Antifa scum bout to be loaded in helicopters

Antifa scum bout to be loaded in helicopters

Watch out Bjorn

Other urls found in this thread:

have fun in prison you waify little queer

We're gonna arrest these fools one by one until all of them are in jail.

They will never work again, their records ruined, their lives destroyed.

Is Bjorn next?

What he organized at JFK was a terrorist act.

Nice, has there been any other word on the other leaders of DisruptJ20


Don't drop the soap, shitdick.

who this


Took them long enough god damn

hi this is a tenured professor / ex terrorist. If anything, getting arrested for being a faggot is good for your CV

The left looks after their own.

what did the asshole do

>what did the asshole do
this, what is this

>plan domestic terrorism
>get arrested
idk what they expected honestly

it's pretty shitty that they were confident enough that nothing would happen to them to actually go through with it

here its early morning i cba looking while i have breakfast but one can hope the evil chink yvette is next

How are these guys pizza related?

Kuhn is a known pedophile. So is another major antifa leader. That guy who suckerpunched Spencer literally eats excrement.

Sauce? Charges? Anything?

pizzatards are THIS DESPERATE


how could it be from ANYTHING pizzatard when pizzafags have




He and a group met to discuss the march organization at Comet Pizza which was filmed undercover by Project Veritas.

pizzatards will go insane


Luke Kuhn is jewish and a confirmed pedophile

Antifa seems to be mostly jews, pedophiles and jewish pedophiles. Their goals are legalization of pedophilia and white genocide.

bump for fun

Isn't this guy one of those working on that tunnel inside comet ping pong or whatever?

Wtf I love antifa now



I see this little fag everywhere defending Pizzagate, paid shill, very anachronistic postings.

Talmud = Pizzagate

>is jewish and a confirmed pedophile
t. Everybody I don't like

That's not how that argument works.

bump for joy

Someone who tried to gas Deploraball. Mike Cernovich found out he impregnated a 13 year old

got a link to that?

you never let us down, first poster.

>losing your right to vote
>never allowed to touch a gun

Nothing to add. I just want to bumpo this thread. Eat shit faggot shills.

>you literally can't make this shit up

They literally do.

>>like they vote
>>how did criminals get guns?

>Was Skippy video shot at CPP?

Mystery bump.