Leftovers From Gawker Creating Their Own CTR

The last remaining cucks from Gawker are coming together to form their own version of CTR they call Special Projects Desk. Their mission is to basically go out and find anything dirty on Trump. They are spreading this throughout their main sites like Kotaku, Deadspin and Jezebel. On top of all this, they've set up a brand new website called TellOnTrump.com which encourages people to send them tips about how to stump Trump.

Alright now here is the big one, and it's a page right out of CTR

>Through targeted ads on Facebook, we’re reaching out to users who list federal agencies as their employers, and we are exploring ways to advertise in public spaces near federal buildings in Washington, D.C. If you work in the federal bureaucracy and want to bear witness, anonymously or otherwise, to the way the Trump Administration is asserting its authority, we are here to listen

So what say we send them some tips huh? If we're going to counter fake news with more fake news, this is a goldmine



This is a golden opportunity to cram the tip line with copypastas and hoaxes just like we did last year.

This. They want to spread fake news, let's give them fake news.



>literally subverting the Operational Security of the Executive Branch and potentially putting National Security at Risk
>Why? Because Fuck Trump AMIRIGHT XDDDD

Why is this legal? Why didnt they do this with Obama?

Because their all libtard's and kikes. Queen kike Ashley (((Feinburg))) is most likely the one running things

Because conservatives are good people.

full article

Is that buzzfeed?
Looking for the source but I know after hogan crashed gawker with no survivors the remains were bought and reopened by a Mexican (or South American) tabloid company

>Our tips line,, is accessible via voice, text, Signal, WhatsApp, Line, and Allo. We also have a Secure Drop portal that permits sources to anonymously send us documents and tips.

Ready to cause another Golden Shower Sup Forums?

They were bought up by Fusion, but their new collective name is Gizmodo Media Group

Kek. Can't wait to see how this is run. They did a great job running their company into the ground

I saw Steve Bannon at a grocery store in DC yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I say we send them tips and create documents that are full of Trump memes and language, and make it look legit as well. We can sink their reputation big time

The Rundown..
I saw Trump murder a nigger at a party for billionaires. It happened in the top of Trump Tower, the naked nigger was let loose into a steel cage, he looked drugged as he could barely stand. Trump entered the cage wearing a pair of camo pants and nothing else, while carrying a zweihander. It was over within seconds as Trump used said weapon to pwn the nigger by taking his head clean off. The spectacle ended with Trump kicking the head of the nigger around like a soccer ball as he asked his maid for a towel and a glass of wine.

We need a thread coordinated effort to make this happen. I don't want fucking 8gag making us look bad again.


these fuckers never learn, every thing they do is so artificial, so scripted and boring.

if we didnt have christ cucks as a liability this would be easy to deal with.

So what if they contact real people who are victims of people faking tips in their name? What if it's a trap somehow? Be careful!


They have an anonymous Dropbox like system you can use to send them tips and documents. Just have a VPN or proxy on so they can't by some chance trace your IP

Trump supporter here. I really dgaf if they are digging up dirt on Trump. More info is a good thing, as long as it's not lies/disinfo. They're not "like CTR" if they're not hiring paid shills to troll social media. If they're doing that the fuck them.

I'm all for Whistleblower stuff, but doesn't the obvious political slant and proactive nature here put this in the realm of actual espionage against the US Government?

>receiving calls and messages on a number of platforms, including iMessage, Signal, WhatsApp, Line, and Allo

Are they fucking retarded or knowingly creating a honeypot?

RIP to anyone who actually communicates with them.

They're going to run with the Trump fucking Ivanka in the whitehouse meme, aren't they?

we need to use stories that are real, but completely not Trump / his staff. like for instance, the Michael Brown store robbery - give the full description of 'Saw Bannon in a convenience store - he grabbed a handful of cigars off the counter and started walking out the door. The store owner confronted him, and Bannon shoved the guy against a shelf. He then turned and left'.


Firsp Blap Presidenp

Let's ruin it.


It will be a joy to hang these people.



Actually, they're probably expecting rogue ICs to send something in. Try and make some of them somewhat official looking.


The tips we jam them with need to be plausible, but not obviously fake. The kind of fake that requires just a little bit of research to debunk. No memes, no themes, no spaghetti. Nothing that can be easily dismissed.

We have to do more than just flood the tipline, we have to waste their time. Lots of time.


In other words, give them documents or a story that are easily believable, and then lead them on a wild goose chase until they realize the entire story was a fake, and all they had to do was do some research and they could easily see it was fake.

I fucking hate those niggers at gawker, I can't believe I use to read Kotaku.........

They praise anything transgendered, women, gay, black....

they really are fucking internet cancer that wants to see white straight males erased.

Not if the story is one that can easily be disproved if they actually do their research. However these are all Gawker rejects, so they would never actually bother to look into anything

Perfect. However we're also going to need to create fake government documents as well. We need them to look legit enough that Gizmodo buys it

a classic.

Let's flood tellontrump with fake shit to make their job much harder

I really legit want to see Sup Forums come together and make this happen. I'm tired of seeing 8gag get shit done because our cucked mods ruin all our fun.



Gawker isn't going to fall for pizzagate. Take a look at who did and assess your chances of winning....

Trump's war with the CIA makes a good backdrop for a banepost.

They want information about Trump. So give them something that they'll easily believe, but in fact its completely fake

Just thought of something. Why not pretend to be someone who used to work at Trump Tower?

I'm making a thread for this

Post link when its up. And for fucks sake lets not abandon it after like two weeks like the whole Antifa thing

I wish it was illegal for for information to be taken and formulated into target ads.

If they actually do this, I want to see who's helping to fund them. If Soros is involved in anyway shape or form, that's a bonus for us

Bumped because the cucked mods deleted the other thread

We want you to leak us things. Sometimes an email will suffice, or a call to our tips line, or even an anonymous comment on a post. But sometimes sources want to contact us without leaving a digital trail.

SecureDrop is designed to help you do just that. It is a way for you to send us things—messages, tips, files, documents—while maximizing your anonymity and frustrating any attempts (including by us) to identify you as the source.

For details on how SecureDrop protects your anonymity, please see our privacy terms below. And for other secure ways to reach us, including encrypted email, encrypted chats, and snail mail, please go here.

To use SecureDrop:

Download and install the Tor Browser Bundle. This will permit you to visit the SecureDrop connection page, which operates as a Tor "hidden service" and is not accessible via standard internet browsers. We recommend that you not download, install, or use Tor from your office or any network that might be monitored that you are known to use. Instead, go to a coffee shop or some other public, open network.
Open the Tor browser and paste this URL into the address bar: gmg7jl25ony5g7ws.onion
Follow the instructions you find there to send us messages, receive our replies, and upload files.
How SecureDrop Works

Created by Aaron Swartz and developed by the Freedom of the Press Foundation, SecureDrop employs rigorous security protocols and makes use of the Tor network to establish a communications channel that is hardened against interception or subsequent leak investigations. Your messages will be encrypted and read on a machine that is not connected to the internet. Gizmodo Media Group's SecureDrop will not record or retain your IP address or any information about your browser or your visit, nor will it place any persistent cookies or third-party trackers on your machine. And the use of the Tor's anonymizing software makes it extremely difficult for anyone to prove or even suspect that you used SecureDrop.

They make all of this way too easy. Its so easy just to make a fake story, have them take the bait, and then they can't track you down.


Just gonna throw this out there.

>Sent tip to ToT pretending to be the son or daughter of a former tenant that used to live in one of Trump's apartment buildings back in the 70s.
>Tell them that your mom/dad was furious about Trump winning and felt the need to tell you exactly what Trump did to them.
>Tell them the "story" mom or dad told you about how Trump was being racist. Make sure you be subtle, but also ridiculous as well.
>Throw in BLM shit as well for the hell of it.

Okay we have to help discredit liberal media. Once the public has doubts, they can begin to be dismantled, and the psy-op weakens.


Isn't this treason?


I wish. Sadly this isn't illegal what they're doing. We just need to humiliate them

outrageous hate crime hoaxes like the mic article might work as well if you have some vague background source like a local news article.