>your age
>how hopeful you are about the future of the world as a whole
I'll start, 24, borderline suicidal about humanity's prospects.
>your age
>how hopeful you are about the future of the world as a whole
I'll start, 24, borderline suicidal about humanity's prospects.
Humanity hasn't changed in thousands of years, our technology however, has. We went to the moon, we're beating cancer, we have more people today then at other time in history working on the world's problems. Humanity is the most powerful force of nature, and we will conquer space.
was in the Navy during the change from the Carter administration to the Reagan administration
it was night and day in pretty much all phases of public discourse
I'm hopeful that we're not that far removed from going back to those days
but yesterday was tough to take, I feel it will be telling to see what the Trump team does next
I'm very depressed. I use to like posting on here but lately is has become a mess. You're all like children to me. You're mentally incapable of having a reasonable argument without acting like the very people you despise. Then again, your ideology, Nazism, only attracts the worst of the worst.
Do you want my social security number, too? Fuck you OP.
how can you not be hopeful when Trump has just been elected President.
the long night is coming to an end. The Don is breaking on the horizon.
None of that matters.
I want to know what happens to the war criminal neocons.
Also 24. I agree with this user, I think we'll be able to overcome and expand. The events of the past year have been promising, and America will lead the human race to improve our own planet and spread ourselves at least across the galaxy.
24 army officer
i am self sufficient enough to not give a fuck
rather worry about the next whore i am going to bone, if nintendo will balance takumi, why is youjo senki a recap episode this week and whats going to happen next in youkai shoujo manga, also 100 pushup challenge
apocalypse is coming but there will probably be survivors
have faith, aim high
Pretty much the same.
I was extremely close to an hero if Trump lost.
I genuinely hope WW3 comes soon so that Europeans would wake up.
fuck off
sauce me, senpai
27. Our possessions will be stolen by communist americans.
The modern liberal Western Civilization of the last two centuries is collapsing. What will emerge will be as alien to us as the middle ages. The world as a whole is likely entering a long period of violence and regression socially and technologically. Humans many one day truly reach for the stars but the time for that will be in thousands of years, not dozens or hundreds. While the people who do achieve these scifi wonders will be from a society very different from ours.
Anybody follow this dickhead's career path? Anybody read one of his books?
Get ahead out in front of the game, Sup Forums.
Not sure what to do in life. You know what it feels like being at the last row in an auditorium with a front entrance? I feel like I'm the last one to leave the row to exit. It's like a constant gnawing feeling that I cannot shake.
>very hopefull
pic related
Tell us the truth.
Do you or do you not have the power to confer a PhD on an acolyte?
feels bad man
28, Meh.
23 is a great age. Look around for something you want to do come hell or high water.
Also fuck bitches.
It has to get worse before it gets better
t. christian
I can see socially but not technologically unless a nuclear winter happens which I don't see as likely. But I do agree about the rest, no idea how people can claim we'll conquer the stars anytime soon. not even privatizing space travel will help if society collapses due to the current problems mounting skyhigh
31. It feels like end times. Just hoping to watch it all crash and burn. We can't let him get the nuclear codes.
>hopeful that an asteroid will destroy us all
>electrician (50k a year)
>pretty damn optimistic about humanity's future. Technology will save us.
For about 4-8 years then neocons will take over
Just nuke us already.
I worry about the radical left. None of it makes sense. It's so obvious that there is (someone or something) pushing towards a specific agenda, whatever that may be.
Live in commiefornia
I honestly am hopeful since I know my little bro's friends are all really right wing, and this is commiefornia. If its like this here wtf is it like in already conservative places. Can't wait to get out (or flooded and washed out) but I honestly think its going uphill from here even if the media is making it look like we are loosing in every way possible.
>borderline suicidal about humanity's prospects
>suicidal about humanity's prospects
about humanity's prospects
>humanity's prospects
that's it user - for you humanity is your own race which is becoming sterile - i would not be surprised if the hindus or africans are hopeful about the future. You however are The Evil White Overlord (trademark?) so...
oh wow thanks a bunch!
also 26, not very hopeful. just want to live a peaceful life at my computer
pretty sure people were thinking the same thing we were 50 years ago. theres always some looming threat that worries people to the point where they think they're going to see the apocalypse. its almost egotistical to think people believe the age their living in will be the last.
the concept of dying terrifies me but i can't be asked to care about it unless im trying to sleep.
gib good doom links on that period of regression, i hope we will see cannibals roaming the wastelands and loli prostatots
no worries mate
19, the world is probably going to burn but regardless i'll still find a way to prosper.
arent blacks gonna be majority of humanity in 2100?
can you zap all of them electric man?
You are a wise man.
>to sleep, perchance to dream
you're probably right but still. maybe it's because of the internet but with the additional info it provides on the state of matters, the lessons we've learned from history of what failing empires look like, the signs of decay the planet is showing, I don't see how anyone can be optimistic.
I'm very, very blackpilled on the whole thing. Insanity is running rampant. All the people in my life, aside from one or two, have gone off the fucking deep end. Even the ones who used to be interested in 'behind the scenes' discussion, the ones who liked to speculate about the nature of the universe, reality, society, etc... All of them have fallen prey to the new mindset. They buy into the leftist version of these thoughts.
And what's worse, I will lose so many of them if I even start to point out where they're wrong. They think they're part of some revolutionary thing. They think they're seekers of knowledge, but they're not, and it's so obvious to me.
Everyone I'm around has fallen for one trick or another. And it's so sad to see it, yet be helpless to change them. Even the people who are smarter than me can't break free from their illusions.
It's really shaken me. We're headed towards the darkest era of human history. A techno dystopia where multi-culti becomes the new religion, and all of our positive traits are bred out of us. The white race will lose prominence and slowly be subsumed by the wave of even dumber shitskins. Wars are coming. Famine is coming. Disease, surveillance, blight... It's all going to happen before I die.
reporting reports is reportable
>suicidal about humanity's prospects.
See that's your first mistake asshole, ignore humanity & instead concentrate on your own fucking life, then you'll feel much better.
Worried nationalism will meme its way through all of Europe and it'll lead to a big war and that's what rich pedos want because they're worried about overpopulation.
Mostly worried about how paranoid I've gotten in the last 2 years or so and it's been 2 years since I got laid. Peak oil man, superintelligence etc.
Can't shake the sense that the Silicon valley new-new-age stuff is just a group of stories used to keep people under the illusion that economic growth will keep up its pace and is inevitable. Maybe I'm wrong. Hope he's right. Get the impression Kurzweil really believes it. A lot of the futurists probably do, don't doubt they're being legit. It's just how it's been promoted over the past 5-6 years that makes me wonder
Go ahead faggot and you'll get banned for a false report
The rule states I can't "announce" a report
I didn't do that, I posted a screenshot which isn't an announcement
This is the most political turmoil we've ever seen ourselves but you gotta remember that the internet amplifies everything a million times. The deep state literally anhero'd JFK in the 60s.
I think things will turn out alright but will still casually prepare myself for the worst
>buying weapons
>increasing survival skills
well the dot-com bubble got mad about not delivering.
But then again there was that bubble in the 70s where they promised to develop general AI. It all goes back to the banks.
>The Lord's second coming is happening within our generations lifetime or the next
Our species is a dead end species. Our current forms of government and monetary systems are obsolete and profit based, placing human rights, environmental preservation, and morality second.
lel at american education
going outside in your underwear with gay written on your chest is announcing you are a flaming homosexual
try getting laid
Unless you don't belong here in which case get out.
desu whites won't survive another large conflict between each other
they're already riding a fine line towards extinction but if they start dying in mass numbers the shitskins will pour in and fill every gap and finish them off for good
My thing is I don't see tech advancing much once societies that value technological advancement no longer exist. Even in Asia there's little drive for new discoveries, instead its mostly refinements of whats imported from outside. While I'm sure no elaboration of Africa or the Muslim world is needed here. Sure advances will still occur but new innovations will remain novelties, not spread to the masses.
September 23, 2017
I got vagoo on lockdown. Maybe i don't belong here. I guess some people see through the bullshit, and some shitpost on /pol
>9/10 people on Sup Forums are 26 or younger and still suckling on their parents health insurance teat
>they have opinions on the ACA
Sup Forums is exactly as I imagined, full of youth and edge. One day you will grow up.
Thst,s true, but now people are actually not breeding cos "who cares, world is shit anyways". ( I know it,s not the only reason).
that,s a difference right there.
We're going to see a major and devastating global conflict in the next 15 years and hopefully we'll all die
How are you going to father a child with that attitude?
33, we will MAGA
Can I get sauce on that statement, bro?
28. Humanity is on the edge of a cliff. We used to be running full speed towards it, but the rebirth of nationalism stopped it. Now it's just a question of if we can resume true progress, or if the Globalists, the Theocrats and the Brown Tide can push us over.
true people are fascinated with hysteria. But i believe its naive to not see the boiling point in our generation. I'd rather be paranoid then unprepared. These social classes are getting wider, and the elites always have a plan.
I think the future is looking great. Humanity will save itself through the great purge where chinks, poojeets, mudslimes, and niggs will be killed off allowing only humans will be the only homos to inhabit the planet.
I think humanity always has been and always will be fucked to an extent.
But individuals and families can break through that and create beautiful things.
I'm a 25 year old millionaire with a six inch cock why would I bother? Get yo bread up lil niggas and get yo dick sucked and you'll be fine as wine ya-dig. God dam y'all sum sad motherfuckers nahmean
arent whites like 10% of world population or something like that already?
we used to be HALF of it in the past.
Breddy optimistic famalam
I'm under 26 and I pay a shitload of taxes, so I think I can have an opinion on that disaster.
Sure thing, sport
Good question. I'll do my own private case study. No god, no pledge of allegiance, question everything.
These "beautiful" things are just distraction from the complete fuckedness of the world and the exploitation that happens to other people.
Although, you don't really care about others misery if you're ok, because they're "others".
It's encouraging I guess that so many big name THINKERS are thinking it really is close now, but then again moore's law is dead right? I don't know my shit well enough on the topic
one of my friends is a survivalist and everyone could laugh at all his the collapse is cumming and u need to know how to skin a deer, fluoride is enslaving us talk a couple years ago, lately I've been seriously wondering if he's been on the right track this whole time
Send me money
>I'm under 26
>I have an opinion on health insurance
Yeah, no.
we get it, your generation is superior, i mean just look around.
>moore's law is dead right?
It is. Kind of funny to watch.
what's the effect been so far you think? how's it gonna play out?
also brace yourself.
Our culture is obsessed with materialism. America is one big fucking shopping mall. Most people don't have the capacity to imagine a world without the dollar. or jews.
The history of humanity is always in ebbs and flows. Tyrants come, people persevere, and tyrants go. Islam will hit its peak in the next hundred years, the backlash has already begun, and people like Majiid Nawaz are doing good work seeking to reform the religion from within. Existential threats have surrounded humanity, nipping at its heels, since we discovered how to make fire.
Our generation and out kids generation? We're FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD, but humanity will conquer the stars eventually.
30, very hopeful, and you should kill yourself.
wailing and gnashing of teeth again.
Your right about the new age shit. Kurzweil is a jew
Hey man that's not very nice
ok, send me your paypal.
except they didn't have nuclear ballistic submarines drawing dick figures on the ocean floor, just waiting for the go on mutually assured destruction. We have the means to kill everyone. Ten times over. Optimism is stupidity.
screen cap yours first
if you're really that worried about datamining you'd avoid this site entirely.
I want the 2020s to be the 1980s II, Electric Boogalu
>It's all coming to an end I hope to witness the nukes flying on to gloriously end humanity
or you know watch our inevitable progress towards a neo-corpratist cyberpunk dystopia either or yeah?
ok, just send me your password & the screencap will be in the mail first thing next Tuesday.
I dont care, were a waste of oxygen for 80 years then we become ashes
I don't know, some part of me hopes that all this left vs right shit is just a game to the people in power and there's real work being done behind the scenes towards things that are real. I don't like the world I see on tv and hope that its just a show.
Another part of me hopes that if humanity does start going into some kind of decline, that we at least go into something like a ghost in the shell kind of timeline where there's enough breakthroughs that life changes drastically, but we lose what it means to be human. Then from such a drastic revolution humanity might evolve past our old problems. I don't know though, at times it seems people are too stupid or too unwilling to even entertain alternative thoughts.