
>missing the point
classic german autism.
fuck off with your shitty daily slide threads germany. they might help you escape from the reality of your women being raped by kebab, but it wont stop it
My family has good money.
The only scum was my grandfather.
But he's burning in hell right now because lung cancer caught up with him.
we were on the wrong side
It's truth.
delete this
I want to sexually violate deer poster.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
good guys?
I love you, deer poster
Why do you have over 65 pictures of this doe
My country was on the losing side and had to pay an insane amount of insanely injust war reparations to the Soviet Union thanks to the eternal anglos.
General Patton realized the US fought on the wrong side.
You don't actually believe that do you?
yet the U.S.A. kills innocent civilians daily via drone strikes and backs terrorists groups all around the world and has been doing this since the end of WW2 and the entire world holds them as the guardians of western justice and ideals
funny isn't it?
maybe it's because they have more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined and they control the media and the UN so they can get away with anything they do and still look good doing it?
the powerful is always fair until he's about to be overtaken, if the nazis had won the world would believe in eugenics and people would regard as evil the notion of letting inferior genes polute the gene pool causing greater future human suffering, the findings about the DNA would corroborate this view as mainstream science is embbeded in the morals of society
Fuck off faggot (s)he's mine
Well is sure is in my little corner of Missouri
No, the good guys did lose.
Lol, all those Japanese tourists expecting a beautiful cultured white city full of beauty and romance and then come face to face with reality and how shit Paris is. I would pay good money to see those faces.
They did
Just what the everloving fuck did they do to your brains, hans
Who opened the Western front? Oh that's right..
What's with all of the deer?
wtf is that doe wearing?????
>General Patton realized the US fought on the wrong side.
That was before he liberated the concentration camps and became disgusted by the German cruelty against other people.
Patton was not a fan of national socialism after 1945.
And certainly not of fascism, which as I said before, is against the spirit of the western world.
Just eat shit
If you worship the 3rd Reich, you are an enemy of Western Civilisation.
>Patton was not a fan of national socialism after 1945.
Because he was fucking dead in december
Whoever loses is the bad guy
That is how it works.
There were no good guys, just nations competing for sovereignty. War is like that.
both were shit i don't pretend any of them were better but i quite liked some of hitler's policy so I ahve to give him something
>They engineered one of the most effective genocides in history.
>They treated people like animals and killed them for no reason.
[citation needed]
Sup Forums has done a good job of making me feel a tinge of pride at those old armies chanting for hitler videos.
As it turns out jews were a menace that needed to be eradicated. I'd much prefer to see what the world would be like if Hitler won over the one we have now where my race is in the midsts of a white genocide.
The winners were the Soviets and the far-left project in general, and you see the results today in the disintegration of Western civilization and Europe's being invaded by savages with the blessing of the inheritors of the far-left victory who oppose anything traditionally European while bending over backwards to accommodate the most potent historical enemy of Western civilization. The European establishment is essentially at war against native European peoples in the name of multiculturalism. This is the harvest of your "good guys" winning the war. "The spirit of the western world" it is not.
Pussy ass bitch, you don't got the spine to even leave your NEET room. You would cry for your mommy in the face of death.
>see flag
checks out
just wait until the french cucks come in here and tell you that it was always a poor part of town.
they enjoy their diversity in France.
hard to pick
>be swarmed by niggers and arabs
>be germany's puppet for the rest of our existence
Hard to pick to be perfectly honest
>this is a bad guy
Given the EU you didn't really chose
You got both for free.
Do your parents know you support Nazis? Would you go out in public and try to convince people they were right?
No, and that is the result of being a social outcast like yourself.