CNN BANNED in Venezuela for FAKE NEWS

>Venezuelan authorities have ordered that US broadcaster CNN's Spanish-language channel be taken off air, accusing it of spreading propaganda

>The accusation relates to a report on the channel on alleged passport fraud at the Venezuelan embassy in Iraq.

>Conatel accused the channel of attempting to "undermine the peace and the democratic stability" of Venezuela.

When is the rest of the world going to follow this as well? We can't allow this fake news propaganda outlet to continue any longer.

>CNN is the only """real""" news in Venezuela
>the state of Venezuela


>What is "Freedom of the Press?"

Good thing Breitbart, Fox news and info wars are getting the real news out there, right?


CNN is with us now

dumps are siding with venezuela now. wow.

CNN is also banned in North Korea

I'm pretty sure the entire world is just sick of CNN's bullshit at this point.

>Freedom of the press
>Outside the US
Seriously when will you idiots realize that the Constitution is an agreement between the government and the people of the USA? It's not a treaty between every government and every person on earth that the us has to enforce

freedom of press is derivative of freedom of expression, which is a human right

>freedom of expression, which is a human right
Yet, that is somewhat arbitrary in some nations.

>tfw Trump and Maduro will join forces to destroy fake news CNN

Best timeline ever!!

I really have to wonder if the posts in this thread supporting this ban are sincere or just ironic shitposting.

yet again Venezuela setting the standard for good governance and stuff

as a rule, watch what they are doing and copy it

Ironically, CNN was banned in Venezuela for REAL NEWS.

The important thing is our Emperor will save Venezuela and if you are a fuck Chavista Castro-Communist, we will make you SHIT.

Fucking gringo cocksuckers.


Pick any major city in Michigan.

That sucks. Venezuela is actually undergoing a current CIA covert black ops mission. Good luck Venezuelan bros.

I really do feel bad for you guys. I can't imagine how bad it sucks there.

Venezuela's economy was sabotaged by the NWO. Venezuela stands against the kikes.

Fuck off you kike shill. Maduro did nothing wrong.

Maduro it's a retard.

Common at least Chavez was charismatic.

Maduro it's that episode of the Simpsons when Burns leave the power plant to Homer.


We're upside down in every aspect of the world, meanwhile CNN USA is reporting fake news about Trump, here in Venezuela they are reporting real news.

Wow Guerrilla Comunicacional from brazil, spreading propaganda about our government.

How much they pay you? 0.45$ per hour? Fucking monkey.


>Maduro it's that episode of the Simpsons when Burns leave the power plant to Homer.

Literally, THIS.


Maduro did nothing wrong.

Kek left eating their own again

Bay of Pigs 2.0?

who is she?

They were probably worried about the Communist propaganda CNN was putting out would lead to an overthrow of their comparatively right wing government.

u can come stay at my house venebros

El chapo is being tortured for proof about Venezuela's drug trafficker organization.

Even commies think that CNN is fake news.


fucking kek

seriously though, the venezuelan vice president being a drug dealr wouldn't be surprising at all, i mean just look at how Venezuela is falling apart little by little while Maduro keep saying nonsense.
>CNN keeps making shit up
why d those guys want to start a nuclear war? what have they to gain, don't they understand if such thing happen they too will get BTFO into oblivion?

1000. bolivares added to your account

Propaganda is part of free speech. If people can't tell bullshit from reality, it's their problem, not the news'.

>US at it again
wouldn't be surprising

oh yes, subject him to the same shit he did to others, kill him if possible, nobody will miss him, he's brought enough despair and chaos to tacoland, put him down NAAAWW


Should have just punched them.

>humans rights are natural rights
Get out of here Kant.

Tareck had 5 fucking buildings in Miami, totally not a drug kingpin guys.

I don't think Venezuela has any electricity anymore anyway so it hardly metters.

He's already talked about Tareck El Aisami, that's why he got sanctioned, suspected of drug traffiking

Not cucknadia. Its their go to source for news

>dat thumbs up
I love this based man

regional threads are my favorite because it it brings rare flags and perspectives.

literally where else on the internet can I talk to Syrians, Iranians, Ukrainians, Venezuelans and more? this place is fucking great. I can sit here and listen to people in fucking WARZONES.

there is literally like 5 Venezuelans in this thread

muh waifu

Sup Forums international&diverse as fuck


There's not enough Venezuelans in Sup Forums because the major ISP of the country which is CANTV it's banned from Sup Forums because of some degenerate spammed Cheese Pizza using a VPN with Venezuelans IP.

But there are a lot of Venezuelans into chan culture, you can find almost all of them in hispachan.

First Venezuela poster I've seen in forever, how is it over there bro?

fucking LOL I know there is MENAchan but Hispachan looks funny as shit. I can't read anything but it just looks like memes.

lemme ask you, did your mom hit you with the chancala growing up?

Is she /ourgal/?

I'm doing fine myself, but there is a lot of people in a pretty bad situation.

A lot of hungry, poverty, people can find their medicines and our country is now a narco state.


Shit man, stay safe

people can't find*

Maduro is a retard and should be probably in jail.

But Lopez is also a criminal and by no means a political prisoner. He is a politician..which happens to be imprisoned. Not a political prisoner.

He brought Colombian mercenaries who passed as students protesting. Protesting with missile launchers and automatic rifles...

Thats a crime, and he should be imprisoned. There is plenty of evidence of this.

Regardless, Venezuela is a shithole and I hope they disappear.

Finally someone says it.

I was going to say Sup Forums is but you got trips so..

>What is "Freedom of the Press?"

When US annex Venezuela then yes, otherwise no.

nice trips. It's true though, HWNDU and just flags in general show that we are spread all over the world. only place I don't really see is sub saharan africa and a lot of posters from asia, besides english teachers and expats.

many middle eastern & Hispanic world posters which is really interesting


Kek, i didn't know about Menachan, I'll take a look.

No lol, my mom was a slap in the wrist kinda person.

>He brought Colombian mercenaries who passed as students protesting. Protesting with missile launchers and automatic rifles...

Kek! You just eat a wholesome of government propaganda my dude.

That didn't happen.

The entire world should adopt our Constitution.

Including the Second Amendment.

>Hugo Chaves dies.
>New shithead steps in
>Remember guys we goodie-two-shoes. You cant say bad things about us.
>Banns CNN

Uhmmm. I wonder.

why are chicanos so fucking lame?

I tried to read Menachan but it's all fucking arabic. I wonder about the other chans in the world, including the original 2chan.

good though idk why it's always the sandal here

they secretly want to be annexed by us but we don't want them.

>why are chicanos so fucking lame?
because they have been living in a cultural limbo, neither from burgerland nor tacoland, not to mention all the bullshit they are exposed to up there, you know, nigger """culture""" ans shit of the sort.

It's funny, because CIA are actually the ones who propped up the current government. Well, more like (((they))) propped up the current government. Why though, I'm not sure. They already own your central bank.

Venezulans, anything interesting or worth owning in your land?

The sandal thing it's pretty common here too, but that didn't happen to me.

I don't know about that conspiracy but right now our overlords are the Chinese, we are in debt with them and our government is selling them a lot of lands and some parts of our natural parks.

If this thing continues, this is going to be a piece of chinese land in the west.

And by the way, almost all the things that the argie said about Leopoldo is fake, I think he is watching Telesur too much, which is a government channel and they like to spread a lot of propaganda there, it's the equivalent of RT.

6 now. Hi.

Fake news cnn btfo
Thank you kek!!
Chekm nerds!

Interesting. Sorry to hear. Anything to be done?

>Propaganda is part of free speech. If people can't tell bullshit from reality, it's their problem, not the news'.
>it's their problem

Except when you have tens of millions of people will believe anything the propagandists say like our wonderful Democrats do.

La paloma y la barra de uranio antes que Maduro?

Nagasaki us, there is no hope for this country.

Mamate un guevo maldita escoria

The US constitution doesn't apply to other countries and foreign citizens do not have our guaranteed human rights. You globalists need to get this through your thick skulls.

Putin and Kim also banned CNN
When will Trump follow suit and join the redpilled guys and make USA like these really good redpilled countries?

CNN can in the long run learn to cope with fascism, but it will NEVER take socialism, that will be the thing they will always hold a grudge for and would throw the whole "we so liberal! guys!" facade out the window when it's about socialist governments or candidates.

>there is literally like 5 Venezuelans in this thread
They only ever post when the thread is about Venezuela. Fishy as fuck.

No, not really. It was reported by CNN and other international networks. So which was it? CNN is telling the truth or not?


but why turning your country, or what is left of it, into a nuclear wasteland when dropping tons of napalm would do, just think of all the fertile soil, the oil and other natural resources that would be lost if a nuke were to be dropped on your cunt.

Find me a source of CNN where they said that Leopoldo Lopez sent Colombian mercenaries to the protest.

Are you crazy?

1 dollar

That pic is wrong.
It should be venecos giving Maduro their backs, watching green, promising Colombian soil beyond the fence.
Everybody there wants out and you know it.

But it's not in accordance to your definition of "fake news", Sup Forums

What they deem fake news is simply not reporting what maduro or the psuv want, or something that doesn't fit their narrative of "Venezuela is a socialist paradise!"

This would be good. We already have the guns. We just can't carry them around


venezuelans calling brazilians monkeys, it's pottery when it's spic on spic crime

This is true. was right in that Chavez at least was carismatic. With Maduro, Venezuela is fucked. And you know it's bad when Peru says so.


CNN go eat nigger dick.

lol Ireland talking about the u.s. constitution.

U jelly?

rare and CHECKED