I wish I was British
I wish I was British
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are you muslim?
t. Howard
I wish I was American.
just move to the uk and convert to islam. youll pick up the accent eventually
England is comfy, but nogunz and no freedomz over there make being a burger worth it.
Brit here, ama
I actually don't
for some reason the britbongers underclass is 10 times more primitive than the german or Benelux underclass that I know
>I wish I was British
you really don't.
t. Nikita
It's going to turn to shit in less then 20 years, I'm quite adamant in the fact that you wouldn't want to live in this shithole indefinitely because of it, sir.
>tfw not nip
>tfw can't be hikikomori
Imagine being Irish though.
why tho?
That would be the worst.
Yeah, having to keep you potatonigs in line is a huge burden, it's really not worth it
listen to this gingernigger
You don't get it.
I wish I was Belorussian
My autism is strong with me, Grigori.
Tis' why I don't get jokes.
You don't
Britain is an absolute shithole
Read this book
i wish i was nihonjin
No its just that our culture is the dominant one in Europe and so you see our "underclass" a lot more and im not sure what you mean by primitive either.
The hardest part about being a paddy in Ireland is my dick. Your women just love mick cock
I was born in the US to British parents, Welsh to be exact.
What's your accent like, m8?
Trust me, being American is better.
If you insist though, we could always swap citizenship's....
>Trust me, being American is better.
Leave you pathetic cuck
A Welshman eh?
That's funny actually, my grandmother is British, but I don't think that would qualify me for a passport.
both of you fuck off
The OP kinda reminded me of H.P. Lovecraft's hatred towards everyone but the Old British people.
So you wish you were ugly?
as long as you're an anglo mate, that's what counts
besides being american isn't too bad, some people are french. imagine that, gross
gotta be parents in order to get one pal
I love my country no matter what you say. It may be rainy and shit but goddamn it's my home.
t. rich isolated twat
I wish I was Pewdiepie
So does everyone
t. idiot who thinks only Britain has poor people
I bet you think all English people are in their Yatchs drinking brandy.
Britain is the greatest country in the world.
The people, on the other hand...
Britain is a leftwing shithole. The lefty media runs the entire show. Living here is like living in a Buzzfeed article.
I wish I was an Argentine
I'm currently reading it. I would never recommend anyone who isn't in secure full time employment to not read it because it will destroy any ambition or aspiration you have. It's not worth taking the black pill so early.
I wish I was American, or any 1st world nation other than Australia/Britain
Which one of you is YKTD?
I have French DNA as well desu
I get the impression you're poor and deprived, and instead of getting off your council paid ass and fixing your situation, you shitpost on Sup Forums about books that back up your endless whining.
Even Irish would be a step up for you, leaf.
Same senpai why are English cities and towns so much more comfy then anywhere else? I honestly feel sad I didnt get to have a childhood growing up in England
>tfw no rocha gf
Who are you saying why to?
Convert to pisslam, fuck a kid, grow a greasy beard and you're good to go.
As if me being rich would make Britain less of a depressing paki shithole
When you look at Britain's accomplishments, influence and historical legacy and think that's impressive for any country and then realise we're a tiny little island off the coast of France you start to realise that the English are the greatest race in human history.
It would just be nice if we could kick the fucking Paki's out.
blaming your peniless circumstances on pakistanis and not your own failures in life
>I wish I was British
become a leaf and you will be.
As I said before, USA is going to fuck itself over no matter what with or without illegal immigration. It's literally over for USA before it began. Trump can't stop what is to come.
North America is essentially done for as a superpower after 20-30 years pass. It will be overrun by shitskins, and I don't intend to stay around when it happens.
>we're a tiny little island off the coast of France
You've got it backwards. Europe is an irrelevant landmass off the coast of Britain.
Sorry not North America, America, but I might as well include Canada and Mexico because they're simply just direct vassals of USA anyways.
Argentina is number 40
Don't even try to say your country "is not that good", I know the truth dummy
More of an American accent (long Island) than anything else, not that horrible nasal or greasy Italian Long Island accent tho.
I've had people in the Midwest ask me if I was from the UK, I've had people in the UK ask me if I was from Canada.
I'm sorry user
Kek, the fact you are on that island was key to your sucess.
>You've got it backwards. Europe is an irrelevant landmass off the coast of Britain.
That's right give up the first amendment for some fish and chips.
Tired of having the possibility to shoot back at mudshites when they try to behead you?
No you don't. You either live in England and experience being part of an Islamic caliphate, or be like me and live in Wales, having to witness it slowly and painfully becoming more and more colonised by foreigners. At least America has its trump supporters. Here, I've met one other person who was even remotely right wing.
>tiny little island off the coast of France
You're a cuck so you're partially there. You're also a traitor. After we drove those poofy faggot cucks out of our beloved America you wish to be like the enemy. Why don't you move to the United Khaliphate then? We don't want treason scum like you here.
>No guns
You get used to it after a while. Besides, we can own guns but the process is more 'precise' here.
Maybe, Huxley was right though, maybe we are fooling ourself with comforting lies about the erosion of our freedoms...
Anyway, it can get super comfy here, so it's worth it I guess. Just need to get rid of all the foreigners first.
you dont talk to a lot of welsh people then
I wish the British Empire still existed
Mmm fish n chips
Except America doesn't have alot of mudslimes and the primary targets for a race war would be niggers, spics, and white liberals. Especially white liberals.
And why would I want to deal with that when I could just deal with sandniggers and liberals in Britain.
I wish I wish I was a fish
>tfw you blend into either society with no problems but know deep down inside you're not pure
Except it's not. The people overwhelmingly voted for Brexit - the same can't be said for the Americans or any others who wish to free their yoke.
Our nation, although slowly, is taking a turn back to tradition and nationalism. That isn't to say, life will be perfect from now one, but it is to say that our moans must be subdued by the silence of scepticism.
As for our lefty media, I can guarantee that very few people - globalist or nationalist, conservative or socialist - believes the media as most of their blatant lies are being exposed.
This honestly. I don't care where you're from. If you're born in one country and on that nations soil then you root for only one nation. You don't wish to be from anywhere else
I'm not a cuck for wanting to preserve European traditions, and I'm not a traitor because USA betrayed the motherland, not the other way around.
The only treasonous scum here, specifically whites, are those loyal to the idea of America. America is the epitome of traitorousness and jewry. It doesn't deserve to live.
Go home to the_donald
Subjunctive, my dudes.
I wish I didn't have to work
oh well
What horible design krauts have there. The US one isn't perfect too, but hell, compared to german one it's earth and sky.
I actually really like the german one, maybe I just have shit taste. It's just so clean and organized
Move here user. Take the citizenship test
You can get shotguns by applying for s gun licence with the police.
I know Sup Forums likes to meme about the muslims in the UK, but they really just stick to London and other major cities. We'll only have a problem once they (eventually) spread out.
Besides, increasingly there is little tolerance for their presence and immoral activities. Rotherham happened for so long because Labour were scared of being racist - well, there'll be no more of that, with my confidence I say. And, the government is becoming increasingly hostile to both muslims and other foreigners, albeit not at the velocity I'd prefer.
So, really the problem is starting to be fixed, although slowly.
Our current Prime Minister was graced with this honourable title, if it means anything to you.
ordnung it is
The eagle is way too small and german names for EU and "bundesrepublik", meh, they wanted to get away from reich so badly it sounds shit.
But I have no skills, I'm effectively a NEET. And I'm scared to do uni because I may fuck up.
The path to British citizenship for an American of Western European descent such as I, would be almost near impossible to do, let alone go about with.
Arrive to Britain in a dingy and claim refugee status, they will give you citizenship, free housing and benefits. Why do you think all the sand niggers go to the U.K.
I'm an environmental scientist, namely water quality is my job but I love to study all sorts of that shit. How's UK in that job field?
Sounds like New Jersey