Why is Trump so hypocritical?

Why is Trump so hypocritical?

leaks by an unelected deep state to maintain its own power = bad

leaks by individuals to uncover actual corruption and pay4play treason, not just technicalities like the timing of a phone call = good


Don't try to explain "subtleties" to liberals, they have been trained to see in black and white

But you haaaaaaated leaks when they were Hillary leaks

Trump has been consistently against the leaking of classified e-mails.

John Podesta's personal e-mail account used while serving in the private sector wasn't classified.

Why are Progressives so bad at describing things? I'm getting tired of these "alternative facts" as the Democrats have taken to calling them.

>I care about the opinion of a race mixing hipster faggot

Actually liberals don't see anything. It's how they can remain supportive of two completely diametrically opposed ideals a the same time. Sometimes even in the span of the same paragraph.

The liberal does not possess the ability to think; they simply obey what a Jewish celebrity or Jewish comedian tells them to think.

>its GOOD when it happens to people we don't like

>its BAD when it happens to people we do like

you people are pathetic. you're delusional rationalizations for everything are just pathetic.

You can literally prove that trump is a pathelogical liar, and lied hundreds of times during his campaign with direct links to the proof from his own twitter account and you faggot will still "u-uh..uhh... m..m hillary...m-muh [insert democrat] did [action]!"

Holy fucking shit what a retarded comparison.

>Hillary's/the DNC's illegal dirt coming out is the same as American secrets being leaked to our nuclear-capable enemies

Fucking brain-dead lefties should consider suicide.


internet, give me the proof that clinton has ever done anything illegal under law and then print it out and take it to a police station if you want to be a millionaire and win in court

whats the problem?

>leaks by individuals

you so cute

says the blind faith conservitard.

>republicans support the middle class!
>leave no regulations on capitalism which leads to oligarchy/monopoly which leads to a WORSE OFF middle class

retardation at its finest.

If you want to be republican on social issues, no problem but, but when it comes to the economy, if you are republican you are literally a brain washed retard by fake fox news.


You're such a shill.
>$0.02 deposit in your cuckshed savings jar

>leaks by individuals to uncover actual corruption and pay4play treason, not just technicalities like the timing of a phone call = good

so the trump leaks are good then

>I only like the truth when it's beneficial to me
Fuck off

>it's good when it's exposing treason
>it's bad when it's committing treason
what's so hard to grasp?

You fucking niggers who insult centrists also do this. Holy fuck the hypocrisy is amazing.

Clinton leaks weren't leaked by government officials, they were hacked because she was inept and proved corruption.

Trump leaks are from within the government and show Trump trying to be friendly with the Russians.

Two entirely different issues.

And how is whht he is doing not treason?

> leaks about DNC and corrupt candidates sabotaging their primaries and e-mailing about how the American public is dumb

> Leaks about clandestine phone calls between heads of state with implications about foreign relations, the security of the US, nuclear sovereignty, and our reputation on the world stage

not the same thing you faggot

being civil with a country is not treason you idiot

> Hillary sold Uranium to Russia

what do you think about that shill

typical monkey incapable of understanding nuance

How is what he's doing treason?


Congrats on your mental gymnastics
>implying rightists could ever be logically consistent

Name one thing he did that was treason.

>pathelogical liar

I love that Progressives have never stopped hating the mentally ill. Keep making sure the "feeble-minded" get what you think they deserve, bro!

Killed me when the APA endorsed Clinton, tho. Money can buy anything, I guess.

I'm hungry so I'll take the b8

Trump was always intel/government leaks, that's why he's been saying for years that Snowden should be killed. What he likes is when crooked politicians get their beans spilt.

The Republic and Democratic official party platforms on purely economic issues literally only diverge on a single point.

The Republicans are against regulations in general.

The Democrats are against regulations in general.

They literally agree on literally everything else. Maybe you could see that if you weren't too busy worshiping at the altar of victory.

>being civil
>lying to the the public to hide your ulterior motifs

government officials lying to the public should be considered trason


Hypocrite, conservatives do that much more often, or at LEAST equally. Stop being a sheep.

>to maintain its own power
All leaks have an agenda, that doesn't stop the leaks themselves from being factual or relevant. Sorry, you can't draw arbitrary lines because you don't like who those facts help. I'm not saying the agenda isn't pertinent, but it also doesn't change the veracity of the facts presented.

But liberals hated leaks when they were Hillary leaks
I missed it when he actually review music and not hipster garbage or pander to memers. Everything went downhill once he sucked Kendrick Lamar's dick.

>But liberals hated leaks when they were Hillary leaks
But conservatives hate leaks when they are Trump leaks

>burgerdrone parrots buzzword because he does everything for free: the post

kill yourself

they can solve this easily. hook every one of the fuckers that have access to the phone tap intel sources to a lie detector. disapear the ones who fail or refuse

fangango is a fucking idiot. needs to chill on the politics

>You liked it when your enemy got sodomized

...so I should like getting sodomized too?

I don't understand liberal logic.

Flynn "lied" to his boss

Not treason

Not Trump

Former Trump voter here, I regret voting for this man everyday. The whole world is laughing at us now. World leaders are happy though, I can tell you that; not to the benefit of the US either.

He wasn't.

Sage & Hide
Sage & Hide
Sage & Hide
Sage & Hide

KEK confirms

>being the President
>people think you're obligated to reveal everything to them

really makes me think

>government officials lying to the public should be considered trason

Great, when do we try Obama for "trason?"

>t. follower of mrs. public and private opinion

I agree with you, but what facts? I think it was incredibly retarded to fire Flynn. he did nothing wrong. The more important question is why was the Obama admin spying on Trump and his staff in the first place? And why are intel agents leaking classified information? When Snowden did it, the same community called him a traitor.

He's still the Fiery #MAGA Trump we all loved a couple months ago

There are only 3 agendas behind anti-trumpers:

1. Having the Correct Opinions and being trendy
2. Jewish Supremacism and the extermination of white people
3. Agitation for the legalization of pedophilia

You all fall into those 3 categories.

I do enjoy having correct opinions. Thanks Britbro

Intelligence was taping the Russia ambassador, not Flynn.

>voting for
Which cartel sponsored your voting booth there in jungle, faggot ?

Not an argument.

You only care about signalling that you have good taste and get irony and weird twitter and that you have the on-message opinions to show this but you're too dumb to know it's jewish supremacists and pedophiles brainwashing you for their agenda

Anthony Pantano is a racemixing whore. You can't expect him to know the difference.

Jews and feminists extended the definition of pedophilia to include 12-18 year olds in the first place

Literally Jewish golems they even get violent when forced off script

Sign me up for more brainwashing then because clearly the right is becoming beyond stupid and a rapidly declining train wreck

>britbong in charge of freedom fighting

so how's life under cameras everywhere?

Have you even read The Prince? Lying is extremely disingenuous, but it's not treasonous.

One is a private organization.

One is leaking classified information from ongoing investigations.

sign yourself up for not being 16

were they? how do we know that? is it an open secret or something? isn't leaking the fact that we record conversations between government officials worse than leaking what they talked about?

>The calls were captured by routine US eavesdropping targeting the Russian diplomats, according to the intelligence and law enforcement officials.

Look at CNN here. They are either giving away the fact that we spy on diplomats, or lying to cover up the previous admin. Either way, the leaks are way worse than the content

And you're only interested in signaling that you have the wrong, edgy opinions and triggering those damn libcucks, what of it?

Why do people bitch about people being hypocritical?

Why do assmad faggots think it even matters?

I never thought of it that way, but damn if you aren't right.

No, I'm actually invested in the outcome and my country not falling to Sharia Law. You just want to sneer at people and channel tastemaker mags.

You forgot
>4. Having a 3 digit IQ

I know right, it's like trumplings don't have anything to stand up for so any notions of hypocrisy are moot by default

>Playing the liberals game

You morons are dumb fucks. We are right. They are wrong. We don't have to explain shit. They act like all this shit is black and white that exists in a bubble. No they are the bad guys. Not us.

I'm also a former trump voter. At first I thought he was great. But in all honesty, we can't let this man have nuclear codes.

He's baiting them. The same faggots who were screaming about the Clinton leaks and claiming it was undemocratic are the same people who are supporting these newest leaks.


Not about Trump, in general.

Hypocrisy doesn't matter.

so you are comfortable, and believe the words of a proven disingenuous person, and surrounds themselves with disingenuous people?

>Dude he's like, only pretending to be a hypocritical retard lmao!

I don't care I just like watching demoshits scramble around

>leaks coordinate with foreign power is good.

Trumpsters actually believe this.

The difference is, Hillary hardly got coverage.

one ruble have been deposited into your bank account.

Hillary leaks = real documents

CIA leaks = fake documents

1st P
Best P
Nigger oP

This is you.

>CIA is telling the truth

Retards actually believe this

Jesus, you're shilling hard.

>Trump is capable of telling the truth.

Retards actually believe this

joke's on you. I shitpost for free.

doesn't matter, still winning

>flynn forced to resign
>EO intothetrash.jpg

>you want to kill your enemy, yet you do not want to get killed by your enemy? wow what a hypocrite you are!

this is literally your logic right there

not every victory is flawless

when will the anthony banani meme die?

when was hillary the president?

>corner-stone of Trump's foreign policy gone
No, it's over.


actually there are 7 years and 10 1/2 months left

Never thank god

has anyone here unironically complained about these "leaks."

Do you pay attention to what is going on or do you just spew retarded memes?

>the Swamp will just allow itself to be drained
>Trump will make America great again
>Deep State won't do its damnedest to neuter the Trump presidency