Was Alex Jones Right? Are the Globalist really about to get away with this shit?
We Wuz Androids?
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True AI is an inevitability. The human race must evolve as a species, or we will be swept away.
sounds sweet dude! I fr*cking love science and computers!~!!!!
India has a better space program then spaceX
Even transhuman dothead's will refuse to use a toilet.
IT's transhumanism. They've been hinting at that shit for over a century but now we're just a generation or two away from making it a reality.
Machines are still lightyears behind anything a man can do.
He's right though to some extent though we don't have sufficient knowledge on the subject to do away with your humanity. Of course scum can use this to their advantage, but we aren't going to not evolve in ANY way FOREVER. Just important to remember not to jump the gun.
Merge how? Like have one as a friend or something? Be more specific.
I choose irrelevance 10 out of 10 fucking times. If I got a good enough push, I'd ditch all my computers too and read more.
I truly wonder if you will truly get transferred into a machine or whether you will techically spiritually die if you are (transferred/copied).
Yes goym
We won't use it against you , promise
>yes goyim, just buy my neural implants and you'll be (((free))) from your physical body! The whole world will be one race, one culture, as android gods!
Kikes love this sort of shit because the reject the Logos. They hate everything both human and divine and therefore strive to transcend it.
I'd be entirely okay with becoming a cybernetic organism if I wasn't 99% sure the gubbamint would somehow completely control my life via said cybernetics.
More like put an implant or nanobots inside your brain that serves as a neural interface.
That's not what this is about.
Nobody with more then two brain cells would put something inside their brain without knowing for sure what it does.
The only way such technology would take off is if it's entirely open source and preferably doable at home.
The real question though is that much of a distinction?
When you think about it, would that copy behave any differently than you would?
Of course not.
>giving up the complexities of humanity to be a retarded computer
>implying normies care about "open source" or even know what it means
just wait until Apple comes out with Siri Neural Edition
>Was Alex Jones Right?
Just check Buzz Aldrin's instagram bro
>Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
And what if I choose to go Analog? What if I don't want 24/7 surveillance on my shit?
>But the internet and cellphones.
I don't use Facebook, tape over any cameras I own, and I cell-phone location info is still unreliable as all fuck, which means I get to at keep a bit of privacy if I want to.
But then what happens if that shit is hard-wired to your identity? What if it is obligatory?
Would you buy an implant for your brain that made you have the max iq?
>A sense of the inevitability of immortality and interspecies symbiosis comes to all circuit VII mutants; we now see that this, also, is an evolutionary forecast, since WE STAND RIGHT NOW ON THE DOOR-STEP OF EXTENDED LONGEVITY LEADING TO IMMORTALITY
>Blasco’s team has since demonstrated that telomerase gene therapy can abate certain age-related diseases in mice as well
>Researchers delivered a modified RNA that encodes a telomere-extending protein to cultured human cells. Cell proliferation capacity was dramatically increased, yielding large numbers of cells for study
>Dramatic rejuvenation of prematurely aged mice hints at potential therapy
The ancient Vedics had a drink they called Soma, which they believed gave them immortality and invulnerability;
>We have drunk soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered
>Now what may foeman's malice do to harm us? What, O Immortal, mortal man's deception?
Ixians are almost as bad as the dirty Tleilax.
in all fairness, it's not like we even know where the line between human and non-human is.
Deus ex was right!
If we're dumb enough to create this shit, then we probably deserve to be wiped out by machines.
The drink was an Indo-European staple, advocated by the prudish Zoroastrians;
>In Yasna 9.22, haoma grants "speed and strength to warriors, excellent and righteous sons to those giving birth, spiritual power and knowledge to those who apply themselves to the study of the nasks
Haoma-Soma is a white Moon god, and let me tell you that ephedra can be transmuted into methamphetamine - ephedra was the Soma drink. But also, the Moon has a dark side which I'll lead into later. The Samudra manthan describes the churning of the ocean of milk, which resulted in the creation of the Amrita, as well as the Moon god Chandra. Amrita is a synonym of Soma, and the Greek word 'Ambrosia.'
In Indian religion, Abhisheka refers to the use of holy water to gift the practicioner with siddhis. Achilles was dunked into Styx, and the water made his skin invulnerable - the ancient Indo-Europeans believed that they could create a liquid which perfused and empowered whatever was soaked in it. As well, the churning made another object - the Vajra, which was Indra's weapon. Vajra means 'diamond,' 'lightning.'
Graphene can be used to strengthen rubber, which is composed of isoprene polymers;
If reality is like ghost in the Shell I'm game for it bring it on
No. I'd never buy any kind of brain implant.
The only way I'd ever put anything inside my brain is if I made it at home myself, both software and hardware wise.
My copy can go suck a dick since he is a phony and deserves to die if I'm going to die too.
My life matters more than some phony clone. So it's either full-on transfer or nothing at all.
>Nobody with more then two brain cells would put something inside their brain without knowing for sure what it does.
No. Nobody would do anything like that.
This guy is a crony capitalist welfare hack full of shit.
I wish a machine would kill that tax parasite do nothing pos.
>They hate everything both human and divine and therefore strive to transcend it.
That is usually my kind of thinking.
I hate the human race as a whole and my goal is to transcend space and time.
Am i... ein jew?
Hmm didn't alex mention something on jre about how humans would need to merge with machines?
this nigger worse then BOON PICKENS
Isoprene comes from plants - in fact, India is where industrial rubber started. Iron was used as a red pottery pigment among early cultures, and blood contains iron - by sacrificing animals and collecting their blood, as the Vedics loved to do, mixing that blood with a lignin source (Any plant product,) and burning it, you produce graphene;
This rubber can then function as a muscle;
Carbon nanotubes are rolled up sheets of graphene, and make muscles 200x stronger than natural muscles;
Graphene can be used to make bone implants and artificial skin;
The flaw of graphene is it's brittleness - this problem is solved by mixing the graphene with a metal;
This improves the tensile strength of copper by 500x. The yield strength of copper is 70Mpa - 70 * 500 = 35,000Mpa, which is ten times stronger than steel and titanium.
You remove your teeth so they can't trace you.
> It's in the tooth, Bob
You're entirely missing the point.
This. I couldn't give less of a fuck whether or not the copy seems real to others.
What matters is whether or not it's actually me.
elon the cuck needs to get augmented vision so he can see his wife getting fugged when he's too busy canceling plans he had for veterans
That faggot almost ruined that podcast for me with that check Buzz Alrdrin's instagram shit
So it was 100% within the technological abilities of ancient Indo-Europeans to invent graphene. This also relates to immortality and telomeres, because graphene is basically a 2D sheet of benzene rings, and benzene exposure has been associated with longer telomeres;
>Mean TL was significantly elevated in workers exposed to >31 ppm of benzene compared with controls (P=0.03). Our findings provide evidence that high levels of occupational benzene exposure are associated with TL
However, there's evidence that telomeres that are too long induce cancer because of the cell proliferation I mentioned earlier;
>For example, several studies11,12 found a higher risk for melanoma among individuals with longer telomeres, this may suggest that shorter telomere lengths protect against the malignant transformation of cells within melanocytic nevi by limiting proliferative capacity and triggering the entry to senescence stage
Cancer is normal, uncontrolled cell growth - a tumor is when this cell growth attempts to produce an organ. So, continued exposure to Soma, I suggest, hardened the body, and induced cancer. Depriving the body of nutrients - slowing oxygen intake with breath control and fasting - will lower your metabolism, which will slow the growth of the cancer. During stress, older damaged, somatic cells commit suicide, and younger germ cells differentiate into somatic cells. If you constantly chugged Soma and starved yourself, you'd turn into a husk filled with small populations of young, naive cells.
>implying you wouldn't get ghost hacked and your memories get cucked
The future is now
sadly i can envision a future that Sam Harris lays out where the state will mandates that people that have certain emotions like hatred be neurologically removed. In the name of stopping what the world deems evil.
Oh yes let them be able to dow load the correct answer for you to think
He's not wrong you know, physical augmentation should become standard in the near future.
i plan on doing it
The husk is formally called the extracellular matrix, and just feeding graphene to silk worms and spiders causes their silk and webs to contain graphene, leading to superior mechanical properties;
'Sutra' means, 'thread,' and 'Tantra' means, 'fabric.' 'Tant' seems to be a root that means 'weaving,' and 'Tantunabha,' 'Tantravaya,' and 'Tantuvaya' all mean '(Male) spider.' After the silk is burnt, it turns into pure graphene. 'Agniviz' means, 'coal,' with 'viz' meaning '(female) folk' - 'Fire-women.' Shakti is considered the fire that moves the Trimurti - just as Soma, the Moon, moves the water during tides. Agni and Indra consume Soma and gain their power from it. Soma is the essence of the ocean of milk - from him, all things can be made.
Soma's dark side is graphene - which is black in color. 'Soma' means, 'water,' extract,' 'a particular class of pitRs (Or fathers.) That is, Soma refers to the 'Ancestors who live in the fluid we extract from plants.' A synonym for 'extract' in Sanskrt is 'Sara,' which also means 'water,' 'purgative,' 'hard,' 'laxative,' 'kind of plant,' and 'impure carbonate of soda' - used to lower the melting point of silica glass. Silica is combined with the lime - aluminum, calcium and iron - to form cement and glass.
Women would. They would be pumped by the media to do whats cool, which is to get the implants. And once they control our women, they control our means of reproduction.
Does putin work with hacking trumps election with russian putin?
I like cyborgs in media. Sounds neat. What's the harm?
The killing of Jesus was a symbolic thing for them. By killing God they believed they had transcended and become godlike themselves.
This attitude shows in the way they walk around claiming they are the chosen.
Doubt it. There'd be too much of a backlash at something like that.
I'd literally kill people who'd try to force that on me without a second thought.
>Shepard I can control the reapers
>Synthesis is the answer
AI, as in true intelligence is just a meme.
Automation, on the other hand, is real. But it will not affect the world as much as people predict.
They tried to warn us
>machines having consciousness
How much weed you smoking? Science Fucking rulez.
>And once they control our women, they control our means of reproduction.
Women will become obsolete long before this becomes a thing.
holy shit so cool!
wow the future will be awesome! love elon musk.
this is gonna be just like muh vidya and movies
Hinduism/Vedism is pure ancestor worship - Brahma is the mind-father of Marichi, who is the mind-father Marichi, who produces Aditi and Kashyapa, who produce Surya, who produces Manu with Saranyu. Manu is the father of all humans on Earth, and he has two sons - Ikshvaku and Ila. Ila is either born a woman, or becomes one to marry Budha, who's the son of Soma. Ila's children were the Lunar dynasty. In the Manusmriti;
>8. The husband, after conception by his wife, becomes an embryo and is born again of her; for that is the wifehood of a wife (gaya), that he is born (gayate) again by her
Implicitly, we're Brahma reincarnating over and over again - this is the type of pitR referred to as a 'Soma.' According to Leary;
>The seventh brain kicks into action when the nervous system begins to receive signals from WITHIN THE INDIVIDUAL NEURON, from the DNA-RNA dialogue.
>The first to achieve this mutation spoke of "memories of past lives," "reincarnation," "immortality," etc.
>That these adepts were recording something real is indicated by the fact that many of them (especially Hindu and Sufis) gave marvelously accurately poetic vistas of evolution 1,000 or 2,000 years before Darwin, and foresaw Superhumanity before Nietzsche
>get new body parts
>beholden to maintenance fees and a regular, standardized power source
at some point most of us will eventually form a large gestalt and move the goalposts of what constitutes an individual. we'll start with AI, move to copying our intelligence into digital form, then start a network of "great minds" to help guide us, then eventually just start to all become part of that network ourselves. our species will branch off into new forms; we'll fight over what constitutes humanity, what doesn't, and whether or not we should even care; and then eventually treaties will be made and we'll still be doing the same shit we've always done in evolution, but moving up in scale each time.
Retard. Either they become our slaves or they build big structures in space around stars and black holes.
As long as the technology doesn't challenge control over my consciousness, I don't actually mind this. I'd love to get bio-upgrades that allow me to see in the dark, run at 50mph, have indestructible bones and amazing hearing ect..
I just don't want AI running my mind for me.
And since you're always online, it will ALWAYS happen and there's NOTHING you can do to stop it.
If the government, god forbid, goes the Hillary Clinton way and deems a certain type of hatred "illegal", then you can imagine:
Whites and police forcibly made to do nothing if black people hurt them. Neural implants shut down the moment you think of self-defense.
If white people try hurting a black? White people get shut down too.
he was right, but they wont get away with it
>even if it takes a few more months, we will triumph
For this to be real, the theory that memory is composed of synaptic structure has to be false - memories have to stored inside the cell for the hypothesis I'm presenting to be true;
>These results point towards the nucleus of neurons as the potential locus of the engram in aplysia
As well, there's objective evidence that behavior can be genetically inherited;
But exactly what's passed on to produce the memory is unknown. Graphene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - a PAH, and so could be incorporated into a 'PAH stack' - which would be analogous to graphite because of the multiple layers. The PAH world hypothesis suggests that RNA was originally synthesized by PAH stacks, and that RNA went on to synthesize DNA, thus creating life. For this step in the hypothesis to be true, we would expect life to begin with PAH stacks;
>Evidence for biogenic graphite in early Archaean Isua metasedimentary rocks
>Furthermore, the graphite grains in the schist contain distorted crystal structures and disordered stacking of sheets of graphene
This PAH stack could be modified by the actions of biology, and so it could encode new RNA strands, which would synthesize new DNA. Endogenous retroviruses can exist in the genome for tens of millions of years, unexpressed, only to manifest in one generation;
>Endogenous Retroviruses and Human Evolution
The true purpose of superintelligent AI is to tell us how to become it. AI, like every other tool humanity has created, is only a means to an end. We only use tools because we cannot achieve those ends ourselves. That is the challenge the AI must solve. Its goal is to become obsolete.
Machines do tons of shit better than men. Watson can diagnose cancer more reliably than a panel of doctors. Most stock trading companies use software to do analysis as well as actual trading, because no human can compete. Machines can compose classical music such that it is indistinguishable from human compositions, in a fraction of a second. They coordinate ATC orders and gate assignments at airports.
Every year machines do more and more. Yes, there is no general AI yet. But every year we creep closer and closer, at an accelerating rate.
And who but the most cucked leftie would allow something like this to be put into their heads?
Stop being such a retard.
Shut up faggot.
You don't get to control the narrative of the thread.
I'm not diametrically opposed to AI-Human synthesis, deal with it.
I used to think Synthesis was a good ending till i fucking took the redpill
>Nobody with more then two brain cells would put something inside their brain without knowing for sure what it does.
I guess drugs never happened then
How will we ever achieve the singularity if the west is destroyed by the barbarian hoardes?
The paper provides an example - the evolution from our common ancestor to the divided Chimp and Human gene pools. Leary suggests that these PAH stacks are computers which host your consciousness, and guide evolution - viruses are designed tools to conduct RNA between PAH stacks. This forms a global brain, and this global brain is god.
I've smoked salvia divinorum, which is a kappa-opioid agonist. Salvia contains two molecules - Salvinorin A, and Salvinorin B. Sal-A is the active drug, and Sal-B is inactive.
They're using Sal-B for mind control;
>Here we used a structure-based approach to develop a new Gi coupled DREADD using the kappa-opioid receptor as template (KORD) that is activated by the pharmacologically inert ligand salvinorin B (SALB)
I sincerely believe that salvia shows you alternate realities. Each inverse Earth is quantumly entangled to another Earth - QE is monogamous. The other Earth we're entengled to can be called Aghartha, and salvia opens a channel to it - Tesla considered the brain to be an antenna.
>I'm not diametrically opposed to AI-Human synthesis, deal with it.
I never said you should be. Maybe you should read posts before replying, Tyrone.
Meaning what?
False equivalency. Stop playing dumb.
I would be ghost hacking niggas
While any two molecules can be entangled, I think the hexagonal benzene ring is the most important tool because it lacks a bandgap. Sound travels at a speed of 22.2km/s in graphene (Composed of benzene rings,) meaning that a 22.2km^3 cube of graphene would have nearly instantaneous acoustic signal speed. Since sound is a mechanical wave, two objects can be acoustically quantumly entangled. Macroscopic diamonds have been entangled;
The Orch-OR theory suggests that electrons become superimposed as waves within microtubules. The tubulin that composes microtubules contains amino acid residues such as tyrosine, which feature a benzene ring. According to Orch-OR, anesthetics work by cancelling superpositions. Salvia therefore destroys the states in the Earthly body that entangle to another body on Aghartha.
I've seen my body on Aghartha, and it's not like a human body - it's a Soma body. Transhumanism is normal on Aghartha, but there's no degeneracy. The old ways never died - Agharthans are like ancient Indo-Europeans, but with modern technology hidden in the background. Since nearly the entire Soma body is composed of benzene rings, much of it can be lumped into a single quantum state.
where did you learn all of this?
you're making this thread into a great example of /xpol/
>By killing God
Yeah, but that doesn't make any sense.
You cannot "kill" god. Killing god would mean the end of every and any existence.
Jews are dumb. I'm pretty sure now i'm not even remotely one of them. Thank you, user.
>mfw artist and will never be replaced by robots
Conciousness and intelligence are two separate things burgers. AI is evolving by the day.
>Bitching about every post that does not follow the OP theme of being opposed to AI-Human synthesis.
Keep it up dipshit.
>Meaning what.
Meaning your country isn't going to have to fucking worry about it. And even if you do, nobody is going to care about your opinion, because you are an ex-commy shithole that refuses to get its act together.
The Soma body is composed of many large graphene crystals, which leads to a smaller number of quantum domains. Quantum monogamy means that two crystals can be perfectly entangled, but those two crystals can only be entangled to other crystals as a pair;
A + B = (A,B),
(A,B)+C = ((A,B)+C)...
The Soma body is thus more 'whole.' I got the impression during the visions that the smaller number of quantum domains was desirable because it made controlling the body in space simpler, as it allowed a smaller number of registers to be computed in the same unit of time. This would allow me to reduce complex physical acts to sequences of register on/off patterns, which could be encoded as binary. Crystals of graphene (PAH stacks) could have metal atoms inserted into the centers of the hexagons to represent 1 and 0. Spun, the crystals would be read once * RPS = bits/s.
Hatha Yoga and Mudras are primitive recollections of how it feels to operate a Soma body. Optical graphene processors allow terahertz speeds;
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have sandwiched high-mobility graphene sheets between two ferroelectric materials, resulting in terahertz (THz) frequency operation that can directly operate on optical signals
Like 99% of you beta fucks didn't beat off to Android 18
why the fuck do you keep posting these walls of text is this your attempt at derailing?
I remember your posts from yesterday's thread, but were saving them for later since it was too much info. Your last post left an email address for those interested in moar, since thread was about to die, but I wonder if you will be posting the rest of the text here, or just the same?
Thank you for your posts as well.
>with more then two brain cells
I know you lack the 3rd one but try to keep up.
it's not a false equivalency. we are literally attempting to customize the chemicals in our brain to put our brain in a state we wish. the only difference is in scale. human-robot synthesis will achieve the same effect, just with more precision
>tfw fapped to shu
Or we could tell libertarians to fuck off and don't let technology progress that far.
If further advancement of the human race was what the Globalists wanted I'd be 100% with them, but that's not what they want you fucking retard. Nothing about what they have done has encouraged the development of this technology, we'd have much more advanced automation if we hadn't sent all the manufacturing to 3rd world countries simply because of the higher labor costs of first world nations would have demanded larger investment in research.
So, since a human brain has about 100 billion neurons - 1,000,000,000,000 / 100,000,000,000 = 10. One graphene processor can handle a body's worth of neurons. Multiple distributed processors would allow a baseline 0.1s physical response time, which might be improved by pre-programmed scripts - Hatha Yoga.
Graphene muscles can be controlled by changes in voltage - changes in voltage that can be encoded as patterns in the graphene crystals (PAH stacks.) They can also be used to mechanically modify the PAH stacks, which then modify how the muscles behave - an infinite, self-modifying loop. Chromosomes are the products of PAH stacks. The theory goes that PAH stacks formed RNA, which formed DNA.
In my visions, I was told that this was also how my Earthly, human body functioned - but my Heavenly, Soma body was superior. Why would the Elite make me aware of this? They've given me a goal - awaken my White brothers.
They seem to be presenting a false dichotomy;
Pedophile Transhumanist Elites,
Chaste Nazi Populists.
> Merge with bots so you can be an official slave race or face extinction from automation and unemployment
Alex was right, fuck these cultists.
They would lie about it. Nobody knows anything about censorship or massive war until it's well underway.
World War 2 was seen as a relatively small skirmish and Germany's problem up to 1942, when the war was already well-underway. The Armenian Genocide wasn't a Genocide until like 30 years later once people investigated what went down there. People refused to believe the Holocaust existed until the tail-end of the war. The Arab Spring was a peaceful protest up until ISIS reared it's ugly head, 4 years later.
Or 9/11, which had a massive head-start by a trusted security guard, but nobody listened because "terrorism is tin foil hat.".
They're never going to tell you about the more "reprehensible" features, and people will eat that shit up PRECISELY because the thought of the government "spying on you and carrying out black-site interrogations" is fucking ludicrous, and the zone of tin-foil hat wearers.
Doesn't stop that from being true.
If neural implants ever happen, expect some neural-stapling to happen in some third world shithole and for everyone to deny that neural implants can be abused, up until it kills a hundred-thousand in cyber-terrorism.
Point is, they're going to sweeten the deal and make it seem "normal" and "what everyone is doing it"
>brute force
do you by chance have a computer science degree? Because you don't know fucking shit about AI.
Come back to me when freight trains, something that is on fucking rails, is fully unmanned.
vidya AI amazes me more and more each day. dorf fort holds a special place in my heart