What's wrong with multiculturalism?
What's wrong with multiculturalism?
ur mom
It ends up either causing divisions within society or mixing all the cultures up into a shapeless mass of consumerism. I've seen both of these run rampant in Toronto alone.
What benefits does it provide other than food, music and a few other cultural aspects?
whats good about it
fucking different kind of pussy
eating different kind of food
being peaceful and friendly
Literally everything
It's shit. That's why groups self segregate, babies know this user.
Multiculturalism means you have white people in the mix
Throw them out or lock them up
I think it's an inevitability that is being prematurely forced.
That black kid doesn't look like a thug. His name is probably Thomas.
I have a problem with the Dawaynes and Marshawns.
>you need to import half of the third world to experience food and pussy
>being peaceful and friendly
>implying pajeets and chinks aren't just tolerating you until the race war where they'll kill you in a heartbeat
Who's the rapist looking dindu?
depends on the cultures you throw into the mix.
yeah man that totally isn't temporary until we're all mixed.
and as evidenced from new york and LA, subcultures coexist without any issue and they offer rich aspects to their community that isn't bogged down or bastardized.
I'm semi-new to this board and it really is no fucking joke how retarded Canadians are, is it?
Diverse areas have more stress related illnesses and lower human development scores across every spectrum.
Mostly men coming from other countries
No girls left for me.
Learn to spell retard
It's oxymoronic. It's doesn't work. It has never worked. Slavery ended almost 200 years ago and negros and white are barely holding it together rn, still.
what's right about it? humans are inherently tribal. going against this instinct via social engineering is only going to result in conflict.
fortunately for you, you were able to defend your previous points without fail and we are now all convinced
>cause losing cultural identity and having affirmative action where ever you go is so much fun!
fuck canada and fuck u
multiculturalism is racist, it forces black people to live in cold climates.
It is only happening in white countries,
every other country keeps their identity,
whites are the only ones that lose theirs.
Also fuck Canada
dude........ like.... we should... like..... be more, like... friendly, man....... y'know......... like.............. what if everyone could just, like..... get along..... y'know what i mean? like........ there's just so much...... hate........ in this world, man........
Some cultures are bad
What's right about it?
And only in white countries.
I dont hate other people, but I think that my people deserve somewhere to call our own. Nationalism for everyone.
What is really going on in the world is that jews are trying to build a NWO that will be oppressive to everyone, and they are trying to make everyone think it is 'white people' doing it.
Right now, white america is defeating (((cultural marxism))) and they will not give up until the are stomped on apparently.
>What's wrong with multiculturalism?? I mean, we can all gather and decide together what's the best for us!!
Except no, every group has it's own interests, by letting in new communities you raise the tension and competition in your country
Kills the cultural values of the nation. Immigrants never will never assimilate as long as the government lets the conduct business in whatever language they want and pushes for foreign cultures coming here to pollute the Canadian identity.
that the only people expected to adapt are white indeginous people. Integration doesn't happen
the fact that they aren't all white.