I'll start :
>they have white privilege
>they think they are better than anyone and they force their values on other races even though their race is well-known for being full of bullshit
>they stink
>some of them are hairier than a gorilla
>they flaunt their IQ but they don't understand IQ is only about pattern recognition
>they complain about other races immigrating to their countries to get better life but they have no qualms about doing the same
>they are unfunny
>they whitewash other cultures
>they start wars everywhere
ITT : We say what we think about whites
In the end it's irrelevant because you are a nigger.
>turn everywhere they inhabit to shit
>never invented the wheel
>smell like shit
>continent is being cucked by Jews but hate whites
>they voted to destroy the environment because they are suicidal and worthless
Niggers can say what they like about whites but let's get brutally real here, without white intervention you'd all still be stuck in Africa living in mud huts to this very day.
>Have instilled every successful government to date
>Are some of the smartest people besides Eastern Asians
>Colonized the world
Superior Africans:
>Have never failed to fail at government
>Commit more crime than any other minority in white countries
>Have contributed nothing to modern society
>>they have white privilege
Adults have adult privileges. They may do things that minors may not. Every competent adult may marry, buy alcohol, enter contracts, etc. Every minor may not. If I see a boy who looks 12 driving I can call the police and he'll be pulled over and not allowed to procede driving the car. What remedy does a white person have against Oprah Winfrey usurping his "white privilege"?
Hey, you're alright dude
>be useless subhuman
>immigrate to white country
>live off the host population
>they have white privilege
Normal people just call that heritage and get on with their lives you poor, injured rabbit.
>they think they are better than anyone and they force their values on other races even though their race is well-known for being full of bullshit
Look at homogenous white nations and contrast them with nonwhite nations. You'd better believe we want to enforce our standards on any shitskins we take in.
>they stink
Obsession with cosmetics is an emulation of the bourgeoisie as the poor shitskin perceives them. It's a dead giveaway.
>some of them are hairier than a gorilla
Really activates the almonds, fampai
>they flaunt their IQ but they don't understand IQ is only about pattern recognition
Of course you have to minimize the importance of IQ.
>they complain about other races immigrating to their countries to get better life but they have no qualms about doing the same
lol 2/10 that's called conquest and your monkey brains knows the difference.
>they are unfunny
European humor requires no ministration. We watch you being yourselves if we need a laugh.
>they whitewash other cultures
No, we adopt the useful traditions and customs of our conquered, rather than just burn and rape everything. It's part of why we are so formidable.
>they start wars everywhere
And finish them. Might makes right. Stay mad, nigger.
>Hurt feelings.
Stay triggered, whitefags.
>they flaunt their IQ but they don't understand IQ is only about pattern recognition
pattern recognition is the foundation of all knowledge, dipshit
it is the only way to gain true knowledge, the scientific method is based on pattern recognition
>chimp defeated so proceeds to throw dung
how is that meme with a turk saying "my ancestors are mainly germans and nordics" called exactly
Just telling the obvious truth, I know that's painful to lesser human parasites like you.
>Can't even make a coherent comeback.
Stay anally devastated.
Cumskins on suicide watch, muh brotha.
>being blamed for everything
>what, civilization?
>Italians aren't people
>what, like recognizing a cop raising his gun = stop
>What, like white people coming to africa?
>Have to be smart enough to get it
>other cultures want to be us
>and we're good at it
Listen up Sup Forums, I'm black too, but this? This is sad. Just to clarify:
I believe white privilege is real though. No I dont, it's an illogical fallacy misrepresenting whites as privileged. OP needs to be redpilled or gtfo because he's obviously a normie believing everything the Jews tell him too. I bet he thinks women are oppressed too lol. Just shows even though France has a white flag they're black
>they have white privilege
No such thing
>they think they are better than anyone and they force their values on other races even though their race is well-known for being full of bullshit
List white values that are bullshit
>they stink
Lol nope
>some of them are hairier than a gorilla
Granted, but theirs nothing wrong with hair
>they flaunt their IQ but they don't understand IQ is only about pattern recognition
lol wat?
>they complain about other races immigrating to their countries to get better life but they have no qualms about doing the same
Nope, no white people go to non-white countries for anything other than science, reserach, to help the poor, or on vacation
>they are unfunny
What is, mike myers, robin williams, Chris farley?
>they whitewash other cultures
other cultures choose to act white, it is not forced onto them
>they start wars everywhere
yes, being the top of the food chain it is our right of conquest - absolutely nothing wrong with that
I know this is bait, but either way, try harder you filthy nigger
>They complain about how they can't show their pride even though the last time they were allowed to show their pride created WW2.
>They live and breath off welfare yet mock other races for it.
>Promotes feminism, homosexuality, and all other forms of degeneracy.
>Pretend they don't commit any crimes.
>Pretends the Holocaust didn't happen, yet references it all the time.
>Pretends America was always a white country.
>Piggyback on their ancestor's accomplishments like they are capable of the same stuff. Also don't want to take credit for slavery when they take credit for everything else.
>Fuck over other races and blame them for it.
>Steal from other races and blame it was always theirs.
>Believe they are the definition of what is it to be human and anything not like them isn't human.
>Known to hate and kill anything that isn't them.
>Hates the Jews for doing everything they themselves want to do: rule over everything and dictate how people should live.
>Bitch about other races "raping" them when they spent their whole history raping other races upon conquering them.
Typical BLM tier arguments. Fuck off and come back when you've taken a couple red pills boy.
>w-well, ur hashtag blm!
You literally can't refute what I said because it's the truth, faggot! LOL
I got a $50 Seiko watch when I graduated HS.
Now I have a $25/hr Unioun job,a pension,a 401k, a $150k house on 3 acres in TN, never got a fucking nickle from the government,but I am white. Fuck.
>they have white privilege
No. No they dont. If I punched one of my professors I would be let off with a slap on the wrist, hell it's happened. If my Aryan friend did that he'd be locked up, 10 years at least
>they think they are better than anyone and they force their values on other races even though their race is well-known for being full of bullshit
What values??? Math? Science? And what bullshit, you provide no examples. I can't think of ONE thing my dorm wouldn't have without whites, I wouldn't even be in this college without whites
>they stink
Yea and?
>some of them are hairier than a gorilla
Some of us ARE gorillas
>they flaunt their IQ but they don't understand IQ is only about pattern recognition
Like I said, I have an IQ of 108 so I would know: PATTERN RECOGNITION IS KNOWLEDGE
>they complain about other races immigrating to their countries to get better life but they have no qualms about doing the same
Here's why:
>white person moves from UK to Poland
White person: I'm gonna get a job and work hard to contribute to society
>refugee moves from Syria to Sweden
Refugee: Hmm, this country has gracefully accepted me, what do I do to return the favor? I'm gonna rape women :DDDDD
>they are unfunny
Yea and?
>they whitewash other cultures
That's a funny way of saying industralize
>they start wars everywhere
Some nigger from Serbia starts a war white people fight so it's the white man's fault?
Conclusion: get a argument nigger
Pic related my thighs
I'm black and if your black your a moron.
"White privilege" is just something a kike told you about because your fucking stupid.
>they complain about other races immigrating to their countries to get better life but they have no qualms about doing the same
Sure let in millions of people from failed states that support sharia into America and Europe what could go wrong. Oh thats right EVERYTHING. Do whites go into other countries and commit unprecedented amounts of crime while collecting welfare checks?
People like your are why I hate my people so goddamn much. You blame da whyte maine for all your problems all the while you do everything in your power to carry on like a fucking nigger every chance you get making life hard on the rest of us.
Black Government: "ogga booga kill da white man rape his children. Oh shhhieet we killed all the farmers were gonna die!!!"
Chinese government: "We don't even care about our own people nigger now get back to work you swine!"
White government: "We would like to help you niggers if you would stop killing us long enough to do it."
You are not a nigger. I love meeting black folk who aren't niggers. I know a bunch and they all hate niggers.
But here is the funny part niggers, you still want to be us, and with us. Life without the ability to parasitize on our biomass under any circumstance (including self determination) is worse than being close to "master" who will help you chillun carry on your worthless fucking brown existence and protect your from each other. No one hates niggers more than niggers because they know the inescapable truths about being part of garbage cultures. It is literally impossible to exist in America without having to deal with you fucking MONKEYS, and that is why we are going to genocide you, all of you! And our nice little white children will grow up and raise families without ever having to cast beautiful blue eyes on your worthless nigger asses.
Nigger snuff is going to be very popular (and easy to make).
Muh supersoakers and peanut butter
>global black history: "we used to be great on our own"
>global white history: still being made.
>Mortgage Interest tax deduction
>pattern recognition
>literally the most fundamental aspect of intelligence
>wouldn't be unreasonable to say pattern recognition IS intelligence
I will be so glad when Trump and Carson get section 8. Entitled morons like OP will be forced to contribute to society or live under a bridge.
Seeing stuff like this is the only reason I don't dislike all blacks yet. I gotta say that most are nowhere near as aware as you. Out of the dozen I know somewhat well I like a few but only one has any sense when it comes to racial issues
The whole black problem is Democrats.
What is the biggest killer of blacks? Abortion.
Who is keeping them down? Democrats.
Y'all motherfuckers need to wake the fuck up. You all aren't woke,you're in a fucking coma.
*get rid of
>white privilege, white washing
Who cares? "Cultural appropriation" is the natural result of multi-cultural communication and intermingling. By this logic, every country would be ethnocentric and isolationist to maintain cultural purity. White privilege is bullshit. Police bias? If you just listen to the police, follow the law, are respectful, and avoid associating with people that don't do any of these things, you should be fine. Racism? Well, when you are in country with a specific racial group as the majority, 9 times out of 10 they will be mostly racist to the minority group. Try being the palest honky in the Congo or the darkest nigga in China. They will not readily associate with you.
>they think they are better than everyone, have superior IQ
So does everyone else.
>they stink, ugly, unfunny
All of these are anecdotal and your opinion, which you have the right to have. Appearance is largely determined by health upkeep (such as exercise and grooming) and genetics. I personally don't enjoy the over-dependence of "roasting" in black people's comedy (see blacktwitter and wsh-tier roast battles) as well as their overuse of the "white people be like x, black people be like y" structure in jokes. It's racebait pandering.
>they flaunt their IQ but they don't understand IQ is only about pattern recognition
>complaining about immigrants
Are you okay with a bunch of poor people moving into your neighborhood, raising crime levels, taking low income jobs because they are willing to work for next to nothing, taking government welfare, and having a bunch of kids? Are you also okay with a person who can afford to leave the country and move to some other country and afford to live there and integrate with the status quo? Compare the two and come back to me.
>they start wars everywhere
They also win them. Tanks and missiles do a lot more damage than spears and rocks.
Basically reason why the western world is slowly turning against blacks. We've noticed the trend, now it's on our doorstep, we've just about had enough.
daily reminder lefty shills constantly post this shit to make us look bad
Triggered nigger fag
>I will STILL live in a white country though because other nigs aren't gonna hand those gibs lol
You know we took them over on slave ships right retard? They didn't WANT to come over here.
Well fuck me naked. Niggers aren't starving here or living in mud huts.
Imagine that. They out to be paying whites reparations.
Welcome to 2017.
They're literally dying to get into our countries fo dat gibs me dat. All whilst hating on the white devil.
You confuse us whites with those Jews.
Like the western world wasn't against us in the beginning.
Whoa there, jews still exist you know
Yeah slave owners BOUGHT them from their own people, so of course they didn't want to come to America voluntarily. However, slavery ended over a hundred years ago and the civil rights movement ended more than fifty years ago. They have every opportunity to go back to Africa if they wanted to now but they won't because Africa is a shithole outside of the urbanized areas, and even then those places aren't at the same level as East Asia, Europe, or America/Canada. Instead they'll stay here, use their race-card as an out, blame white people, and make poor decisions because they can.
Nobody cares you faggot. Lead,follow,or get out of the way.
You don't even know what it takes to be a man. Shut the fuck up:
>They are not black
Nigger Faggot
How about you go fuck yourself? I doubt you are any of those things.
Thanks for inventing the Chevy small block V8
That's why you are retarded. I forgot more than you know. But you should keep being the faggot you are. You don't know when to STFU.
I dont like older white people
Exp: been white 25 years