Guys, I'm shaking. How will we cope?
Guys, I'm shaking. How will we cope?
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We will survive.
All you homos will be just fine, doing "crab" poses in a mirror and butt slapping your bros.
I hope that the women who choose to work that day are given raises.
This shit is obviously a Soros/Hillary effort.
There's a word for that. It's privilege.
>a day without women
fucking finally
Just one day?
Literally came here to post this
Im gay, so how will this effect me?
pic related is a day w/out men, for contrasr
Also, won't the markets do better, since the women who are not going to work are going to be shopping in stores or online?
>A day without women
So my entire adult life so far then? So be it.
>Guys, I'm shaking. How will we cope?
Just know in your heart, that she will just have yesterday's dishes to do today (Date to be announced)
You all realize women are more than 50% of the workforce now right?
>protest against trump
>calls it the woman's march
>for just offending a literal who on twitter
>12 woman claimed trump sexually harassed them
>nothing happened to those woman
its amazing how much shit men can put up with. its mind blowing
>day without women
>stupid whores spend the entire day on instagram talking about how they are revolutionaries
It will probably be pretty amusing
Support them in this. Encourage them. Redpill men at work that without women, productivity goes sky high.
>A day without a woman
Who is this one woman and why is she so important?
the day of peace for men
Nothing says pay me more like not working
We should start pushing that.
Imagine the butthurt when all the women who kept working are rewarded for their effort and loyalty. Imagine the divide that will be created when all the women who don't give a shit one way or the other are all suddenly branded as "scabs" and "traitors" because they showed up for work.
>not cooking for yourself
All of the world's best chefs are white males. Women are shit at cooking.
Why not a year
Oh no, who's going to wait my table or ring up my groceries?
Now let's have a day for men to go on strike. The entire country's infrastructure would fall apart instantly and no one would be around to fix a car.
This ylyl now.
I thought the americans voted to spend 4 years without a woman
Didn't they try this in Iceland
or four
lol my thoughts exactly
Delet this
This would be the most productive day ever in my office.
Women are just all around poor leaders.
If you ever dealt with one in a management position you already know.
No that's not correct
Yeah, and? The positions they occupy are superfluous. Luxuries afforded by a productive society at best, literally worthless non-jobs at worst. Every job that actually matters for day to day function of communities and the country is overwhelmingly done by men. Even those important or productive jobs which women actively participate in are disproportionately staffed by H1B workers, not native women.
The sole exception to this are nurses, which are quite important and mostly female
If you've got a better idea of what to do with the day off i'd like to hear it faggot
Holy shit. Unironically I read this as General strike a Woman Day. What have you done to me Sup Forums?
Canada with the bantz
Day without a woman? Fuck that, give me years.
>Thousands gets fired and replaced
>Autistic screeching on Twitter continues
Ugh.. who cares.
>Hey boss, have you seen Claire? I need those reports she's late on to finish these projects.
>Sorry Mark, there's a women's general strike today. It'd be sexist to say anything about it.
>Didn't she already take most of last month off? Whatever, I'll do it myself as usual.
Also known as Safe Roads Day.
Can't understand you with that dick in your mouth.
We will have to learn how to cope with silence and productivity at the office.
Finally, a day where men can get something accomplished
Sheeit none of my professor are women.
Will this be like the day without mexicans in LA where white people were thrilled beyond measure?
Hilarious that they whine about wage gaps and then pull shit like this
Cook your own dinner?
My job will be 99.99999 percent unchanged. I work at a lumberyard that mostly serves contractors, and I've seen maybe 4 woman total (we have 80 - 150 tickets a day) and maybe 1 that wasn't with her husband.
I think I'll be fine.
Do it for a week. Call it "Men on Strike: Where's my Sandwich; Where's my Drink; Where's my Thank You?!"
fuck dude that'd make my job super easy, half the customers I deal with are whiny housewives
the men are in and out in 2 minutes instead of 15
lol you are not really informed if you think woman will get fired for this
I think I'll manage, I don't typically go to nail salons or kindergarten classes.
>Women Strike for a day
Did nothing cancel?
I move to make this permanent.
Why is it that everyone who claims that white males are egomaniacal narcissists thinks that they themselves are fucking irreplaceable?
A day without women?
>less accidents
>spike in porno website traffic
>men go hungry or eat junk food
Life goes on.
>>men go hungry or eat junk food
Men can cook
Are they implying there wouldn't be a disaster if all men disappeared for a day?
>All women everywhere go on strike
>Human production increases by 900% for that day because women nowhere around to meddle in the affairs of men
As someone that has an irrational SJW cunt for a boss, I look forward to this day.
7 is the most powerful number.
>Women go on strike
>Employers decide to hire men for 1 day
>Find out the men work twice as efficient
>Most women find out they have been replaced the next day
>Male unemployment drops heavily
>Economy productivity overnight spike
This only means the most worthless and stupid women will stay home and blog all day. Reminder that a majority of white women voted for Trump. Productive people will work, useless people will do nothing, aka a regular day.
sounds good lad...
Nothing will happen.
inb4 productivity doubles and women call it a success because of that.
>A day without all the whiners and quitters at my work
dune coon spotted
>a day without women at work
>productivity skyrockets
take a week off or more please, I'm sure we could all due without the HR department
Yes, I'm a good cook, but a bet 80% of the posters here don't eat hot food if the microwave is broken.
Too bad it's just america.
I could deal with a day without HR cunts. Why not make it a week.
It is Kek's will.
how is this bad?
Fucking accurate.
>mfw females are literally becoming Soros' Drones, working in a Hive Mind and doing whatever their master tells them to do
To be honest, is Soros the baddest alpha out there?
He is the God King of a population sized Harem, all of them who are indoctrinated to do as he commands and fulfill his every wish.
I'm honestly impressed. He completed what is every man's dream.
Date has been set
So apparently tomorrow is "A day without Latinos" or something? Spics aren't going to show up for work or make any purchases or anything in a futile attempt to prove their unwarranted self importance.
Anyone else hear about this?
Women go on strike and nothing happens. Might have to use the self-checkout at the grocery store.Traffic is lighter than usual. That's it.
Men go on strike and every luxury of modern civilization goes on strike with them.
The stretched out sock is useless and easily disposed of
You're not alpha if your harem is all fatties and blue-hair cat ladies.
itll turn from "we wont work" to "were gonna stop men from working" day
Fuck off back to Africa
fuck off jigaboo nigger
This, holy shit. I interned over the summer in an office full of women. They were always talking, and never about work. Just children and fucking shoes.
fucking kek
always makes me laugh
Oh shit, an early birthday present
If I have to work a double on March 7 because my staff no-call no-show, I'll fire the offenders.
Bong is right. Literally no one will notice and the next time they'll just block traffic or something again to keep productive people from doing things.
watch the profits skyrocket lmao
what if things get better...
hire men.