This is very accurate right?

This is very accurate right?

Pretty much, the only things that are an exaggeration are what it says about Richard Spencer and Lauren isn't actually Jewish, but she's a top goy.

Nope, Jared is fine

Spencer is one of the worst
Is an attention whore
Is a larper and a pussy
Gets punched and is scared to go out to eat cuz of it
Real nazi

Minus the Russian agent tag, yes

Does someone pay you or are you naturally this retarded?

yes to all

Nobody's perfect.
These people serve their purpose which is to provide a transition phase for normies.
This is why I encourage especially the female attention whores of the "alt right" because beta men will change their beliefs instantly in order to orbit and white knight a "racist" QT.

I didn't recognize him. This

Ben Shapiro is the best.

this was made by people who want to see the white race die out, neato

She may be insane but her songs are decent, could have been great if she put some work in lyric writing so they fit the tunes.

You are a jackass fuckboot cuntass porcupine

Spencer is what Rockwell would have been if he grew up drinking female birth hormone piss and being raised surrounded by jews and liberal schooling of insanity.

AT LEAST HE IS TRYING. Fuck am I tired of the pure vitriol he gets for doing something, anyfuckingthing.

Little edgy fan boy
Explain how I'm wrong then

About half is true. Some of them I don't like, some I do. As is natural. But I understand each may play a role and should be supported when they push the things I support and not when they do not.

But as I always ask in these D+C shill threads. "OK, so who do you like who really exists and is alive today?" If you don't have an answer, that's fine, but don't expect me to take your opinions seriously.


Hey that's crocodile tears evalion
I remember her
Still as bad as ever

I've actually met RamZPaul IRL at a party before.

He's actually much more radical in person, he's just afraid of Hungary's anti-Nazi laws as he's applying for a Hungarian visa. He's also a really generous person who gave money to my local group leader after he got doxed and lost his job.

>hating on Woes
c'mon man, the average Scot is an overweight welfare leech, you cant hold that against him

Its very accurate if youre a divide and conquer purity spiral CTR shill

Pretty accurate yeah, I don't pay any attention to self-proclaimed leaders of the Alt Right.

I don't always agree with his assessment or views, but I respect his willingness to own up to things when he's wrong and tell the Left and the Right when they're being fucking retarded.


I can't help but wonder if not fighting back was the better choice for Spencer. He looks more the victim now, but would he have garnered more respect for chasing down and beating the tar out of the shit-eating cuck who struck him?

Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, Ramzpaul are all fine.

All women by default are shit tier money grabbing whores when it comes to media so don't include them to begin with. Instead add other male youtubers.

who is this

Yeah but he's all bark and no bite
He's just playing the victim now

Nice antifa disinfo chart you got there, asshole.

Nobody's perfect. Not every jew is le ebil.

Holy fuck she's ugly.

Shoe0nhead, very big attention whore.

>Sup Forums intellectuals

Where's Molymeme and Sort-Yourself-Out man?

wooahhh didnt recognize, when did she get alt-righted

Not matter what me and others say about Alex on here he's done some wicked shit. Takes balls to sneak into the bohemian grove and still be alive

whats this bit about psychic interdimensional vampires i keep hearing about in reference to alex

A shame, though I suppose he's still got a use in making the loony lefties look even more unlikable to the normies.

She's the same as she was before. Not sure why she's there.


shes just like any other youtuber thats risen from the feminist social justice stuff. nothing really interesting to offer. just another face saying the same things as everyone else.

You're not wrong.
But they're having their voices heard while you make 4 threads a day on Sup Forums hoping to have your opinion read.

Just to Counter-CTR for a minute.

I agree with you lads.

Jared Taylor is fine too.

David Duke is an FBI plant? That's hilarious. David Duke has probably redpilled more people (globally) on jews than anybody else in the last 10+ years. And he does it with facts not conspiracies. If he's an FBI plant, then either the FBI is with us, or they're being very counter-productive to their own goals. Since neither makes sense, I can only assume he's not a plant.

Idk any of them and I've lurked here for 6 years

it's been memed so hard i don't know what to think about him anymore. he definitely hindered the trump movement by not shutting the fuck up, so thats where i drew the line,

Spend all that time in "muh IDF waifus" threads Chiam?

you're one dumb motherfucker then

I looked for them as well

Any "white nationalist" figure that does public speaking and likes pretending they're in charge of everything is most likely a plant or worse, especially these pro-Russian ones that always stop short of actually calling themselves a National Socialist.

>murdered his own kind
>abandoned homeland
>loves islam
>larping faggot

Who exactly do you feel has ever claimed to be "in charge of everything."

Genuinely curious. I've never met a WN or sympathizer who felt anyone was "in charge."

That faggot Spencer parrots memes he doesn't know about to msm and acts like his institute he made up is the lair of the Alt-Right or whatever, and now everyone associates him with us.

They are all true to some extent; however it doesn't really matter. Pol can hate everyone because we're anonymous, these people are advancing portions of our agenda in real life and we need them. Anyone who gets sucked into civic nationalism by Cernovich has a pretty good chance of being an ethnic nationalist if they're white. I love Box Day personally, and think he has the best grip on our current movement, but would never start someone out there. Some of them are clowns, and I good make much better arguments logically than Lauren Southern, however, I introduced my normie cousin to her and now he's into Molyneux and is a full blown alt-right. The alt-right doesn't need ideological purity and this point; it needs to overthrow a corrupt world order.
>Psychopath for Cernovich
Personally I'd say narcissist, but I'm glad someone else noticed.

Why no Vox Day or Molyneux?
Vox's 16 points of the alt-right is amazing, and the guy has a great grip in history and science. He never comes up on here and I seriously think it's because shills are trying to contain him at this point. He's a literal fucking genius and lays out an amazing case for ethnic nationalism. He's good for your "smarter" normies.

Do you really think David Duke stopped people from voting Trump? Shitlords from/pol/ definitely hindered Trump more than David Duke lol. Are you an FBI plant?Am I?

Bottom line: if you're pro-white and anti-jew, you're okay in my book. Especially if you travel the world redpilling normies.

I mean the dude did coin the term Alt-Right, runs the first and only explicitly alt-right think tank and puts on the largest alt-right conferences. I agree the memeing IRL is a little silly, but he's never claimed to be in charge of anyone who doesn't work for him and I've never heard his supporters say he does.

The whole FBI informant meme needs to die the whole idea that just because someone is a little extreme they are automatically it outside infiltrator looking to make the movement look bad is retarded. Unless someone is actually advocating for flat out terrorism which the FBI have done before just look at the Timothy McVeigh affair in that case it is reasonable to suspect that they might be compromised.

A lot of us on this board are INTJs and we're good at logic and dialectic. We're more the idea creators, these guys then disseminate it to the general populace. We all have a role to play.

>no mention of the only organic character to arise from this debacle, Petersen.

This is the best description, I've heard of him, kind of a pussy, but he's all we got right now. Hope he either grows a pair of balls or we get a figure who was in the military like Rockwell or Hitler

YOU JUST KNOW weev got railed relentlessly in jail.

divide and conquer thread.

Good to see pic related isn't among those shills

He said that the elites were into pedophilia and child trafficking because they feed on the energy of said youth, hence psychic vampires, and I do believe that at least a huge part of the elites believe that they feed upon their energy.

No Kokesh?

Common Filth did nothing wrong.

Jared Taylor is pure garbage. This nigga has been doing his thing since the 80s and hasn't accomplished shit. His arguments are literally decades old. A tumblr girl could BTFO him in an argument and I'm not even joking. He actually lost a debate to Tim Wise too.

Why is there so much hate for these people, who share /pol ideas?
Is there any single internet spokesperson who /pol doesn't hate, and what sets them apart?
(I realize /pol is not one person, but speaking as a whole?)

Fuck Ben Shapiro... save my picture... because they are going to delete this post in couple of minutes
Red pill yourselves and don't defend Shapiro (by osmosis )

If he is an FBI plant he is the most dedicated FBI planned in history he considering he's been doing this for over 40 years that is seriously deep cover.

>Sort-Yourself-Out man?

i saw a very disturbing picture of him yesterday

>8gag pic

So you are either retarded lefty or a spergout that attacks anyone not as autistic as you.

I am counting over half of the people there are not anywhere close to Sup Forums

Go gas thy self.

OP, why did you left out the race mixing aspect of Ben Shapiro?

Really makes me think

People that call Dr. Duke controlled opp or an FBI informant are either super paranoid or new to the redpill. Also Trump just cut all funding to FBI "anti-right wing extremism" program and switched it to Islamic extremism, so if any of these guys are actually FBI shills they will quit soon.

George Lincoln Rockwell and William Luther Pierce. No modern kosher-redpill slinging, e-celeb (((classical liberal))) Jewtube shills, none of it.

He likes Jews, he deserves to be gassed alongside them

>don't worry goy these dead guys will save the white race

What are you talking about? The Jew is married to another orthodox Jew.

Their rhetoric, their work.

Read E. Michael Jones if you want alive guys, then.

looks about right

A jew from morocco afaik

>A-all we need to do is worship Hitler a little more guise, that should do it.

>who is this
Attention whore
Dumb as rock
Mystery meat

Fuck off kike.

What about Mein Kampf did you dislike?

>Their rhetoric, their work.

We might as well just rely on Mein Kampf then.

Political movements need figureheads, most of them are flawed right now but they are all we have.

Dude they're Jews. They are probably 4th or 5th cousins.

>We might as well just rely on Mein Kampf then.

ok thought she looked more arabic.

Its not like there are different types of jews, e.g. Ashkenazi jews or sephardic jews tho

If the alt-right doesn't exist then how does it have leaders? If it does exist then it must have leaders or at least people who advocate for it. Now why does it bother you that there are people who advocate and lead people if you aren't alt-right then what do you have to worry?

He killed a Communist fagot in self defense.... sort of

see I told you it is a Ben Shapiro paid operative...
It was too easy to make them defend Ben Shapiro!!!
So, Ben Shapiro has mud on his face (=never Trump)... pays faceless wage slaves to mud-sling people who have real following... get detected...
probably is going to.....
wait for it
Shut is down

Normies aren't going to spontaneously redpill themselves with Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries.

no way dude

Mostly the fact it was writing in and about Germany in the 1920s and is totally and completely offputting to virtually any normal white person.

But since you ask:
>Constant argument from anecdote
>Large amounts of material on Monarchists and so on that's now totally irrelevant
>Constant appeals to social programs we either already have or are not really related to the struggle.
>Outdated and incomplete understanding of world financial markets
>constant shilling about WW1 causes, also irrelevant

So yeah basically not really that important to anyone but LARPers who somehow don't already have a basic understand about the JQ and race realism. Or somehow inexplicably still think Hitler was a deranged madman.

What the fuck are you talking about? Fuck Ben Shapiro. I haven't said one word to defend him. He's not Alt-Right and is a literal Jew shill. But he's not a "racemixer" he's true to his toxic tribe through and through.

Seriously fucking leafs. Are you all retarded in your own ways?

Sup Forums has rabies holy shit.

Don't forget Hiter, he was kike controlled opposition to make white people advancing their own interests a taboo

Sorry buddy... I see traitors picture... blood covers my eye sight... I still think it is a post to put Ben Shapiro in the same category as others... he is not!!!
he is the enemy!! the rest of the people in that picture... might be /ourguy/... but he is THE enemy

>Mostly the fact it was writing in and about Germany in the 1920s
this is why natsocs will always be larpers. if nazis were around today they would be for european integration