Could free college and healthcare work in America? Why or why not?
Could free college and healthcare work in America? Why or why not?
No because when you TAX THE 1 AND 2 PUHCENT into the ground, you're really just raping ALL business owners which causes bad economic times.
Step One : kill the 1% and distribute their wealth
Step Two : peace on Earth
no because americans hate themselves, i would rather use that tax money to buy a 4 pack of strong beer every night
No, because America is actually a third world country which can't afford it. This is the redpill even Sup Forumsfags can't swallow.
There is no such thing as free health care or education. You may want to call it with is true name, which is public funded health care and education.
My white neighborhood is 1st world
Free healthcare can and will happen. Free college is a bad idea because all it will damage the quality of undergraduate education and force people who want an above average job to get a graduate degree, even more so than is already the case anyways.
Is that why all western nations that have socialized healthcare and school have higher gdp per capita than the USA?
Why do conservatives keep saying this dumb shit? Do they think free only means something that you can create with literally no input? Of course it's paid for. If I give a bum free food someone paid for that too. It's still free.
It could definitely work, but the money that could be funding that project is currently being spent on niggers and nigger accessories.
>Could free college and healthcare work in America? Why or why not?
Please explain the term "Free". It seems that in the context you posted it implies that the educators and the healthcare providers will be working for nothing.
If the professors and the insurance industry wants to do something at 0 cost, it would work great.
However, if they insist on being paid the funding would have to come from somewhere. This would not make it free.
>doesn't know what free means
It's not "free" it's just misappropriated funds, that could have been better used elsewhere... Imagine Affirmative action for everyone.
Absolutely. With zero illegals. A welfare system that discourages leeches and a healthy population. Ohh no! Hitler!
It is not free you fucking retard. It is "free" only for those few that lack any type of revenue. Not you, not me, not anyone else that posts here: only piss poor individuals. All the others will still have to pay for it trough taxation. "Free healtcare" is just a meme word to reel in votes from idiots. Even in countries with working public funded healthcare system, like Italy or France, we pay for it a fuckton of money: not in the form of an insurance premium, but with a good chunk of our monthly income that is taken away trough taxes.
Because the 1 percent = ALL THE DICKS YOU WISH YOU COULD SUCK...but can't, because you couldn't pass high school economics and had to drop out and become full on GFP.
We already pay for 4 years of mostly useless highschool. I say replace band, art, athletics, history, literature, spanish, etc with STEM trade focused education with internships included and tailored to suit workforce deficiencies. For students that can't hack STEM put in other trade skill courses like plumbing, A/C repair, etc.
Free means we don't pay for it directly. The fact that I pay taxes and my taxes go toward it doesn't make it not free. You're just arguing semantics because you don't have any argument to make toward the actual point.
>not retarded
Pick only 1
No, because Americans are retarded.
Yes. Our military budget is bloated beyond fucking belief, our jet programs are insane and would pay for a significant portion of the cost. Look at how much tax revenue Colorado has made on marijuana. That would pay for another significant portion of it.
And no, the 1 and 2% are not "taxed into the ground," most of their income untaxed because of income adjustments, tax deferrals, as well as tax upon death trust schemes. That doesn't even get into shady loans and front operations where a business is established and dissolved just to sink some money into and reabsorbed rather than having it taxed.
Trickle down economics simply doesn't work. A strong base with mass movement of product and consumption is the only way the economy can function. If people can't buy things, businesses can't profit except by hiking prices and cutting wages which further exacerbates the issue.
There is absolutely no reason we can't make it work other than for-profit institutions lobbying as hard as they possibly can and "muh socialism" despite Medicare and Social Security being socialist, not to mention roads and public parks and police forces.
Lost and FPBP
Why do canadians make such bad posts, every time, seriously?
>how to turn every field into engineering and overinflate unemployment due to mass competition in two easy steps
Bill whittle did a breakdown of taxing the 1% and big mega corporations and its just not enough to fund this shit. Socialists are retarded.
What do you think (((free))) health care and college would be paying for?
>tailored to suit workforce deficiencies
Literacy isn't your strong suit, huh?
No, we need to increase standards of our secondary schools and get rid of No Child Left Behind. Most jobs don't need a college degree besides STEM majors and things like education. We need to make the bachelor degree more scare and increase the value of a high school diploma.
yes, as Ross Perot said the return in tax income on soldiers having received the GI bill for higher education is 7x what they received from taxpayers
the only people who really are defensive against this are people who are worried it would make their skills less important
and, as my brother said, if your college degree is the only distinguishing thing about you in terms of job credentials, you have serious problems
Free college for everyone just ends up being a waste investment. 95% of the people attending college today have no place being there and don't actually need a degree to succeed in their career path.
>no and no
>because and because
There is no such thing as "Free".
Socialized healthcare results in masses of your middle and upper class citizens fleeing your systems to ours (The US) for premium treatments and surgeries.
The actual services provided become subpar and insufficient to the task at hand.
It is on a sliding scale; the more you render something subsidized, the lower quality it becomes. This is unavoidable as a consequence of the skill level, expertise and expense of the industry involved; Health care is costly to perform, exceedingly difficult and education-intensive. The less incentive to be involved, the less profit is possible, the less quality doctors and machines you have.
It's a very simple give and take of the economic reality.
Free does not mean indirectly stolen from people who outperform you in life.
That is theft. You would lower the bar across the board to give access to every person, rather than facilitating those with ambition, means and capital being able to receive the best treatment in the world.
Philosophical difference is what this really is;
You believe every person, whether lazy or ambiitous, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, should have the same substandard care package available to them, furnished by an omnipotent government who knows better than the private citizens what is best for them and should dictate the terms of their lives and money.
I believe you should be in control of you and your family's affairs, both in success and failure. A collective of beurocrats does not know better than you how to manage your affairs.
Grow up and assume agency in your own affairs; the word for this is Conservatism.
>he thinks that would be enough to curb competition, especially in rural america
>he doesn't recognize this is essentially Soviet "According to his ability" career assignment through incentivizing rather than police mandate
Sounds like you couldn't even hack it in NCLB public schooling and you want a STEM leaning school system?
The government spends money on dumb shit.
Universal healthcare works but only in non-vibrant countries.
t. former ambulance driver
half my passengers were diabetic obese nigresses
>he thinks anything the government does to address real problems in the workforce is essentially Soviet.
Guess that makes Trump a Leninist like some of his staff openly brags about.
Free college would make college worthless
>The fact that I pay taxes and my taxes go toward it doesn't make it not free.
>The fact that I pay for it with taxes doesn't make it not free.
>The fact that I pay
>doesn't make it not free.
You are trolling right? And I have swallowed the whole bait with hook line and sinker? I refuse to believe that someone can achieve such levels of detachment from logic.
You also seem to imply that I'm a conservative and/or against a public funded system, which isn't really the case. My point is simple that choosing a health care system equates to choosing how are you going to pay for it. You are never going to get it for free, because the vast majority of professionals that go into medicine don't do so for charity purposes.
Social Security is a disaster and the reason we're having third world hordes forced upon us, dipshit
Wanna see free healthcare in action? Research the VA. Dumbfuck moron. Bernie Sanders has a sub 80 IQ and if you unironically believe the shit he spews, you are very very stupid.
>hur hur deh gubmint pays fur it
oh so how does the government get funding then?
>not tax paid
fuggin gommie
you never go full REEEEEtard
Nothing is ever free.
Leaf posting from Japan. Socialized medicine is only good until you have something life threatening. Doctors are not allowed to act unless the treatment has a "reasonable" chance of success. If you don't meet that criteria determined by the state, then you're fucked. In the case of my mother, she had a tumor that was 1cm too large to operate on. They offered her only palliative care. So we told em to fuck off and we went to the states, had it shrunk with radiotherapy 10 years ahead of what we had at the time. Then we went back to the same hospital and suddenly they were allowed to operate on her. She died in the end because the tumor metasticised but I wonder to this day if we had got the surgeory sooner if she might have lived.
TLDR don't surrender control of our health care over to the state.
How do I into japan
This divide, each state up and compare it to other countries. Half of it is Russia tier 2nd world