wtf, I hate fulcrums now
> mfw chicanos went full medieval
Do you have any idea how tiring it would be to fling over drugs not to mention the coordination between the two parties? The wall is a deterrent.
>we get to watch the most desperate Mexican Intellectuals toss themselves hundreds of feet to their deaths using Mexican Siege Weapons
Are we getting tired of all the winning yet?
Well, I doubt they would just fling those drugs over the wall without attaching a tracking device to the package.
thanks mate
tiring like working a job because that's what drug trafficking is to cartel members, you fucking moron, this will stop nothing.
Just put tariffs on all ACME products
>a kebab
It's probably old tech from a long gone age of when the border patrol actually patrolled the border. I doubt it was recently used if it was left abandoned to be found.
oi yw cunt
The trained DEA falcons will intercept them
Why is their flag an ant on a stick?
What happened to the old Caledonia?
Wtf there a whole bunch of rares in this thread
It's attached to the top of my country.
>implying the lasers and automated turrets wouldn't shoot anything that moves
>Gringo put up two poles and a mesh net on top of the wall
>now your drugs are stuck up there and the zetas want their pay tomorrow
ai yai yai
Drug canapults my new band name
>US flag
How do they know it's used to fling drugs and not children in search of a better life?
What a retards
Seems to be stopping every smuggling method more sophistocated than catapults lolololo
Fuckin' faggot.
O fuk. I bet that pisses off that new guy.
Its a stick on an ant u retard.
It means stregth to lift heavy thing and power and coconut kangz.
Just shoot the coming over
>mexicans will become white through natural selection
feels good.
Just the possibility of them launching illegal immigrants in by that thing makes building the wall worth it.
Lol you have no clue how much weight the cartel is transporting. You'd need a siege array of catas to sling that weight over
Furthermore, IDGAF about drugs coming in. Toss some dealers out of some helicopters, legalize MJ and things will clear themselves up
Spics entering our country illegally is a totally different story
Why bother? It's cheap shit for the cartels, tons more where that came from.
Coke packages wash up on gulf Coast beaches all the time. They call them white lobsters...read about those.
>95% of the time, its muricah asking
Are you still searching for Old Zealand too ?
you didn't even say anything of substance. you are retarded and should remove your genitals.
yeah desu
>Not using the superior trebuchet
Fucking scrubs.
Old Zealand is in Netherlands
Australia and NZ used to be dutch
You're welcome
Skip to 00:35 to see how a Mexican catapult works out against trumps wall.
I'm predicting they'll be using drones in the future (assuming they aren't already) to patrol the border.
kinda a rare that flag you got
t. catapult scientist
There is one rare here newfag
Can we please finally admit that the wall is a retarded idea and a waste of money?
no Pablo, you are the gringo.
>not a drug trebuchet
>see flying packages
>arrest drug receivers
>sit and wait for the rest of the packages to be flung over
>confiscate the whole load
>Mexcrements can't retrieve their stolen packages because of Trump wall
>gives us drugs
>stays on their side
>tracking device
You mean something border agents can track with electronic means?
No, he means a little midget they strap to the package, then when he sees them coming to find it later that night he can shout "I'M OVER HERE"
imagine when the wall is built and we have automated droved with thermal optics and they have a magnetic charging base so they just land on the wall to recharge
then we have patrol vehicles span the borders with targets marked to gps in their vehicles
hernandez: damn those gringos are smart!
also wall sentries when?
>mexican engineers
oh, no! 50lbs of drugs before they were caught!
the horror
Drug catapult, 47 pounds of marijuana found at US-Mexico border
Still, it's pretty impressive. Niggers in Africa are yet to discover a wheel.
>if it won't stop the drug trade completely there's no point in doing it
you people are fucking retarded
most illegals enter through planes
t. mexican with illegal family and friends over there
How can white men even compete?
Solid gold comment...
>I know some who do this
>MOST do this
ive never heard of this country or ever seen this flag user