I cancelled Netflix like Sup Forums told me too now I have nothing to watch
>nothing on free tv
>too poor to afford cable
>sick of Youtube
>sick of porn
>dont want to go on some shady illegal streaming site
I cancelled Netflix like Sup Forums told me too now I have nothing to watch
>nothing on free tv
>too poor to afford cable
>sick of Youtube
>sick of porn
>dont want to go on some shady illegal streaming site
welcome to the redpilled life its a tough life. but its a free one.
Kodi + Exodus. Thank me later
nigger do you know where you are?
Go grab a VPN and torrent shit.
>he actually watches TV
are you serious?
watch anime faggot
now you can shitpost on Sup Forums all day
the true entertainpill
Buy a firestick, "hack" it and install kodi. Simple. Look it up on YouTube
>side loading amazon stick
you just aren't smart or resourceful enough
There's nothing worth watching on Netflix. (Except maybe TNG)
you dont need a fucking vpn to torrent pussy nufaggot
Install U-Block Origin, and go watch the exact same shit, if not even more shit including currently airing shit, on one of the thousand free streaming sites.
Torrent Client
Big as HDD
There's plenty of free streaming sites I've been using for years, Just don't download anything and if they ask you for any information just leave the site because it's a scam.
Also see
>not knowing how to find basically any video online 4 free
lmaoing @ u senpai
Too stupid to find another streaming service
Exodus for KODI
your welcome
I would suggest it, they actually watch that shit now.
Do something productive, you dumb nigger.
>muh jewish brain poison
Thats what u git 4 listin 2 poll
Says the guy who hasn't gotten threats of service cancellation from their ISP due to torrenting, faggot.
>shady illegal streaming site
Way to reveal what a fkn normie you are.
Then go and get a hobby you fatduck. What is wrong with the medial obsessions of americans?
You can get free streaming services through your local public library online system, and they actually have a pretty good selection.
You can also check out DVD's/VHS tapes/Blu-ray from your library.
Or watch Crunchyroll.com.
>1 post by this id
fuck you ctr nigger
slit your dick in half and quit posting here
My isp sends me one of those every other day.
>can't go to library for free and get books
>can't find the numerous shows and movies that are uploaded on youtube
>too afraid to go google "tv show free online"
>too stupid to get a productive hobby
To be honest I guess you should kill yourself. You have nothing else to do apparently.
Do something productive with your time.
You will have plenty of time to watch tv when your old, enjoy life now idiot.
Study, learn new skills upgrade your job.
>Not watching beautiful animes
Im not talking about moe blob or highshchool degenarte shit im talking Studio Ghibili tier stuff that reminds what it feels to be human
>Not keeping the account so you can downvote the SJW shit into Oblivion
>he pays money to watch television
>listening to (((pol))) ever
Man up you fucking faggot. I didnt buy cable tv and I don't have high speed internet where I moved. Just an antenna.
It's called pirating. Not that difficult to get into and you are no longer limited by what some jews tell you to watch.
>threats of service cancellation from their ISP
Top wew. Probably one of the few faggots I've ever seen that don't know how to hide a torrent correctly.
For example, with my local library card, I can stream movies and shows for free at InstantFlix and OverDrive.
Get showbox
>>dont want to go on some shady illegal streaming site
Why not you cuck?
Get hulu or Amazon then, niggler.
>wanting to watch tv
pleb detected
who needs netflix when yesmovies exists?
So how do you hide a torrent correctly? Do you even understand how it works?
Watch anime. Much much better than western TV shows, if you get a good one.
Watch Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (Sub) if you are gonna watch something. its bretty good :DD
Lay off the dopamine my dude
>you are no longer limited by what some jews tell you to watch.
You are because they still make everything, but you can choose which Jew shit you want to watch/play, and skip the ads.
Pay for a VPN and pirate shit you dumb fuck. Ideally you shouldn't need to watch the garbage on tv today but if you do pirate it.
Amazon prime
I think its a sign that you should find a better hobby
Been gone for a week
Why you delete Netflix?
Theyre all funny comedians/interesting figure heads in modern American culture
Do they have shit too, bro?
tips pls
congrats you are a moron
>dont want to go on some shady illegal streaming site
Why not? They usually have a better selection of content that netflix.
Install kodi with exodus an ccloud and quit bitching. It's free and everything you want is there.
usenet + nzb archiver + nzbget + sonarr + couch potato + plex + not being a retard and knowing how to set up a linux sever and NAS
you're welcome
Yeah my library offers not only dvd and vhs/album rentals, but online streaming services too
You can watch Initial D on YouTube.
Rather than consume, why don't you create?
Create your own story. Build a model, read a book and reflect on it, learn to program, listen to dense or historically relevant music, meditate, take a walk.
These are much better alternatives to watching tv and will leave you way more satisfied.
Pluto tv has some streaming channels, including 24/7 MST3K. It's free as well.
pirate bay
KYS faggot
Never streamed anything legally in my life
Is TNG Sup Forums-approved?
do you not know what torrents are?
hulu plus
Has plenty of shows streaming not just anime but adultswim classiscs
Get a hobby you fat slob. Pathetic how many people's only "hobbies" are watching tv, playing video games etc.
nobody told you to do shit. you canceled netflix because it was the right thing to do
lmao dumb goyim
Go for a walk, read a book, find a cutie pie slut to smash. Idk
>I am addicted to the electric jew
There's nothing to watch on netflix anyways why the fuck would you pay for it
also, hulu. amazon, torrenting. there are alternatives
Blue pilled faggot
i've cancelled netflix too
i also to home office, as IT consultant, my productivity doubled and my shitposting level is now over 9000
find something that let's you turn time into money
it's time to become the jew.
read a damn book nigger
REALIZING THERE WAS NEVER ANYTHING WORTH WATCHING, idk seems like the right move to me.
Read a book, nigger.
read a book faggot.
I've been watching Supersize vs Superskinny on Youtube
Problem solved.
Just torrent and stream things for free you fucking fat idiot
>there are people who actually have nothing to do when you strip away their jewish propaganda
I've been torrenting for a decade and no letter. Git gud fgt.
there's literally hundreds of hours of television from the past century on archive.org no one should ever say they don't have anything to watch when they can literally watch the last century unfold in living color.
Fuck you i hope you get some wasting disease and end up in the hospital and all you have to watch is the shitty cable there!
you can get a VPN subscription for like $10 monthly
external 2TB hard drive for like $50-100
also Kodi + Exodus
watch anime like the rest of us redpilled folk. one piece is great
Crackle is free
Popcornflix is free
A lot of their content overlaps with netflix
Or read a book.
Just installed. Looks pretty good. Thanks, user!
As already stated, Kodi with Exodus then you can proceed from there. Alluc would be second for me. Use a VPN
wtf I love the public library system now.
>paying for tv
Just stream or torrent free shit, stop giving holly wood shekles