If he gets impeached what are we going to do?
If he gets impeached what are we going to do?
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You can always go and fuck yourselves.
Emigrating to hungary
Keep trying shill
We're on to you
watch for the rake
is2.Sup Forums.org/pol/1487196485488.webm
Swear in Mike Pence
It's pretty simple really
I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
He won't be impeached though. This impeachment talk has shown who the idiots in our nation are.
Shitpost and complain on Sup Forums
>What are we gonna do
Join the new leaf caliphate and fuck goats
what will actualy happen
>people will riot for 3 days
>everyone will go back to normal life after
he's not going to get impeached
if republicans couldn't impeach obama, there is no way a republican controlled senate will impeach trump
stop drinking the deep state kool aid
Bow to the Queen of America.
This is a CTR shill thread paid for by the Democratic party
The main thing we need to worry about is their current strat of removing the people closest to him. They're already going after Conway and they've had a hit out for Bannon since day 1. We need to make sure the people loyal to Trump stay in, otherwise they'll likely be replaced by GOP cuckservatives.
Drumpf is finished. It's all over for him.
guys im just asking a legitimate question
>they seriously kept screaming MUH RUSSIA until they could manufacture evidence to (((leak))) to retroactively validate their claims
Fucking hell
civil war
You're going to a FEMA camp with every other retarded rural and suburban Drumpf voter.
shitpost and laugh at burgers into oblivion
>If he gets impeached what are we going to do?
LOL impeached by who?
Repubs own every branch of government retard.
Canadian cuck's wishful thinking much ? Go cuck yourself faggot.
All McMullin and his boys have to do, is present proof. They can't.
McMullin is laughably irrelevant.
We'll hook up the jumper cables.
Hopefully admit the mistake of electing him in the first place, and put someone else that isn't mentally unstable in his place.
Throw a party.
He won't even get impeached in the first place.
Even if he does, no president has ever been removed from office due to an impeachment trial
And the only two presidents that have ever had an impeachment trial had a congress majority of the opposing party; Trump does not.
Hey, McMuffin, where is the proofs
But what if CIA impeach him?
Use this when you see shills.
>mentally unstable
Only Congress can start an impeachment trial, and they act as the jury
Pence will be 10x worse than Trump for libtards.
Civil War
idk, nothing.
Take my flying pig and move to the moon
eat the peach.
wish i had been a stupid ass Hillary supporter because her rapist husband and lifelong career of corruption is something that i aspire to
ignorance is super bliss for you cucks
>If he gets impeached
swear in mike "put the gays on a pike" pence
>not using Mike "the electric fence" pence
it's only a matter of when
We're going to put on our scuba gear and go diving for the equipment that was lost in our boating accident.