Does anyone have a good reason why it should not be 100% accepted and encouraged in western culture?
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Just imagine being able to Marry a 16yo qt every 3 years. You could organise things so that at all times at least one of your wives is pregnant.
Breeding like some kind of nigger
Why do you want to live like you're in the third world?
im fine with this. whats wrong with love man
To increase the number of whites in the world, you cretin.
>Have 9 wives
>kid born in every month
>fuck least pregnant one until she starts to bloat the move back to Mrs 1 month
>after 30 years of marriage youll have 360 children assuming no twins, stillbirths or misscarriages
Imagine being an old man and having an entire clan of your offspring fighting over your inheritance
its literally discouraged because the jews want to lower our numbers
extreme degeneracy
but then again
>love more than one women
>cant decide which one you love the most
>so you just marry them all
As a man that has an impregnation fetish, it hurts that this will never be my life.
My country does not have enough land for it. In America though it would be great, you could restrict all immigration to women as well to bring the pussy price down.
its never too late
My life's dream is to be an old man with a gigantic white beard living in a small remote village entirely populated by my seed. We will have our own coat of arms. My sons will be trained to become the town's security and labor force. My most beautiful daughters will be strategically married to secure property in neighboring villages. The not so attractive ones may marry as they wish, but will be required to remain in the village for a few years as part of the labor force.
the white race is saved!
Even if your leaving $1mil , if you have 360 kids they would be getting $2,800 each. Not a lot to fight over.
user Google image search failed me. What family is this.
I love harem stories from throughout the ages. The oldest one I know of being Duke of Mount Deer to the recent times of Musoku Tensei. Great read for those fantasizing about having more than 1 wife. Literature from Asia isn't bound by Western concepts of monogamy.
The key to having a harem is wealth, I'm afraid.
>tfw too poor to have polygamy.
even men who practiced polygamy in the past usually ended up only loving one woman. Think of the Bible - Jacob's favorite wife was Rachel, David's favorite wife was Bathsheba. Many old arabic myths describe most Sultans as having favorite wives. The fact is it's only really possible to be in love with one person at a time. All the old kings had one main squeeze and then a bunch of bimbos whose only job was to pop out babies and raise them.
not if you practice primogeniture
>the old kings had one main squeeze and then a bunch of bimbos whose only job was to pop out babies and raise them.
But here's the thing, why do they have to GET MARRIED?!? Why not just have several girlfriends who live with you and have/raise the kids? If I was rich I'd sure as fuck do that.
The US have a thing called Malvin Marriage.
Basically, live with the gf for 2 years or so and she can legally cuck you out of half your shit + alimony. And the court 99% of the time side with the woman. It's shitty.
Yeah, I know that but what if you were like OP's picture and able to find several women who loved you and didn't mind the company? Is there a law that says you can't live with and have children with that many women? I'm a bit fuzzy of the subject but it seems to me that getting married just creates more problems than needed. So why do these men feel the need to if they can convince women to share him?
You're not a man you stupid goatfucker.
>implying any sane woman would marry you for your sick fetish
Oh wait I forgot the use of force is encourage and child grooming is a normal standard of Islam.
For every man with ten wives there would be nine men with no wives.
It's fucking expensive you stupid Goyim
Literally being sand nigger muslims, you people are white niggers to the core.
yes, i forgot everyone gets married.
>Having vaginal sex specifically for the purpose of procreation is my particular fetish
>sick fetish
Pick one.
Whats wrong with love man
Fuck this topic and fuck tranny faggots.
I need to weigh in on this. I am a devout Mormon. Great-Great-Great-Grandpa user had four wives; my bloodline comes through the first wife. I have read the historical accounts of polygamous marriages and can say; it's brutal.
Read this for an account of our experiences. If it's still necessary to save your race, then let it be your decision.
If you're set on this, I highly recommend keeping it to two wives max. The polygamist groups that broke away (see OP's pick for an example) are considered as Mafia in Utah. They are involved in organized crime, child abuse to beyond normal evil, and are starting to die off from inbreeding. Keep variety in your gene pool.
Newfag, you are not a Devout Mormon if you do not have at least 2 wives.
Australian alpha males already have 'soft harems' (side bitches, friends with beniifits, fuck buddies).
Its not outright polygamy, buts its pretty close.
I'm enountering more and more situationss of one male living with multiple women they fuck too. The stigma againt this is eroding here.