What is going on in Ivanka's mind here Sup Forums? Was she really getting wet by Trudeau's presence?

what is going on in Ivanka's mind here Sup Forums? Was she really getting wet by Trudeau's presence?

she a good girl

What is going on mind of that cuck? Gay porn


He's a nice guy, but Latrell's cock is yuge.

>im going to look at this guy for like 2 seconds because he is the one talking at this table

you wish, brah bruh, she's wetter than an otter's pocket, dreaming bout that leaf's dick. Sorry.
your English is miserable, Slavfart, like your understanding of the subject at hand. Untermensch.

Trudeau probably got pegged after

Probably thinking about how easy it would be to peg treaudeau...

Trudeau is a stupid faggot and the media is the same for pushing this. It's only going to improve his relations with the Trump family. Which is the opposite of what they want.

It's forcing Trudeau and Trump into a conflict against the media together. People bond through shared conflict. Ivanka obviously wouldn't pursue anything like that even if you lend credibility to the story. And obviously Trump wouldn't buy it. It gives them common ground for something to laugh at together.

Why can't liberals into psychology and long-term strategy.

Even if she was remotely interested in Trudeau, she has no chance with a gay man.

>that last shot
>totally pepe

>His mouth would look great with my feminine penis in it.

She was basically feeling like mel right here



Her sap is collecting and dripping ready to be syruped.

She a woman.
Trudeau is hot looking.
Her pussy agrees with her sight and is wetting.
She fantazise to fuck him.

Nobody cares honnestly, even if Trump hands his daughter to Trudeau we have better things to discuss like global warning and world population.

>women care about looks
>we have better things to discuss like global warming and world population

Could you guys please take a break from giving HuffPo new headlines?

Passing your daughter around to whoever comes to your house for a visit isn't ok in non leaf countries

calm your tits, Eugene, she just look at him because he's a handsome devil, no need to get all Freudian up in this motherfucker.

This thread is sponsored by the Liberal Government of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the CBC and canadian tax payer


But that's what Lot did with his daughters in the bible. If America is founded on Christian principles then Donald Duck should let Captain Maple Leaf plow his daughter's syrup hole.

das sum salty ass shiat brah breh bruh bråh bræh

>and the internet took notice
Christ. I really do want to shoot these people, yeah yeah ow the edge and all that

She's never seen a pussy that big before

Shilling for leaves are we? Outa my thread

take it up with Ivanka, she's the one spilling her cunny-juices over said leaf.