Why is the US Military off fighting globalist wars for Israel when they should be securing our southern border?
Why is the US Military off fighting globalist wars for Israel when they should be securing our southern border?
You mean the northern border?
Because Muslims are much worse. We have to keep killing them off.
But they aren't an immediate threat and can easily be contained through immigration policies, shill.
Thats what border patrol is for you mong.
Bad answer. In our entire genocidal campaign in Iraq we have still not managed to reduce their population from year to year. There are STILL more of them every year.
It isn't working. They need to be contained and ignored. The real problem is Israel, which continues to aggravate the hornet's nest while tacitly encouraging us to take these shitskins into our country.
Because Israel is our greatest ally
Triggered mudskins be damned
Doing such a great job....
Do you get paid at the JIDF or are you just doing it to get out of being sent to the front lines?
Because trump supports the state of Israel, Iran is Israel's next target, and guess who's gonna be fighting them.. US
You're retarded.
Then join one of those red beck vigilante groups on the Arizona border if you feel you can do a better job.
and the first good goys begin to crawl out of the woodwork...
Why is it the responsibility of vigilante groups to protect the borders? It's obviously the governments job and they're not doing everything they can.
You ever played the game whack-a-mole? You hit one 3 more pop up. Thats how it is catching Spics.
Because the last time a US president openly stood up against Israel and their lobby in America he got a bullet through the back of his head.
Look up Michael Collins Piper's Final judgment
Also discussion related to your immediate question.
Reminder: Texas tried to use the Nat Guard of their state to help secure the border and Obama made them stand down.
cause our leadership is full of maniacs.
most of the soldiers in the military are more apolitical than anything
neocon and globalist shitheads are the ones who make the horrible decisions
Because we're fucking bored and need shit to do while we look for someone else who wants their asses kicked.
cause the usa is the enforcer of globalism
the last and hardest red pill for you burgers is that the usa is an evil empire and it must fall
Because the deep state profits from endless wars and open borders.
>ywn stand post on the border and actually serve your country
I hate this shit but realistically guys, lets say the armed forces got tasked to border patrol, I imagine Regular Army/National Guards would do most of the ground work, Navy patrolling our waters and the Air Force watching the skies, what would the Marines do?
I propose we go back to our original mission of the 19th century
all those gallons of petrol just to stop a bunch of spics. just shoot them.
Im pretty sure all that would still cost less than fighting hajis overseas, unfortunately I don't see this happening since having the military guard the border won't line neocon pockets with money like middle eastern wars
Jimmy Carter has openly criticized Israel for decades. Jews hate him.
What we should do is take all their oil and leave the arabs destitute.
We don't even need to do that, just use alternative energy.
You cant contain them without taking away their power to project.