Ok so what, objectively, is the worst city in the US?
protip: not Detroit
Ok so what, objectively, is the worst city in the US?
protip: not Detroit
Lol yet every virtue signalling libtard would tell you that is "such a nice city".
>be city with second biggest number of Poles in the world, first being Warsaw
>be shit
really makes u tink
Gary Indiana I think has the math for highest murder rate or something like that
Seaside Heights, New Jersey
San Francisco
God I want to nuke that shithole into the ocean
Not only is it a liberal cesspool, but those queer fucks think they're actually better than LA.
LA is trash, but it's still my home, and has literally anything and everything better than San asscicsco
I grew up in the town next to Newark, and while it is quite bad, I'd say that Camden, NJ is worse.
San Francisco
Chicago is an awesome city if you're not poor.
Does trump work with nazis? To talk to putin on election fraud
at least Philly is right over the bridge from Camden if you go to school there though
Newburgh NY
San Antonio
Los Angeles. Most Jewed out place in the world.
Can confirm this.
I've traveled all over the USA as part of my job. I've stayed in nearly every major metro area. Camden, NJ hands down is the worst. There is no close second. It's literally a giant ghetto with absolutely no redeeming value. Oakland, Detroit, Baltimore all have their good areas. Camden has no good area.
I never noticed the flying chair before.
The niggers are pretty bad over here. Milwaukee isnt like chicago where it is all centered on one side of the city. The entire city is a ghetto.
Gary, Indiana
Front street is okay but holy shit the rest of the city is Escape From New York level
its such a shame too, it could be such a beautiful town
It got blacked tho, so I wouldn't put the blame on us. We actually do pretty well in Merica
I bet that street was great in it's heyday
any city in the RGV
I used to live in the polish neighborhood. It's getting taken over by puerto ricans because the hipsters gentrified their neighborhood.
Bullshit. 414 and there are plenty of nice areas and neighborhoods.
Don't care what you say OP, Detroit is clearly America's worst city.
*414 here
Portland or San Fransicko
i have a special place in my heart for decaying east coast post industrial boom towns.
It is a nice city outside of the Southside nigger infested villages and the northside libcuck infested burbs.
If you can afford to live downtown, you'll be white royalty.
Washington, DC.
>godawful traffic
>90% shitlib
>Googles everywhere
>almost all of the women are feminist
To be honest many people, including me before I moved here, think it is Orlando (not really because violence or anything). Now that I live here I can say that I and everyone else is completely wrong, it's a great place and the shit it gets made fun of for (the commercial/'fake'/tourist stuff) just combines with everything else to make something totally unique.
LA. Skid row, stoners, fags and Hollywood.
Take your pick.
miami & its not even close
south florida truly is the stinky, sweaty asshole of america
ayy yo waddup
just stay to the East and near South Side and you're fine, but the niggers here are pretty fucking violent
Gloversville NY fag here, I'm surrounded by "rust belt" cities (Schenectady and my hometown come to mind)
Wrong. Chicago. Poles make the US great again. They out the shit demographics and disperse them.
I live an hour south in Salem, can confirm. If you want to see the slowest .gov response to any issues, go to Portland. They'll be fixing the same pothole for 5 years.
I've never heard anyone say Orlando sucks. Orlando is a great city, Disney faggotry aside.
>All these dumbass answers
St. Louis, Missouri
come at me with a higher crime rate faggots
Kiryas Joel sucks too; its Sup Forumss worst nightmare brought to reality
>no Jacksonville FL
Good, Jacksonville is the best city in the USA
Atlantis is fine as long as you don't live in the ghetto.
Plenty of opportunity to earn a living
Second this
I've lived all over, and I can tell you that the best city is Salt Lake City. It's safe, clean, has a booming tech job market.
I hated San Francisco, and the worst experience I had was in Gary, Indiana.
Gary, Indiana
From order from least worse to absolute worse
Atlanta>Cincinnati>Cleveland>Washington DC>Oakland>Baltimore=Chicago=Detroit=New York City>Los Angeles
Ann Arbor, Michigan
>that chair flying through the air
Second for Flint.
Also, the "Poles" in Chicago are mostly Jews.
This, visited family on a vacation and really enjoyed it. Not as touristy as Orlando but still enjoyable with money in short periods of time.
WTF, man, Milwaukee is one of THE most segregated cities in America, the nigs are always found in distinct pockets you can avoid unless a few stray out into other areas.
Stay away from the north side and you avoid most nigs. Stay away from the south side and avoid the Mexicans and Asians.
The thing in Milwaukee is, ALL minorities who live there are pretty much just dole suckers, which limits where they can exist. There is ZERO black or brown middle class in the city or the suburbs, so while you can find pockets of nigs around even nicer areas like Wauwatosa, you know where they are if you keep your eyes open.
But, I live in Waukesha, fuck seeing nigs every day, I'll take my 2% black population out of 70k+ here and still be mad when I see spooks down at the Speedway when I'm getting my afternoon coffee.
check the 2016 numbers over 200k
We earned crime capital of America don't try to take it from us
Memphis, I wish the Mississippi River would swallow it whole.
Philadelphian here, I used to make fun of Camden but it is so bad now that insulting it feels wrong. Philadelphia is improving very fast and people with money are flocking to certain pockets of the city and the shit is being pushed over the river into Camden.
I drove through there once on the way to Philly and I was fucking shocked, and got no closer than the interstate.
Not even close to accurate. East Side is fine. Even Riverwest isn't that bad.
Weren't white teen girls getting carjacked on the east side not long ago?
Southside of Chicago is the baddest part of town. And if you go down there, you better just be aware of a man named Leroy Brown.
Philly is Brooklyn now
Washington, DC.
Outside of Georgetown and the Bethesda neighborhood it's a nigger infested mess.
San Francisco
That's the list for cities with at least 100k people in city limits. Reduce the requirement to 25k and you'll get Flint 7th and Camden 10th. Detroit is 8th and Cleveland is 16th.
no, i dont want the radiation to effect my precious Santa Rosa!
I'm sure it has happened a few times, but that's because retarded 20somethings congregate in shitty areas like Riverwest, where they're on the border of the ghetto, and feel "safe" because in their minds, the nigs will know they're "the good kind of white people".
Last time there was a major chimpout was a few summers back which inspired the White Girl Bleed a Lot blog/book from Colin Flaherty, but other than that and the State Fair chaos a few years back with nigs jumping on cars and freaking out in the street, it stays pretty calm overall.
But, Milwaukee is violent as fuck in plenty of areas, I won't ever disagree there.
What the fuck is going on here?
I heard he carries a .32 in his pocket for fun.
He's also gotta razor in his shoe.
It seems ripe for gentrification.
Why is this chair way up here?
I've never seen more junkies shooting up in public than I did in SLC, and yes, I've been to San Francisco
i'd rather visit sf than la
We have hit Peak Brooklyn and now people have decided Philly is the next place to gentrify. The hipsters are going to neighborhoods like Northern Liberties and young yuppie professionals are making the nice part of center city spread further. The yuppie professionals are making really fucking good restaurants continue to open.
I'm the thick of that kike development and can attest. Camden nigs are the narliest nigs I've seen in my life and have been around the states.
The mental gymnastics on that original picture was fucking shambolic
>"Can I just say to all of the racists out there who are using this photo for their right wing agenda, I'm actually the girl in the photo getting her bag "grabbed". The actual truth is he was helping me carry it. Now you know the truth can you please stop posting this"
>Wasn't even a ruse, the actual person from the photograph unironically used this excuse
Its not fine. It borders the hood and the nigs go over there every night to rob people and steal cars. I used to go to house parties every weekend over there by the university. Some nig pulled a gun on someone at one of the parties over a beer.
Baltimore definitely needs to be nuked.
The Inner Harbor is the only redeeming part I've seen on my 3 business trips there, and even then, I saw feral nigs screaming at people for not giving them monies when asked to spare a dollar. As in "FUCK YOU CRACKA YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU NEED TA DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKER I SHOULD KILL YOU" stuff, right outside of a nice seafood restaurant on the bay.
When even the fucking Hilton at the convention center changed all their vending machines to credit card only because the FUCKING EMPLOYEES were robbing the machines, you know that city is pure shit.
San Francisco
>Implying A2 is really that bad compared to Ypsilanti, Flint, Detroit, etc.
It may be full of liberal cucks, but it's far from the worst city in the state, let alone the country.
The roads on the other hand are third world-tier bad.
My cousin's friend is a cop there. He said it's terrible