I've just taken around 80 pills and the next 72 hours of my life are going to really fucking suck but afterwards I guess I'll be dead.
ama Sup Forums
I've just taken around 80 pills and the next 72 hours of my life are going to really fucking suck but afterwards I guess I'll be dead.
ama Sup Forums
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No one cares.
What did you take?
Did you drink?
Bog pill would have been easier to take. Guess you didn't need the quick rundown after all.
If they were all redpills you will not die, but transcend. Godspeed you glorious bastard. Give kek my offering
Yeah I saw the Joe Rogan/Alex Jones podcast too. Crazy stuff.
Nigga call 911 right the fuck now because if you don't you will call when it is too late to save your kidneys and you will live but with a much shittier life than you already have.
What ever you do don't go shoot up anything.
That would be terrible.
What pills did you take?
Pics or it didn't happen.
You better be behind a proxy, OP, because the mods will report your post to your local police and they'll carry you off to the loony bin
>around 80 cocodamol
Which strength?
How many did you take?
Paracetamol and Codeine.
The paracetamol will kill your liver and you will suffer. Bad choice.
nah i'm just attention seeking desu.
but what if I did?
Send me an email from hell
So where you from?
Your gonna pass out, throw up, and have to live with shirty kidneys the rest of your life.
go to a hospital, get your stomach pumped, and come back and ask for help sorting yourself out
You'd be less of a fag and your thread would suck slightly less.
Everyone knows what goes in options field.
I thought muzzies liked to blow themselves up in crowded marketplaces.
Youll probably survive, the human body is incredibly resilient
I made coconut milk with one gram of avb mixed in with a teaspoon of olive oil. Will that be enough to get me lit? I have never experimented with edibles.
then hospital would waste resources to revive you
Go to the hospital you retard. Then get help.
was gonna say kys
so nice job
Why did OP delete the post where he said he took about 80 cocodamol?
livestream or fuck off
I tried to commit suicide by overdose 2 years ago. It's not good man, it's the worst possible pain, pain you can barely even imagine. Please man...just go to the hospital right now.
I don't know how to persuade you, but whatever you are feeling right now....IT WILL PASS. You will feel different, better.
You HAVE VALUE. People care about you, don't devastate them. Don't destroy your families life. Reach out to them.
Scots fag here btw. If you want to talk more, please let me know.
why did you do all that when you could of taken one aleve
you guys sure fall for these threads really easily.
Wanna be friends?
We could hangout !
i didn't actually take anything bro.
that's be cool I don't have friends.
>could of
You're the one who should an hero
OP said he took around 80 pills containing paracetamol and codeine.
How much does it take to overdose on paracetamol?
The lowest amount of Paracetamol to cause death was found by one study to be 10g. As for Paracetamol of 500mg per tablet, it is generally recommended to take no more than 8 tablets (500mg) within 24 hours, and 24 to 30 tablets taken at one time can lead to overdose or even death.
Enjoy your b&
It hurts?
Why does it hurt?
What kind of pain?
I'm go to school in Edinburgh
Where abouts are you?
Kek'd audibly
faggot people are still gonna call the cops just to have you deal with them and have to pay a medical bill for mental questionig