Daily reminder that if you don't understand this infographic, you still haven't taken the redpill

Daily reminder that if you don't understand this infographic, you still haven't taken the redpill.

New & improved, r8 & share.

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wasnt the UN created by some self-loathing hapa fuck too?

the one who wanted to see europe race mixed and destroyed. i think he was half jap.


Can you give me a quick run down?
Red pill form if possible.

UN and EU founders were almost all members of Pan-Europa Movement.

Founder of Pan-Europa = Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, the shabbos goy of all good goyim. Half Jap, half Austrian.

He hated whites, thought Jews were "destined to be the "spiritual nobility of the world" and LITERALLY wrote a plan calling for the imposition of Communism in order to solidify the rule of the "new" nobillity and to import brown people in order to turn all of Europe into a one race of easily controlable mud people. That's actually mentioned in the infograph under the "mass immigration" section.


Kalergi on the "man of the future" and destroying diversity:
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

On Jewish leadership and philosemitism:
>The highest requirement demands that aristocracy coincides with nobility, and leadership coincides with a model: that leadership falls to the perfect man. From the mass of European humanity, two quality races stand out: blood aristocracy and Jewry. Separated from each other, they both hold firmly to the belief in their higher mission, of their better blood, to human differences in rank. In these two heterogeneous and preferred breeds lies the core of future European nobility: aristocracy in the feudal blood, as far as he did not let himself be corrupted by capital or the court, and aristocracy in the Jewish brain.

The comparison with the British:
>The precursor of the planetary man of the future is the Russian Slavic-Tatar-Finnish mongrel of modern Europe; because he, among all the peoples of Europe, is the race of the typical multi-soul people with a wide ranging, encompassing soul. His strongest antipode is the insular Briton, the highly bred single minded man whose strength typically lies in the character, in the will - he provides modern Europe with the most closed, perfect type: the Gentleman

On the future Jewish aristocracy:
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

About the intellectual "Jewishness" of Europe
>Christianity, (John), through the ethical Jewish Essenes and spiritually Jewish Alexandrians (Philo) regenerated Jewry. As far as Europe is Christian, it is (in the ethical and spiritual sense) Jewish; as far as Europe is moral, it is Jewish. Almost all European ethics are rooted in Judaism. All champions of religious or irreligious Christian morality, from Augustine to Rousseau, Kant and Tolstoy, were Jews by choice in the spiritual sense; Nietzsche is the only non-Jewish, the only pagan ethicist in Europe. The most prominent and the foremost proponents of Christian ideas which are present in its modern reincarnation are pacifism and socialism, and these are Jewish.

You know that old meme that "Jews run the world"?

Yeah it's not just a meme, and they control most of the media and information you consume, and they're generally responsible for the mass migration and left-wing movements that Sup Forums complains about on a daily basis. Here's the easier to digest version.

"Progress" in this day and age means "go wherever the Jews want you to go".




Needs info on the Kalgeri plan, IMO one of the biggest comprehensive redpills on jews.

Also the feminism image needs to be updated, IIRC some of them are not even jews, or they are jewesses who have mentioned a love for feminism in passing.

A consolidated list would probably be better, and feminism and marxism being traditions in tandem.

>Needs info on the Kalgeri plan

Kalergi is mentioned in the section about mass immigration. Right under Barbara Spectre and Wesley Clark from when he announced the bombing of Yugoslavia.

>Also the feminism image needs to be updated, IIRC some of them are not even jews, or they are jewesses who have mentioned a love for feminism in passing.
They are all Jewish feminists. I know JIDF made an image trying to debunk it but they're all Jewish feminists/Marxists. You could find dozens of others if you wanted anyway as you can see with all the feminist books next to it, it just took less time to use that image.

>feminism and marxism being traditions in tandem.
Marxism attacks the family, gender roles, nationalism and property, just like the modern incarnation of progressivism. That's what the infographic tries to dissect.





Why is the text always so fucking small in these super important infographics? FFS, there is no point in them if you can't fucking read it.

That infographic has a whole bunch of versions where you can't read shit. It's fucking annoying because it's probably the most important red pill out there.

That infographic is good, but fails to show who the string pullers are. The international bankers that own the private central banks are what funds and controls all of this, who are manipulating economic and government systems. Most of the people listed in that infographic are pawns in the grand strategy.


Which part do you have trouble reading? I can read pretty much everything on my browser. Have you tried opening the image in a new tab?

And the text is small because it would take up too much space (in terms of filesize and the image itself) otherwise.

The Rothschilds, Greenspan, Bernanke, Rockefeller, etc. are all listed as controlling the international banks and corporations.


So, why did Americans accept Jews into their society?

Well the first part is that even in the early days of America, Jews already had a huge amount of power through their control of banking, business and wealth.

The second is just naivety and what Jared Taylor calls "pathological altruism". Even after Jews have completely perverted Western civilization, people still think they need to be defended, that kicking them out is somehow a bad thing, and that Hitler was the bad guy. White people are just too nice and emotionally manipulated for their own good.

Wasn't hitler funded by the Rotschilds?
And wasn't he into the same sort of eugenics BS as the NWO the west is fighting today?

Only in the early days before Hitler nationalized the banks. They always try to fund both sides to get more control and make more money. That's when they got pissed off and declared war on Germany.


>And wasn't he into the same sort of eugenics BS as the NWO the west is fighting today?
Hitler had programs that would've curbed the overpopulation we're facing today, and mostly keep people who are literally retarded and have diseases from reproducing, while encouraging the best to reproduce more.

The NWO seems to be fighting for dysgenics. See: They want a (mostly Jewish) aristocratic elite that will control the low-IQ brown people, which is why they're promoting miscegenation, white genocide and mass migration into Western countries. That's what Hitler was trying to stop among other things.

Seriously if you can't read the text, it's probably because you're trying to read it on this page.

Right-click the image and select "Open in a new tab" and you'll be able to zoom in to read everything in detail.






>not even jews, or they are jewesses who have mentioned a love for feminism in passing

They sure are pushing them hard for some reason on (((wikipedia))).

That's because it's accurate. Feminism, especially since the "second wave" in the West (which is when it really started being "feminism) has been a predominantly Jewish movement.

Naomi Wolf, Lena Dunham, Betty Friedman, Susan Sontag, Andrea Drowkin, Gloria Steinem, etc. and almost every leading figure in the feminist movement have been Jewish. Women are more easy to manipulated so Jews have always gone after them more.

Whether it's convincing them to attack men and create divisions between the genders, convincing them that they should spend their life working as wage slaves for the Jews, driving down wages, convincing them that they should be more like men and that feminity is bad, that gender is a "social construct", convincing them that they shouldn't have kids and shouldn't get married, convincing them that every institution in the West (like the nuclear family unit or schools) are "patriarchal" and should be destroyed, convincing them to become degenerate sluts and be proud of it and everyone criticizing the feminist agenda is "sexist"...

Women and especially the feminists are so brainwashed by the Jews that they'll support the Islamization of West, another one of the Jewish agendas, even though it seems completely at odds with what feminists claim to want.


No doubt that Jews are over represented in positions of power, but so what?

That only speaks to their having an average IQ of 115, living in big cities and being very involved in politics

There's lots of Jews on Trump's side

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Now tell me how Israel is "based".

High verbal IQ only. Jews do not belong in positions of power in white countries, white people do. Also their goal is to destroy whites so thats kinda important too.

Israel is full of Arabs and non-white Jews (so much for le Israel doesn't accept diversity)

I actually made the original chart you expanded on. Jews are insanely liberal (75%), insanely urban (>90%), very smart (IQ 115) and due to their culture very politically involved. They are also very nepotist and won't doubt giving a job to a fellow tribe member over a non-Jew. However, some Jews are good (Savage, Breitbart, Miller...) and it's great to be able to have them on your side, so rather than a blanket ban, they should be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Sometimes I'm fine with that, other times I'm like, the damage done by Jews is too great and we cannot risk it happening again. Also there is their Jewish children to worry about. Regression to the mean is a real thing and we see it in blacks constantly. I am happy to peacefully deport all future Breitbarts to Israel with a large thank you check and let them kill all the Palestinians they want.

Anybody have that israels warcrimes infographic?

top of it had the USS liberty

I'm Mike Wolfe, and I'm Frank Fritz, and we're pickers. We travel the backroads of America, looking for rusty gold. We're looking for amazing things buried in people's garages and barns. What most people see as junk, we see as dollar signs. We'll buy ANYTHING we think we can make a buck on. Each item we pick has a history all it's own. And the people we meet, well, they're a breed all their own. We make a living telling the of America. One piece at a time.

I wonder who's behind this thread?
Nice psyop attempt at distracting from the Irish-Catholic and WASP elites.

And they've been slaughtering the Arabs for decades

Jews aren't white, and in fact most of them reject diversity in Israel, while promoting it in Western countries.


>I actually made the original chart you expanded on

No you didn't. I know where that NWO infograph came from.

>Jews are insanely liberal (75%)
So 75% of them are subversives who destroy Western society, the other 25% are "right-wing" Jews who use the right-wing as a vehicle to serve Israel and probably follow the Talmud.

>insanely urban (>90%)

>very smart (IQ 115)
Cherrypicked study, and those IQ stats are usually only for Ashkenazis and don't change how they use it. Israel has an average 94 IQ.

>They are also very nepotist and won't doubt giving a job to a fellow tribe member over a non-Jew.
And since they use those positions to undermine the West and whites, they will called out for it.

Savage literally said white interests belong in the "dustbin of history".

>Chosenite Michael Savage claims Whites "belong in the dustbin of history"

Without Breitbart or Savage, more right-wing people would follow legitimate non-Jewish outlets and would be more likely to adopt NatSoc values instead of following morons like Milo. The Jews want to control everything, regardless of which side of the political spectrum it's on.

>they should be judged on a case-by-case basis.
They should be kept out to avoid all the problems in the first place

>adopt NatSoc values
hurr durr if you aren't a national socialist you are just a JEW

Not saying that, I'm saying if outlets like Breitbart didn't exist, it wouldn't bother me because people on the Right would follow stuff like theoccidentalobserver, newobserveronline, Red Ice TV, etc. instead, which would get a higher budget and would become bigger instead, and those people wouldn't be be steered toward politics that are only controlled and designed to serve Jewish interests.

First it was the neoconservatives hihacking conservatism in the 70s, now it's people like Milo, Rebel Media, and Breitbart. They just anticipated the new wave of conservatism, and they steer it wherever they want. Those places will never address the Jewish problem, or specifically advocate for white interests, because they're Jewish or controlled by Jews, and Jews will always try to suppress any explictly white interests.

You can bet if the US goes to war with Iran (which serves Israel), or if Jew-owned companies like Viacom and Comcast want to get rid of net neutrality, Breitbart will be telling you how great that is.


>nice try shlomo
i know you just want me to ignore the obvious global conspiracy being perpetrated by the Bogdanoffs

It's obvious. (144 iQ here btw)




I love you all!


White race dying out is Inevitable.
>tfw in the near future The last memory of whites will be in the pictures and movies. And people are just gonna sit and think how the world used to be beautiful

The future is whites self-segregating after realizing the failures of multiculturalism and globalism. People will have learned from their mistakes. They may lose control of some of their lands, but they will use those lessons for the ones they keep.

We can already see the cracks in the plan with euroskepiticism and nationalist parties growing all across the board.

Face it leaf, more than half of the white generation has already been brainwashed to oblivion. Even if you appeal reasoning for self-segregation, you will be painted out as the bad guys. The cards are on their hands You will be bullied to submission.

Resist as much as you want, but this generation has produced nothing more than failed humans. Your Society has only produced vain self-centered people. This generation has no philosophers, no thinkers only slaves.

>Face it leaf, more than half of the white generation has already been brainwashed to oblivion.

And as things get worse for them, they will snap out of it. We've seen a lot of similar stories recently, people who used to consider themselves "liberal" only now realizing what they really stand for.

>The cards are on their hands You will be bullied to submission.
Maybe a few decades ago I would've agreed, with the MSM and newspapers having completely control over the flow of information, but now it's just so easy with alternative outlets to provide another perspective. It's easier than ever to see through the lies and call them out.

Speaking of which...


Encouraging sign.

Based Denmark

Fucking hell I said it was too much in one chart the last time I saw you post this. No one is going to read this with this much info.
>you still haven't taken the redpill
More like the redball

I posted the simplified version here: I just put everything I could think of in there to show as much as evidence for people who are still in denial. You just can't deny it with this much evidence. It's all in one graph.


What if the Jews are actually the good guys in all of this? Sure, they're promoting various forms of degeneracy and destroying the white race but these are simply means to an end. And that end is a utopia under a one world government that governs one people, all people. I used to think nationalism was a good thing but then I realized it causes more wars and deaths than anything else on the planet. It's an endless cycle. The only way to avoid this is to unite the human race in a singular, all-encompassing utopia where there will be no more divisions.

Nice bait Shlomo.

Jews and their globalist agenda have caused more deaths than any nationalist dispute.

Even now they're still promoting wars with Russia, Syria and Iran. Their Zionist, ethnic interests have destroyed the Middle-East, Palestine, Germany, and a lot more if you go back further than that.

If races stopped existing which would lead to dysgenics, it would create stagnation and an empty grey blob that would make human culture worthless. Wars would keep being fought for economic interests as they always have, and the Jews at the top of this "one-world government" would keep serving their own ethnic interests. That's the hypocrisy of the Jewish dream. They believe themselves to be "God's chosen people" whose ethnicity must be preserved while all other races should perish and serve them as slaves.

If you think the lack of racial division stops conflicts, just look at the crime rate in Africa, Arab countries or South America.


>I am against English as the official language of the government

Not just English.


Sad state

Sweden has essentially become a Jewish social experiment, almost as bad as the USSR.

I wonder how long Sven will be able to take it.

Fuck off with those two monkeys

>digits confirm

And South Africa is the future if we can't rid ourselves of the kikes influence.


Have you even watched/read any of the videos and books mentioned in the infograph?


Marcuse is literally the guy who is credited as spearheading the New Left in the 60s. The outcome of which is now what we call "SJWs" today. That's not socially conservative at all.

He wrote an essay called "Repressive Tolerance" that said that cultural right-wingers should be censored and that violence against them should be accepted.


Adorno and the Frankfurt School wondered why the communist revolution failed outside of Russia, and wondered how they could change the West through cultural subversion so it wouldn't fail in the future.

Their criticism of the impact of "capitalism" was just a way to justify a Marxist/Jewish takeover, like it was before the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Do you want to know what's the biggest, best, sharpest knife to cut through the program's brainwashing?

What woke me up even after I had been here for years yet was still asleep?

Have the subject look into the agitation in Germany after WWI but prior to WWII. Certain (citizens) essentially attempted a civil war.

Euro peoples' ability to have appropriate responses to threats has been fogged over and neutered along with a very long unnatural lull of peace. As a group, generally speaking, we don't even recognize a threat anymore and it's a slow poison, not a saber at your throat.

So how do you have anyone see with these conditions? Piss 'em off, get them spiteful, occasionally a select few will change with some basic facts since they never cover that part in school (but emotionally charged shit is the most effective). Vengeance is our natural condition; that's why it's so taboo.

>Have the subject look into the agitation in Germany after WWI but prior to WWII. Certain (citizens) essentially attempted a civil war.

Yeah it's why I highlighted the German Revolution as part of the Weimar Republic that gave birth to the Frankfurt School.

>As a group, generally speaking, we don't even recognize a threat anymore and it's a slow poison, not a saber at your throat.
Which is even more deadly in the long-term. People have lost attachment to their culture, they've been so zombified by technology and indoctrination that they're apathetic to them being under attack, or they outright encourage it. Their self-preservation instinct has been neutered.

>So how do you have anyone see with these conditions? Piss 'em off, get them spiteful, occasionally a select few will change with some basic facts since they never cover that part in school (but emotionally charged shit is the most effective). Vengeance is our natural condition; that's why it's so taboo.
I read a study that said that only 10% of people can be swayed with reason, which is also something Yuri Bezmenov pointed out that when he said that these people can't change their mind even if you give them full evidence of something. Emotion and shock value is how you have to sway people, as sad that is. It's not like finding shit that pisses people off is hard either with how the left acts nowadays.

>Jews Who Control Hollywood Tell Stars: Better Not Mention Palestine

>It’s official: Right now the No. 1 rule in Hollywood is that you can talk about anything political—except Israel’s attack on the Christians and Muslims in Gaza, Palestine. That’s not a conspiracy theory from critics of Israel or Jew-hating neo-Nazis. Instead, that was the thesis of a candid article in the August 1 edition of The Hollywood Reporter (THR), influential trade journal of the entertainment industry.

>Adding breezily that it is commonplace for Hollywood executives “to be on a first name basis with prominent Israeli politicians and business leaders,” THR cooed that this intimacy with Israel explains why so many Hollywood figures who otherwise have much to say about a lot of political issues are silent about Gaza—with only a few exceptions.

Hollywood Producer Arnon Milchan Says He Spied for Israel

'Hollywood Producer was an Israeli Nuclear Agent'






Yup. Infowars is directly controlled by the jews for example

or at least, they keep alex on their payroll and away from the JQ



