Is there any sadder story in history than the US civil war?

Seriously. The more I learn about it the less I can play southerners as the bad guys.

It sounds like southern society fell way behind the North in some ways, all because they valued their heritage and traditions more than just dumping in Irish and Italian immigrants.

They just wanted to be left alone, and the north started to overstep them politically in every possible way after the Mexican-American war all because "Blackz are sooo coool bro! By the way when you free them remember not to send them to the north.."

The south finally got sick of it and realized this union wasnt for them, it became too one sided, so they willingly took their own states and peacefully attempted to leave. There is literally nothing wrong with that, slavery wasnt even nearly as brutal as they say, and thats just one minor (morale affecting) aspect of the war.

Under the command of great leaders, many of them patriots who even fought in washingtons army (some related to washington himself), they fought hard, and barely lost to a larger and more supplied union.

And the smug union managed to force the south under "reconstruction" (Northern Republican rule) for a long time, effectively grafting them into a union by force, an effect that even lasts in some ways today.

Seriously, all the south wanted to do was just leave, and now even today they had their identity stripped from them and forced into being like any other Union state.

Really sad, I feel so bad for the south. They dont deserve to be locked up in this union.

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Southern burger here. I too feel sorry for the South. Left-shits act like the Union victory was some kind of triumph over "evil" (similar to Nazi Germany's loss in WW2). But the reality is, in both cases, the opposing armies just had more men, more guns, and more resources. Fucking carpetbaggers trying to force their way of life on the South. Sure it was about slavery, but that's because the South's economy was dependent on it. To hell with state's rights, am I right?

desu there was worse things than slavery.

If the south just put restriction on slavery and made it less brutal, they would be 100 percent right. Without it there like 85 percent right.

The north chained them up. Classic english vs scots situation

>the opposing armies just had more men, more guns, and more resources

All those advantages and yet the South still had the superior k/d ratio.

Feels good to know that my ancestors put so many traitorous yanks asleep in that southern dust.

It's not like there was a bad guy. It's not that the south was evil. It was a necessary battle in which Americas future depended on it.

The Union won and look where we are today. Largest economy and largest military in human history. We are the most influential nation on the planet with a military projection power the likes of which the Earth has never known.

The Union had to succeed in order for the US to stay together. If the South would have won, the US would not be this powerful. Infact we wouldn't even exist due to the many hostile nations that would have easily been able to destroy the US and Confederate Nations since we were so divided.

The way the war turned out was for the best. But that does not discourage what the southerners fought and died for and they should be honored for their bravery, even if it was misguided.

better leaders and better reason to fight. The south will ALWAYS be braver, stronger hearted, and true. Theres still more military southerners and Texans. When its time to fight the real men arent yanks.

While I agree the North was at fault for overextending the powers of the federal government, by ratifying the Constitution and/or joining the union, you are subscribing to the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. There is no provisions in the Constitution for leaving the union, hence the South's secession was a Constitutional crisis. I don't personally find what the North did to be "wrong", the idea of states being able to leave at will defeats the purpose of having a union in the first place. Difficult situation for the South though, not unlike what some states are experiencing today. If the federal government actually adhered to the Constitution, the only way to legally end slavery would have been a Constitutional amendment, which would have been practically impossible given half the states in the union would be opposed. However, the North decided to go about other means to impose its will on Southern states, completely ignoring the fact that the US government was set up with the intention that the states would largely govern themselves.

if Lincoln sent the slaves back to Africa like he was going to the US would be a much better place

pic related

But we also have barely any real culture, pride, and are crumbling to racial and cultural takeover and will lose our spirit within a generation.

All because northerners rather give preference to minorities and take over the rest of the world, rather than take a nativist position and focus on our own culutre.

Theres no way to be sure what would be better. We wouldnt be a rich united nation, but we also wouldnt invade every country and who knows what other problems would and would never arise.

I know all the work and the goal the north had, but I will never understand: WHY?

Why did northerners change the face of the country just because their butmad about slaves that dont even live in the north.

>All those advantages and yet the South still had the superior k/d ratio.
>Feels good to know that my ancestors put so many traitorous yanks asleep in that southern dust.
fuck yeah man. Never mess with rednecks who have guns.

The Nazis also had a good k/d ratio. They slaughtered tons of reds, they just got overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.

America fell behind the north after the war even more. Northern supremacy was written into some laws. Northern railroads were paid more per mile than southern railroads for instance. Southern banks were mostly terrible and didn't have enough money so they were more likely to fail or be bought out by northern operations, etc.

After the war is where the difference between north and south didn't shrink as much as it should have precisely because there still was some northern vs southern bad feelings.

I'd like to move on past the war itself, we all know what happened there. Most people don't know about how northern states used Washington DC to fuck the south for a couple generations after the war.

If the north would have given them machines, THERE WOULD BE NO SLAVES

>valued their heritage and traditions

no... the majority were uneducated retards who where told that by the smarter wealthy class. the wealthy class then used this manufactured anger to enlist the soldiers.

its always a class thing.

>implying anything other than the USA should be allowed to stand on this land

what? This is stupid.

The north wasnt hiding the machines, the north had a completely different economy, and no real use for slaves in a cold environment. What would the south do with machines? Pick cotton?

I agree.

The niggers should have been forced back onto the boats and shipped out.

Lincoln was a nigger lover. I don't deny that. But he got killed so maybe he would have done it eventually.

No the constitution left secession up to the states. It wasn't a power given to federal government specifically so by the tenth it would be up to a state whether it should leave. After the war this "loop hole" was closed.

The states were as independent as could be before the modern constitution was signed so logically they would be free to leave if they wanted. This was suppressed by the debate on nullification or we may have had NY and other New England states secede long before anything to do with fort Sumter.

There has been no actually REAL southern representation in Federal government since the war. Anyone who is truly representing their region (the south) doesent fit in with the northern standards, so they never make it.

Seriously. They unironically are using the government to get rid of the south's most popular symbol. WTF

This question is largely relevant today, as well. Why are we paying massive amounts of tax to support illegal immigrants & other minorities who come from countries that literally indoctrinate their citizens to hate Americans? The media is a powerful tool. For every "woke" person who sees through the lies, there's 100 who treat anything they see on tv as gospel.

free white protestants are all that matter in manifest destiny. Something the north isnt even anymore LOL

>the North decided to go about other means to impose its will on Southern states, completely ignoring the fact that the US government was set up with the intention that the states would largely govern themselves.
fucking this

>It's not like there was a bad guy. It's not that the south was evil.
tell that to the (((normies))) and (((progressives)) who were brainwashed to believe this in school. "Evil, racist, slave-owning, white supremacist inbred rednecks were defeated and now we have MUH FREEDOM." [/sarcasm]
Libshits are even worse about it today, calling them terrorists and traitors. Ironic, since leftists are the biggest traitors alive, and have no bones about it.

We are in this position today because of the precedent set by the north victory.


> We have no culture

That's where you're wrong.

Our culture has infected every nation on earth. Our culture is very contagious.

fucking this. it's always some triumph over "evil racist white supremacy". Same with Nazi Germany. and they still use these events to browbeat us with guilt lest we have any pride left to not be cucks. Honestly, fuck Cultural Marxism. Helicopter rides for white leftists. gas the kikes race war now. Jews are a cancer to civilization.

Normies also believe that White people ran around Africa capturing niggers with nets like some fucking loony toons show.

Anyone who knows and appreciates history is usually #woke

>The Union won and look where we are today

Yeah, it's really panned out well with all the progressives and shitskins

>implying all of it isnt mexican,irish,italian, and german culture.

Infectious, yes, but AMERICAN. no. What makes it "american" is that it belongs to every other culture but combines uniquely.

But the south actually has a homegrown truly "american" culture.Thats why its very stereotypical and even.

Cletus deserved to be killed then and he deserves to die today. Next time we'll be sure to execute the lot of you cousinfuckers

you are a pussy.... you lost the war.. get over it... fucking snowflake


South a shit
Shermans march 2017

I think he means that we HAD a culture, but it is deteriorating ever since 1865. See also: Lost Cause of the South

That's irrlevant.

South would have supported Nazis, enough for a win. Communism would never grow too big. Radical islam would never be yanked on by commies and westerners.

This. A million times this.
The South drags the US down in virtually every metric.

Hey, good point, Marcotelli O'seamus-Heisenberg!

go ahead and look at which states the niggers are at

>slavery wasnt even nearly as brutal as they say
This is true. While it was degrading and dehumanizing, slaveholders had a financial obligation to look after their investments. Whippings and savage brutality so often portrayed in media was relatively rare due to the physical toll it took on the "merchandise." Slaves were the most valuable property in America and not only a source of wealth, but of capital as well.

I know there are quite a few southerners who say things like, "Slavery wasn't the cause, or it wasn't the only cause of the war," and while the cause of the war is more complicated, slavery is at the root of it all. Federalism, industry, etc... Fundamentally, as the nation expanded and slavery was increasingly cornered in one region, was the south going to stand by and accept it's fate as a permanent political minority on an issue that affected their entire lives, economically, socially, and politically?

I'm from pic related btw.

American culture isn't just fucking sitting on porches in a moss covered plantation homes, sipping on sweet tea and calling out "HEA NIGGER! YOU BEST GET TO STEPPIN BEFOR YOU END UP IN A TREE".

WW2 ties it


Because the south is extremely white, right?

Get out

Wow, you lost. Get over it already.

Both of my dad's parent's had grandfathers who fought for the confederacy.
He still calls it the war of Northern Aggression

You're a fucking dumb ass if you think liberalism is a symptom of the US when their ideology started from communists. Which even if the south had won, Communism would still fucking exist.

Suck a cock

And the south wouldn't be having that bullshit, unlike the progressive yankees and their kike masters.

well the north tends to be the leader in education which the marxist and communist infiltrated

White people in the south when compared independently of blacks still do far worse than other whites.
It is a shithole. Their childish obsession with being rebels along with regressive public policy has wreaked havoc on their ability to keep up with the modern world.

yeah well it should be.

Fuck Drumpf. He's a traitorous yank.
Better than Hillary, but come on.

American Culture is the strong culture than won the Mexican-American war. Southerners won that war.

>civil war
>killing each other instead of politicians, multi millionaires and billionaires

Literally why?

Your enemies are richfag pedophile satanists, not each other.

I agree. The south would have ended slavery eventually, why would a few more decades of slavery be worse than 620k dead americans? (2% of the population)

What a waste.

>assblasted yanks

Your armies were led by a slave owning drunk and the political victory you won was accomplished by zerg tactics and widow starving.

You also know deep down that if we did "Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo" the results would be about the same, if not worse for you yankee faggots.

Again, the south wouldn't exist you dumb shit.

There are dozens of reasons why the US and Confederate Nations would not exist today if the south won.

No because you assholes freed all the niggers, stupid bitch.

Its still hella whiter than the north culturally. Cultural centers of the North are New york and chicago..nigtowns.

What you people don't ever get, is that how brutal it was or wasn't was based on an enslaved people deciding to grab liberty and freedom and dignity, and then the violent response of the men in charge, to those attempts.

It doesn't matter if if you don't beat or kill every slave, because they do every single thing you say. The threat of violence used to subjugate another human, to take away all the makes America great, was the true sin.

"I'm a great benevolent slave master, none of my slaves get out of line and I never have to whip anyone. Sometimes I have to let my overseers know to take it easy on the poor souls, because I've got good slaves and I'm a nice master".

No. Lulz. It doesn't work that way bro. Slavery was un-American in terms of ideals. It was held together with extreme violence or the THREAT of extreme violence.

It's impossible to play this game. There is no way to know how they world would have turned out if the South had won. Who's to say we wouldn't be an even more dominant force today, with the entirety of Canada and Mexico under the control of the USA, joining sides with the Axis in WW2, no Jewish influence in the culture of today.

The south opened fire on a fortress filled with union military, they started the "war of northern aggression"

Moving niggers from Africa to the Americas was among the biggest mistakes the white race ever made. America would be much more stable and less crime ridden today without its African population.

> Fuck Drumpf

Fuck off CTR.

The south overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Go ahead and list them then, faggo

no its not just the blacks its also the spics

you are a pussy.... you lost the election. get over it... fucking snowflake

Do you think the Civil War is to blame for this though? Many here would argue the 1950s was the pinnacle of "American" culture. A lot of the problems we face today stem from legislation passed in the 60s and beyond.

> With Canada and Mexico under our control

Oh so you're a gloablist cuck.

Top kek.

Deo Vindice

Because we were fighting the politicians, millionares, and billionares.

We were fighting the federal, overextending politicians who worked for the billionares across the world and greedy yank bankers.

Brother killed Brother on behalf of niggers and rich kikes. Sounds familiar. I want my honor back, the south will rise again.

Arkansan here. It triggers me everytime people think the civil war was about "muh slavery" rather than the actual issue of Federal vs State power. Slavery was on the way out anyways.

Go read.

Every war has at least two sides to the story.

But ultimately the American civil war was about states' rights v human rights. And human rights rightly won.

Even where slavery wasn't nearly as brutal as they say (which certainly wasn't everywhere) it was still evil. You don't need to believe blacks to be cool to know they deserve the same rights as everyone else.

I'm sorry did you miss the part where I just fucking said "WHEN COMPARED INDEPENDENTLY"?

Blow it out your ass you communist faggot.

>That doesn't tie in with my fanciful view of America so ignore it, faggot

What a fucking embarrassment.

retard. The north rushed to occupy a southern fort. South tried to take it back.

Did I not point out the other option was Hillary? We need southern candidates.

the whites in the south are raised round said blacks and spics infecting their minds

pic related

>Post had no referance to the election whatsoever.
>Trump supporter equated the civil war with the election.
>Thinks anyone who supports the fact that the South lost is a liberal Clinton voter.
The mind of an idiot ladies and gentlemen.

They don't. Take it from someone who lives in a city with a shitload of blacks and interacts with them daily, they're some of the trashiest, most annoying people I've ever seen. Should have let the South keep their slaves.

Probably the most unfortunate event in American history, pitting Americans against Americans and Euros trying to weaken us by financing the Confederacy. Neither side was completely justified, Union should have accepted that plantation slavery was the basis of the Southern economy and let it die a natural death, and the South shouldn't have seceded immediately. Instead it created an aggressive divide that lasts to the present day, and we didn't even get a chance to ship back all of our niggers.

>slavery wasnt even nearly as brutal as they say,

The Constitution makes no mention of slavery, and makes it crystal clear in the 10th amendment that any power not explicitly given to the federal government is left to the states. Am I advocating for slavery? No. But the way in which the North went about imposing its will on the South via the federal government was a violation of the Constitution and, therefore, just as "un-American".

You really are fucking hopeless man.

You wouldn't be saying that if your people were the enslaved ones, dipshit.

>we are so fucking retarded that we are heavily influenced by people we claim to be superior to.

Did I get that right?

you dont think being raised around niggers and spics can affect someone?

I can be a proud Yankee and still respect the South. Keep in mind, then as now, the average fighting man had nothing to do with politics and just wanted to do his duty.
God Bless Robert E. Lee.

Nigger every fort was a USA fort to be occupied by USA troops

The slave angle was just played on by Lincoln anyways that's not the real reason is occured.


Maybe the weak-minded people are.

>seceded immediately

wtf. The south was bullied decades before the civil war.

get out of my country, you shit eating cuck

Ah yes, but we are.
By the Union.

You are right, and there was also no explicit prohibition against secession.

Here in the south we have a strong sense of traditional values and family. It goes beyond the stereotype. Southern hospitality is a real thing if you've ever cared to visit. You're mostly just propaganda bombed with the hick archetype so that regular folk don't realize how much of a paradise we would live in if our culture was dominant in the US.