I'm a NWO insider ask me anything
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I'll start by saying that this is happening
In what time frame?
between 2018 and 2020. This only happens if the deep state loses the war against Trump though.
Was Hitler right
I some ways yes. He was crazy in some other ways too though.
Why are you guys all such faggots?
care to post a ring kind sir to prove your rich endeavors upon the world
lol, like I'd give you guys a clue to find us out.
because sex with your mom made us gay
Is Soros just a henchman for a bigger and Badder Jew
Who is winning war Deep state Vs. Trump right now?
50/50 chance right now who wins. Trump will actually win this battle, but the deep state will just continue to pull him down. Maybe a slight edge to the deep state.
I assume if they win he dies
who is worse schulz or merkel?
Not necessarily no. It is certainly on the table though.
Nice LARP. Post some proof or leave.
Probably Schulz but 2 different types of bleach still kill you.
What is the timeline for high profile arrests in regards to pizza gate?
steve pieczenik says that they've already lost and are just flailing over their loss
Also flynngate appears more and more to be 5d trump chess
Are you Scott Hall or Kevin Nash?
Who are you faggots rooting for? And give us something you know will happen by the end of the month so we know you're not a LARPer
Whats going on in Antarctica?
Who heads the NWO?
What's hulk Hogan like irl?
what can you tell us to prove you aren't a larping faggot that we don't already know?
only low levels will be arrested in the next month. No more will be arrested.
gun legislation will be pushed hard and will go through congress in the next month. It is something the R's actually can unite on.
Alien artifacts the elite want to see
You Jew faggots crashing the dollar ?
US consumer confidence up or down ?
Have you ever been or are you now a communist?
Hulk Hogan
I personally only care about the past and the starts. Political actions are for others in my group.
Do you suck dick?
Already pretty clear he's a larper
how could you possibly expect anyone to. believe you in the current state of pol
Economic Collapse will happen when Trump puts on tariffs. Tariffs can work when executed right, but big money doesn't want that to happen. So we will crash it when he tries tariffs.
Name 3 alien species. If you can't, you're not really NWO.
This is your test.
I'm a NNWO insider from 2099, ask me anything
>how could you possibly expect anyone to. believe you in the current state of pol
I don't expect you guys to believe anything.
Big money would crash along with him so that's a fucking retarded plan.
What have we ever done to you god dammit?
Ignored. OP is confirmed larper
Thisis the #1 thing that will actually happen. That's how you beleive me if you want. Screencap that
Ignorance of finance is our benefit
So you don't beleive in life outside our view?
===> ===> ===>
No, have seen a lot of that in the last 2 months, Haiti is rare
Sure I believe in microbes and animals that exist but I've never seen and that kinda thing
What exactly the fuck do you mean?
Screen cap THIS: Michael Flynn will be working for the trump admin by the end of the year and john podesta will be indicted
should i just start stealing and not giving a shit about the government in order to get ahead? i have busted my ass my whole life and i'm tired of playing by the rules. will it all really matter in the end as long as i don't get caught?
Only pizza related
What's going on with Reince?
This is microbiology species on other planets. Not intelligent aliens.
Only thing that should hold you back is religion. No country deserves sympathy at this point.
Why won't high level arrests happen? And time frame on economic collapse?
It died in 2001 you stupid fucking kid!
The estabishment wants control of the Trump administration through him. That's extremely obvious.
Because it would all come down with them. And tariffs will probably happen anytime this year
It died when the Cold War started. This is simple shit.
1. Hidden Hand Dialogues, real or BS?
2. Svali, real or BS?
3. Are you from one of the 3 human bloodlines or the 10 reptilian bloodlines?
4. What is your side's estimate on timeframe for Ascension?
5. Do you think it is possible to achieve a negative harvest at this point or is it a lost cause?
By gun legiation do you mean more or less gun control? Will we see the NFA repealed? The Hughes Amendment?
Kek this guy is a larper
less gun control. They will push everything. This is the NRA's golden hour
1 >real, but it's use is a meme at this point
2 >Haven't listened to that guy so IDK
3 >It is a hodgepodge of random elite corporations. It spans many bloodlines
4 >500 years max
5 > IDK
The Hidden Hand interview is possibly the most genuine bloodline interview there is.
According to my sources, Lucifer and his 3rd density individuations(so Hidden Hand himself) have left the planet the planet and are currently in Andromeda. So a lot of the plans that were talked about in the 2005 interview are different now.
kek, your ignorance is futie
Those aren't alien species, let alone prominent ones.
If you were real, you would have mentioned at least one of the following,
Zeta Reticulans
and many others, but you didn't. These names you gave are nonsense and don't even refer to any specific star system.
interdimentional bruh
lol. Like you would know the NWO designations for these species.
That's cool. Thanks fampai.
Can't believe no one asked yet, who ?
np love
I don't give a fuck what the cabal calls them, all I care about is where they're from.
But if I were to guess, do they call the Pleiadians Plejaren? Because that is their preferred name.
Is it true that what we are seeing at a "4d chess" level is intentional misdirection by the corporate media while the globalists attempt to hedge their assets? They can't blame an economic collapse on Trump since he's not yet been on the throne for more than a month. If the collapse comes too soon, the banking cabal looks terrible for essentially trashing the American (world) economy for the second time in 10 years. Fomenting global anxiety/tension increases the likelihood that a military or organic conflagration ignites nations to action before (((they))) can be blamed for causing it-->Blame Trump
They fear a reorganization of power in the hands of nationalists
lol try harder.
Svali is a purported former "trainer" who escaped the family in 98/99 and put out an account of her experiences in 03/04 or thereabouts.
By saying 500 years, I assume that means the bloodlines aren't concerned about Ascension occuring within the next 5 years as has been reported elsewhere.
Does your side still believe they can salvage the 100-year slow/partial disclosure olan or is full disclosure in the gorm of a data dump or similar situation inevitable?
Why should we trust you if you are nwo
Wouldn't that mean you would be trying to manipulate us, since you hate humanity?
Soros was killed a few months ago.
Rothschild henchman.
OK. What religious group is the main proponent of the NWO?
no, that's a fake name.
fake & gay
Judaism I suppose(that's what they call it), but it's ALOT different from what you actually see today.
yes, I could be misdirecting yall
All I mean is MAX. 5 years is what they are trying to accomplish. On the third thing... anything is possible to them
Don't worry man we'll be in 4th density and initiated into the Galactic Confederation by at least 2023.
Jesuits are above Judaism.
Real talk. I hate plebs, losers,humans in general. I think they are a horrible species.
I want $$$$$$ to move away from them
What I gotta do?
Provided we're ready, otherwise it could be a bad time. Maybe in 26000 years people will talk about the long lost continent of America.
kys for ascencion
That would probably be counterproductive, what with the whole karma thing and all.
We're more ready than ever, whoever isn't ready can fuck off to another 3rd density planet because Gaia isn't taking this shit any longer.
They question hurt your feelings???
NWO has distain for all human. You turn down a gun for hire?
Fuck off larper
>Still not knowing that killing your self is the ultimate test
Wow that's really bad advice.
>implying suicide doesn't take nearly everyone who does it into hellish planes
>I'll start by saying that this is happening
And what would be the point of that?
There is no greater act of faith or fearlessness that will ascend you into the highest planes
What is your relation with Yaldabaoth?
A communist "utopia" made again
It began to die in the sixties.
Except most people suicide out of fear
best restaurant in NYC?