Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/?
Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/?
Wtf I love Natalie Portman now!
I always did like Natalie Herschlog
she has plastic surgery face bad
doubt youll see her in any leading movies moving forward. Shame because she used to be hot and was a great actress.
Is she going to get exiled for this?
She has been dead for a few months user
>believing in the holohoax
definitely not our gal
>You believe that the Jews talk about the Holocaust too much
The ADL officially recognizes that as anti-Semitism. It was one of their 11 questions on their big worldwide survey a few years ago -- a survey which was used to create the infamous worldwide anti-Semitism map, etc.
She is wanting less focus on the Holocaust, so others will not notice discrepancies and begin to doubt...
(((They))) know skepticism is growing, worldwide.
Who else has taken the Shlagpill?
>Argentinian nazi larpers
one does not simply minimize the [[[[holocaust]]]]
no more movies for you
She's right
The Holocaust has lost power since those directly involved are almost all dead.
It was important 30, even 20 years ago, but now, it's pointless, as there's no one left to blame, and no one left to make the accusations.
The current anti Israel behavior is more relevant, even if it's far less deadly.
She's right. I think the problem with most Americans is they only know the Slavery and the Holocaust. This makes them think white people are evil and everyone else was just good and peaceful. We should show our kids all the atrocities humans from all areas committed so we realize that humans in general have a dark history.
wtf is she doing here
It doesn't help that we live in the information age where anyone has all the information of the holohoax at their fingertips.
People just don't care enough to look into it themselves and take it as they were indoctrinated.
The Jews have outplayed their hands and everyone is noticing that they are behind everything, should the holohoax be common knowledge they will be treated worse than niggers for an eternity.
they were filming a Terrence Malick film at football game
Holy shit she is definitely on the spectrum.
She's gonna get into a "car accident" for this.
Wanted to bang her since I was 4 desu
>tfw you will never fuck Padme in an SS uniform
I want to put my herschlog in her.
I can't help but notice the gastric bypass burger behind her, holy shit niggas belly reaches his thighs
Be careful - this is a tactic that they use with BDS as well.
If you tell people to focus less on something and tell them to teach other atrocities as well then that would automatically make the holocaust a)real and b) a crime against humanity
Be careful, (((they))) are way ahead of us in these tactics.
shes hot
its too bad shes gonna look like debbie wasserman shultz in a few years
I still say it to this very day that she IS the most attractive israeli I have ever seen.
>communism killed 100 million people for real and we fought it for 70 years
>let's try it again guys. they made mistakes...
>we fought hitler for 4 years and it's doubtful he killed 6 million
internet is making people realize how bogus it is. in history all you learn is the holocaust and then they get on the internet learn about how communism killed 100 million people and how jews are ruining society and then they start to hate them
No such thing as Israeli, just jews occupying Palestine.
You should look up Bar Refaeli
Are you retarded or (((retarded)))?
While I would indeed nut in it raw (and hit her with a round of Falcon Punches like Dhalsim if she got preggo)...
She is not /ourgirl/. She is trying to say:
To her kike-kin. Basically, they've milked the Holocaust dry and now it's actually negative when they bring it up as guilt currency.
She's really smart and is trying to let them know ahead of time because the elder Lich-Yids are just doing what they've always done... Kvetching over 'Muh 6 gorillian!' as a reflex response to any adverse situation.
>You will never come inside an 18 year old Natalie Hershlag.
Why live?
No director, she was confused what to do.
((They)) are not real Jews tho.
Why do they look like aliens here? Especially Emma Stone and her weirdly shaped head.
lol she looks old and fat
I blame the photographer. I could take better pictures.
what kind of sorcery is this dress. why cant i see nipple.
>fagget has never seen Bar Rafaeli
she's the shoah of hotness
Yeah, Emma Stone is usually hot, so this guy must be trash.
>tfw you knew you shouldn't have dropped that extra tab before going out in public
been there
Now I take back my previous Falcon Punch statement... I'd raise the next Fuhrer with her... and he'd be Jewish!
??? looks like crap compared to hershlag
What about Emily?