So Sup Forums, what is the most redpill book and why is it pic related?
Redpill Literature
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The most redpiled modern literature has to be gorilla mindset some libs refuse to even touch it
I won't talk shit about Dr Pierce, because he was brilliant, but his books aren't the best. They did inspire the likes of Tim McVeigh, so you debate the merits of that for yourself. Most fictions fail to capture the reality of things, or accurately portray the aftermath. Just look at how McVeigh or Commander Breivik turned out -- neither inspired mass uprisings. That's a Hollywood myth that lone agents ever inspire mass movements; usually they rise up from within them.
Well, McVeigh was mainly influenced by the Turner Diaries, most people think of the Diaries as the right wing deathsquad bible or whatever.
However Hunter is a different matter, it's way more realistic and the portrayal of society is disturbingly accurate with modern day, given that the book was written in 80's.
Apart from all the Day of the Rope-like Race War stuff, Hunter(unlike the Diaries) feeds facts to the reader, information, not just gun blazing right wing fanatics.
yeah, i agree that it feeds facts, but it also portrays cause and effect relationships about how to deal with society to get desired results. Those depictions aren't realistic. There are no living examples of movements in history like the ones depicted. It's hollywood style cause and effect.
I believe McVeigh said he would have preferred to take the Hunter route if he read that before the bombing.
Was he really looking for an uprising? I thought he was just lashing out against government overreach. The government hasn't tried anything like Ruby Ridge or Waco. I guess the closest would have been Bundy Ranch and Oregon Reserve, but they didn't push them.
>not the domination of the draka
I'll be honest, I haven't done much research on McVeigh, but from what I understand he was just pretty upset with what happened at Waco and it had little to do with Right Wing Ideology.
He had moments of white supremacy stuff but the bombing and what got him infamous was more like fighting the System, not pushing for the future of the White Race.
I've heard about this one but not much, is it worth picking up?
Did you read the Turner Diaries? The main character is a small part of a larger group, and the only grand effect he has is when he flies a nuke into DC.
Anyway, Pierce himself said the book was fantasy, so obviously they're pretty optimistic about the results (even though the optimism is honestly pretty grounded). Pierce also criticized McVeigh because there was no movement behind him to back it up, so it was pointless.
>Was he really looking for an uprising?
While he stated that single act was revenge, the context of all his statements alludes to the desire for revolution. Most of his literature was about uprisings, not just specific lone wolf actions. He also was fond of "Unintended Consequences".
Yes I read it. I don't read to much into Pierce saying "it was fantasy", because he would have been accused of inciting violence if he had said it was anything else. At least in part, depicting revolutions is tacit advocacy of them. Decide for yourself how realistically he was trying to model them.
I just read pic related and thought it was redpilled. Not really the definition of Sup Forums redpilled but more of a accurate representation of british society. Story was decent and the 'scottish writing' is certainly creative.
I did think Turner Diaries was just too over the top, at least the one man army and the ending. Some recent games like Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Homeland basically had the same plot, but protecting the US from an invasion from Germany and North Korea, respectively.
Saw a trailer for Trainspotting 2 last week. Still haven't seen the first movie.
Neither have I. I kinda feel like some major aspects of the book would've been lost in translation though. I should watch the film
He got accused of inciting violence anyway. Were it any other person, I'd agree to think of it as "Fantasy" as a mere excuse, but Pierce is impeccably honest. The book is basically WN propaganda fantasy, but with 'the life on the ground' being realistic (trouble with supplies, manufacturing bombs, communication issues, etc).
I've seen the first movie and if the book is as good as the movie(even better like most cases) I might pick it up. The whole heroin and handling drug addiction is an interesting topic to read(pic related). I do consider them somewhat redpill, as they show you how life turns to shit when you start using. Clean body and clean spirit leads to Clean People.
firtht potht betht potht
The most redpilled book ever. Time to come home Sup Forums.
There's one thing I was never really sure about when reading the Turner Diaries: The black book that Turner reads is Mein Kampf right?
It is an essential, though in order to fully understand it you have to go through the different gospels and really read between the lines.
I always thought that the book he reads and gets turboredpilled was some kind of grimoire that in combination with the drugs he was fed opened his eyes to stuff. That might be from reading too much Lovecraft on my own part, but I still think that part in which Turner gets introduced to the Top of the Top is a little too much fantasy for my tastes.
>The government hasn't tried anything like Ruby Ridge or Waco
Do you mean since these events? A very similar thing happened with Milton Cooper. By pure coincidence he outed the the Bin Laden meme years before it happened and then was shot by (((federal agents))) a couple of months after 9/11 over the (((tax avoidance))) meme.
Interestingly if you read his (((wikipedia))) page none of this is mentioned (even though the entire show is on jewtube), by pure coincidence though it mentions Timothy McVeigh being an "avid listener" of the show. Why they felt that needed mentioned is anyone's guess...
Sup Forums doesn't read
Sup Forums reads Sup Forums
The Quran you infidels. The book of your ancestors albinos.
Let me tell you a story Pol
The story of the white mans shame projection.
>is probably a kike
Jews are the most prolific Christfags here.
Whites come from albinism. Albinism is a disease. whites are not superior to anyone. Whites dont even exist.
The Curse of Yakub strikes again.
>whites are not superior to anyone
Yeah, the other supspecies aren't even really in the race; whites just compete with themselves.
Americans come from Europe. They couldn't prosper in their homeland so they moved away. Americans are just weaklings who couldn't get their shit done back home so they moved out.
Sounds pretty retarded, doesn't it?
Sounds about right lol. Fuck America, this is red mans land. Oh it was "conquiered" by europeans?
How fitting that minorites conquered your society, and now conquering your recessive leper genetics through your women.
muh supremacy!
Ausfan#1 Muh supremacy guiz! would ya just look at it!?!?
>Whites dont even exist.
>muh supremacy!
This nigger can't even remember what he posted lol
>thinks he has superior genes
>but wants to race mix with us
lol we know Jayquan McShabazz, you're desperate to mix with your inferiors, we get it. That's very generous of you. Someday maybe we'll be as based as Africa.
Industrial Society and Its Future - Ted Kaczynski
you shouldn't read it though you're probably not ready
Siege by James Mason is top tier.