Turning Harry Potter the most famous SJW character in to evil White racist Nazi who want to kill 6 Billion Jews.
If Pepe and Moonman,so can he.
Turning Harry Potter the most famous SJW character in to evil White racist Nazi who want to kill 6 Billion Jews.
If Pepe and Moonman,so can he.
Comparing Hillary Clinton with Dolores Umbridge
The problem is that Dolores shows both right wing and left wing characteristics:
>school reform takes away defense against the dark arts as a practical subject, maintaining only the academic part of it
this is basically the left taking away your guns rights because there's nothing to be afraid of, nothing you need to protect yourself from
>she's a bureaucrat who wants the Ministry to have more and more power against individual liberty
But also
>rides along with "magic supremacists" who want to cleanse the wizard world from mudbloods and half bloods
this one is pretty obvious
>she wants order and discipline
basically like Trump wanting to bring back law and order in America
yes, also make a claim that JK uses the goblins as an allegory for jews
the wall that leads to platform 9 and 3/4 is a door, even a muggle could pass through it. But once they get on the other side, they wouldn't see anything because of the conceal spells and the Ministry employees would get them OUT! OUT! OUT!
We should call them MUGGLIMS just to trigger these fags.
well technically they're already mud bloods
OP from last thread, this needs to take to twitter/fb until it's recognized, imo spamming comments with the hocrux/deathly hallows symbol would be best. comment on altright threads with it, show pics of hitler having it on his armband etc.
Did they really have a painting of le happy merchant?
i was in the other thread and i think it's best to compare Harry with Trump rather than making him a nazi. It will still trigger the left but they won't have a reason to call you a racist troll
just spam JK's twitter with 'em?
that was just a quick shop because the SS birthmark is what first came to mind, however we can associate HP with the alt right i'd say go for it
I think they did but he was was little different then real Merchant.
Post OP's picture every time you see a libtard talking about Harry Potter.
MSM would eat up a good backstory to go w the pix (they are incapable of turning down good content).
we should write a storyline about how Rowling foretold the rise of Trump and his saving of the Western way of life. make a strong parallel between trump/potter i.e expanding on his parents powers, there being an army of people against him, his faithfulness and loyalty to the cause, him being an everyman hero, etc.
ideally JK will kill herself.
will leftyteens implode?
Did the Harry Potter series foretell the rise to power of Donald Trump? A theory has arisen on internet forums by Potter scholars claiming that Rowling was preparing her young audience for the future by predicting Trumos hallowed quest....
Concealing spells are just another way to keep muggles out
Remember that muggles have a history of burning witches, so the two cultures are obviously incompatible with each other
Remind you of anything?
Is that really harry potter?
harry potter isnt real
What is it from a movie? This is kinda freaking me out
We are literally Tom Riddle/ The Dark Lord. The problem is that the purebloods and The Dark Lord were on the "wrong side of history" so they're portrayed as retarded. But they are literally us.
>Mudbloods are :) diverse and multicultural :)
>Muggles are niggers essentially
>Harry Potter and Dumbledore are globalists, Dumbledore might even be Soros let's be real
>Hermione is an intersectional feminist
>The Order of the Phoenix is ANTIFA
>'The Dark Arts' and 'Forbidden magic' are analogous to white culture
>Slytherins are basically the Teenage Republicans/White Student Union at school
>Muggle Studies is fucking gender/race studies
Now THIS would be a great tactical move. Meme this into existence. Make Harry Potter "the face" of White Hate.
Also look at the 'Black' Family (s u b t l e) burning blood traitor family members off their family tree.
>Muggles and mudbloods are shitskins
The purebloods essentially don't want their kids to burn coal.
Weren't muds banned from the Slav school?
Same actor, diffrent movie. He's much older and they've already milked Harry potter so now he does other movies etc.
Yes, dumstrang was very protective of their racial purity
Liberal narratives. Russia is racist etc. and that's why we need a third world war.
Harry Potter hacked the emails of Hillary and got Trump elected.
Hell yeah
Dumstrang was in Norway
>Harry Potter hacked the emails of Hillary and got Trump elected.
he used his grand wizard powers!
And in addition to that. Durmstrang also practiced """"the Dark Arts"""
The deathly hallows is the swastika, a sign that was seen as peaceful and respectable until a grindelwald (hitler) used as a sign for his movement
Use leftist heroes to support our message.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA didn't see the happy merchant at first.
The counterfeit merchant cracks me up every time
She can't find Norway on the map then I guess
She does think pewdiepie is a nazi so it wouldneeds surprise me
Durmstrang uber alles.
>Scandinavian school
>transliterated into Cyrillic for whatever reason
Yeah I really don't know what they meant by this. I could have sworn it was in Russia. I guess J. K. doesnt know jack shit about geography.
The most eastern side of Scandinavia is kind part or Russia
No, it's Finland (which isn't Scandinavia). Anyway it's way to the east of Norway on the Pottermore maps she made. She might just be retarded
Has anyone tweeted her yet?
I made this one earlier today.
It's true ironically
Another observation we can make to Libtards
>Only White people read Harry Potter