

/leftypol/ is everywhere


>hahahah go read NEE CHEE you dumbie, its all a spook - Ohh yeah and you're a fascist because everything is according to adorno. Lol you frankfurt school user?




'Anarcho'-capitalism is an oxymoron. A more fitting name would be neo-feudalism.

No civilization.

The world was in an anarchic state at the dawn of humanity.

100% of the world is now under a state.


Ancap sophistry below.

NEE CHEE is aight to draw from but he was a massive cockass. Fuck Stirner. Yeah i dig cultural marxism, it's a nice idea, so what?

>no state
>not falling to the first guy to violate NAP




If you can't independently support yourself then anarchism is not in your best interests. Co-independence doesn't work well for weak people and destroys the welfare state most of you take for granted.

No dude. This just shows a misunderstanding of what anarchism is.

go to china or brazil or north korea if you want anarchism

my family is done fighting wars

we deserve to relax a couple generations


>t. rapist

Let the children play, they think it's real.

Good thing the people who don't like rape have the majority of the guns.

Keep flying your black flag, I'll salute the colors of reality.


Pick one and only one, you maple nigger shill.


The abolishing of the welfare state is the least of my worries.

I am but a humble student, tending to both memes and mind.

I'd have to kill some people to allow me to continue my lifestyle, I fear.

Communism is the antithesis of Anarchism.
Stop listening to your female professor and read some books

This. So much this.

This argument kills this ancap spectrum dwelling ass mufuku.

>and read some books
The irony. Communism is a stateless classless society. It's end game is essentially anarchism. However it never gets that far cause Marx was a stupid bum head lmao

Idiotic. Stay off my property.

Left-wing anarchy is just as much a thing as right-wing anarchy.

I'm very disappointed with where anarchism has gone in recent years. There's far too much SJW morality in it and not enough actual freedom.

>being this ignorant

Anarchism is traditionally left you dolt.

Continental European Parliaments organized their parties with supporting parties seated in the right side and the challengers/opposition on the left.

Today left implies progressivism Marxist socialist egalitarian what have you. And right implies small govt pro neoliberal economics and either traditional values or libertarian (i.e. Classical Liberalism)

So despite all the fucked upedness, historically anarchy and anarchism are considered politically left wing

Cultural marxism is utter garbage, and cultural marxists deserve to get helicoptered alongside the regular marxists

Communism requires a submission to the collective. Anarchism is the truest expression of the individual.

The two cannot mutually exist.

Keep sucking that collective cock though, someday you'll grow up and realize the collective is as much a state as a dictator is.

Except it's not. Collectivism is the opposite of individualism no matter how much you try to REEE it not to be.

What do you know about cultural Marxism?

>inb4 Jews and the Frankfurt school

What do you actually know about it besides your Sup Forums informed schematic in your smooth brain that connects Jews and the Frankfurt school and cultural Marxism to political correctness and social justice warriors and #th wave feminism?

Oh! It's a buzzword!

I get it, you probably sifted through some shitty YouTube videos and collected all you need to know about it from Sup Forums

The sad thing is, despite the parroting that echoes day in and day out, pol never discusses the specifics or the genealogy of that thought.

Just bitching about Jews and commies and marxists, while being shamefully ignorant on the subject.

You Sound like Yvette Felerca and her band of rioters at Berkeley, trying to define fascism in a coherent sentence.

Idiocy. Any anarchist society will eventually evolve into a state and the argument that anarchy is the natural state of humanity is false; tribalism is.

Socially left, history isn't the same as today. You can't support the power of the collective and claim to believe in the philosophy of individualism.

In that property owners are lords of their domain, sure. There is literally nothing wrong with this.

>you'll grow up and realize the collective is as much a state as a dictator is.

Everything is so black and white to you autists.

You wouldn't no nuance if it violated the NAP right into your asshole.

Anarchism is lack of hierarchy. Communism doesn't involve hierarchy. Most anarcho-somethings have some kind of hierarchy in them, like anarcocapitalism.

Ultimately, any actions taken to increase longevity and preserve a notion of justice (nap, syndicalism, and what not) end up in contradiction, and true anarchism isn't stable.

But you'll of course tell me to "grow up" for not seeing this from your point of view like the smug child you are, as if anarchy isn't the plaything of edgy kids, and as if it's the defacto destination reached at maturity.

SJWism has infiltrated every aspect of society from Hollywood and university, to the corporate HR dept, down to the punk, hardcore, rockabilly, ska, whatever the fuck local shitty rock music scenes/communities. I've seen whole music scenes break up because sjw new comers publicly shame and mob groups who have been there for decades, because a band member said faggot or nigga or bitch in some personal band video that they shared with friends.

It makes sense for the sjw to be in the EDM and collegehippy toker scenes, but when punk, metal, etc are being social justicely cucked, heart weeps.

>Anarchism is lack of hierarchy.
Anarchism just means "no rulers". Any definition beyond that is arbitrary, hence why you have the root word modified by other words (ie. anarcho-X). This is why
>muh not true anarchy
arguments are a waste of time.

Anarchism isn't a social issue. Socially it is more left because the social right restricts marriage and abortion rights.

Politically it is the furthest logical end of classical liberalism (Locke, Stuart Mills), which emerged from leftist thought.

collectivism is not a traditional quality of the left until Marx. But thats the progressive socialist communist term left.

Anarchy has never been associated with the right. It has always been associated with the left.

Libertarianism is only considered so because American politics and he overlap of libertarian voters and politicians who go republican. But as far as its principles, it is classical liberalism, just like its extreme form anarchy.

There are relevant differences when people say left right liberal conservative etc. individualism isn't a wholly or historically politically right notion. You can claim it for yourselves.idc. I'm just accosting you because you chastised the other user despite him being totally within the reason.

>Anarchism just means "no rulers". Any definition beyond that is arbitrary

So all of the attempts at it's manifestation and hundreds of years of theorizing and postulating on the topic don't mean anything?

This is what I mean. You guys are all on the spectrum, and I'm not even joking. NO nuance whatsoever.

>arguments are a waste of time.
I never said that. Nor did I imply it. There is ture anarchy, but it's shit. There are hundreds of different types of pseudo-anarchy, but they are all contradictory. But still anarchy. Ancap probably can't be considered anarchy,but most of them could be.

Sure, if you consider nothing wrong with ownership by force. Free exchange doesn't exists without equality under law.

All ownership of anything by humans is ownership by force, whether that force is brought to bear by the person in question, or their agents.

>all contradictory
By what standard? Your arbitrary definition? This is precisely the thing I'm talking about.

ill keep my toothbrush thanks

>By what standard?
Good question, I will now expla-
> Your arbitrary definition? This is precisely the thing I'm talking about.

Oh, you're a little shit who thinks he can answer for me.

Never mind.

Yes, I can answer for you. As I explained, anarchy has one objective definition, and that definition comes from the word itself. Anything beyond that is an arbitrary addendum.


I compeltely disagree. Sure, you can be autistic and narrow your scope on the issue to the word itself, or you can look at the history of it's application and the thought that has gone into trying to make ti work.

I'm not going to talk with you about anarchy because you don't know about it. You look to the surface and that's it. You're not worthy of the discussion, because you haven't read a fucking book, you nigger.

>Yes, I can answer for you.
No, you can't, because you don't understand what I'm talking about. I'm specifically saying that the addendum are valid, but their result is a contradiction and a hierarchy. So no, not by an arbitrary standard, you dolt. An objective one.

I know you THINK you can one up me and that your small amount of knowledge is enough. I'm sure we all do sometimes. But it's really, really not. There is more than a dictionary definition to most things in philosophy and politics. This isn't something up for debate. But you will of course disregard this and accuse me of adhom or just diverting.

Read a book and maybe we can talk some other time.

Ahahaha, holy shit. Just add a
>nothin personnel kid
and it'll be a great copypasta.

You got me.

Should have checked the flag.

Nothing a Canadian has ever said has had thought put into it.

>Anything beyond that is an arbitrary addendum.

Not at all. an-archy means no rulers not no rules.

Its anti-hierarchical with maximum individual liberty. The different economic theories are extremely important.

>The term anarchism is a compound word composed from the word anarchy and the suffix -ism,[26] themselves derived respectively from the Greek ἀναρχία,[27] i.e. anarchy[28][29][30] (from ἄναρχος, anarchos, meaning "one without rulers";[31] from the privative prefix ἀν- (an-, i.e. "without") and ἀρχός, archos, i.e. "leader", "ruler";[32] (cf. _archon_ or ἀρχή, arkhē, i.e. "authority", "sovereignty", "realm", "magistracy")[33]) and the suffix -ισμός or -ισμα (-ismos, -isma, from the verbal infinitive suffix -ίζειν, -izein).

Think about who profits the most from the meme that anarchy=chaos.

>Australian is flag-baiting