Do Black lives truly matter?
Black Lives
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nah, even africans know this
Only on Fridays.
MLK had some good quotes, and then there was also that time he yelled "I'm fucking for God tonight!" as he got drunk in a hotel room and banged hoo-ers.
No lives matter.
No. Unless you're a globalist or neocon. Then all lives are expendable.
What's your opinion, OP? Don't runaway.
I'd say yes they do matter, because I'm educated enough not to generalize.
i need further information....are they still niggers?
What's the black on black murder statistic?
wtf his skull has the same shape as a gorilla skull
kek says no
Well I hate groups but I can accept individuals if they have a good enough character.
Either all lives matter or no lives matter. I subscribe to the idea that life is indeed valuable, but that is just my opinion. In the words of the late Dr. King, "not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".
Yes. But not to black people. It's actually pretty sad and tragic.
All human life matters.
They have a few individuals in the plus column, but on average they matter into the deep negatives.
There will never be a black neighborhood/city/nation that is not complete shit because even the rich blacks always chimp out when their numbers get up enough.
Think of any gathering of people like a farmer's market with 100 people.
Now imagine if they're all black.
You know what happens.
a lot more than any Sup Forumscucks, that's for sure
None of our lives matter
We live within a dream
Nope, in fact they have a negative value.
Right. So, why to humans act like such fucking animals to each other? I just watched a video of a man being beaten, having cinder blocks thrown on him, then dowsed in kerosene and lit ablaze. Just keep telling yourself that, it won't do a lick of difference. My life definitely matters more than a murderer's life or a sadistic dictator's life. A degenerate's life does not matter.
They never did. They're only still relevant because of the kikes exploiting them.
Black lives do matter. The movement itself is a bunch of shit.
The ones who recognize how idiotic their """"bretheren"""" are have value.
yeah sure idc