If you guys are so redpilled, why do you ignore Trump's countless connections to New York Jewish financiers, his Jewish...

If you guys are so redpilled, why do you ignore Trump's countless connections to New York Jewish financiers, his Jewish, fag-enabling daughter, and Marine Le Pen's Jewish boyfriend?

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Those who claimed to be red pilled aren't red pillled.

shill this is what shills say to us le pen is a jewish hoe trump is own by the jews putin daugther is married to a jew geert widlers is a jew

Tell us the blithe of the Jews, Brazil.


The guy is a millionaire ceo, why wouldn't he be surrounded by jews?

Maybe because I'm not American and don't give a shit about that country.

>muh redpills n sheeit

wtf is hymey town

Yeah, it'd have been TOTALLY redpilled to elect Bernie, or Hillary, or Gary "What is Aleppo?" Johnson, right?

Go fuck a coconut, Huemonkey.

Russian-French here. Don't think I will vote in this elections.

Why white girls always have a flat ass? oh yeah, weak albino genetics.

I feel repulsed that you admitted to being a Negroid, an actual Negroid is typing on his keyboard.

Negro and negroid spawned races are the worst, I agree

>i know nothing about new york real estate: the thread.

>why do you ignore this new york businessman's connections to jews

Because when you do business in New York at least half of your business is with jews.


He's gotta play their game until the breaking point. Can't act too soon or his plan won't work. Wait til the year 2020

Tbf, the woman you posted isn't exactly hot.

Amerifats actually believe this


Left and Right battle it out while the Jews collect more gold... This can't end well for anyone.

>Names Goldman Sachs banker as secretary of Treasury

Because with Jews on your side, you win! Whites and Jews; good news.

That's quite the reason I was against Trump both times he threw his hat into the ring.

This time around, he presented a better pragmatic program for getting shit done. A word called triage.

Take a look at the list of Treasury Secretaries and tell me how far you have to go back in time until you find one that isn't part of the international fraternity of bankerhood.


>why do you ignore Trump's countless connections to New York Jewish financiers, his Jewish, fag-enabling daughter
Name one New York real estate mogul who has no connections to NY jew banks.
Name some non-jew men within Ivanka's social class that would be good alternatives.

Jews hate whites, They only use them as slaves.

BOOM. This video is spot on

She wasn't supposed to, I'm here to shitpost

>Drains the swamp
>fills it with the same people

Swamps take a while to drain.

t. did plumbing for a while and even fixed electrocution plumbing to better standards than Brazil's version of oylmpic death plumbing

>I don't know what "Drain the Swamp" meant

Oh look, it's that guy again.

Keep shilling and I'll get this Brazil proxy banned, you fucking fag

He doesn't always reply, though.

He's breaking.

Of course Trump is full of shit. Marine Le Pen too but it's not like Sup Forums was full of people of conviction. Most people here just want to mock liberals, shitpost and share memes. Not saying Sup Forums is satire but it's definitely not a serious and mature board. Again, who cares?

Most people here are principled ethnic nationalist or strife for that. Excellence matters

>Most people here are principled ethnic nationalist

I wish.

Sup Forums has no real principles. Most just like bandwagoning or using dirty words.

we are getting rid of the jew meme soon

Trumps a fucking jew but he's an aryan jew

>Most just like bandwagoning or using dirty words
In other words Talmudic Trostkyite Communist Satanic Jews.

Always ask what is supposed to take the place of the existing regime.

WTF I'm with her now!
Stop voting for Jew puppets, goyim.
Let's all just sit back and wait for Hitler.

at least Hitler gassed six hundred Jews

That's Reddit

>pol ignores trumps jewish connections
You must be new here

wtf i hate drumpf now
i should have voted for hillary!