Ask a Mexican anything
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no thanks
are your bags packed?
tacos or nachos?
Isnt she Arabic?
i live in tortillaland
He's already in Mexico, ya dingus.
Fix your shithole of a country and stop trying to infect America with your cancer.
Oh sry, you said "ask a question."
Why won't you fix your shithole of a country and stop trying to infect America with your cancer?
What's it like living in a 3rd World shithole? Do you just get up, go to work, come home, like everyone else? Just with more gunshots heard in the background?
Why the fuck are you rioting against trump in your own cities.
You don't even live in the US. What the fuck is wrong with you.
Taco taco burrito?
we live like the american way of life, but more dangerous and shitty ways.
tyrone mexico needs to be nuked
fake news. only a few turds
que pasó meng
yo quiero taco bell?
donde esta el baño?
no se
abre la puerta
respilando mota si muchas gracias
estes gringos son locos idiotas pero muy comicos
what do mexicans eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
eggs, beans, chilaquiles
enchiladas, tacos
salma hayek is half Lebanese, half Spanish, but born in mexico
Interesting mix
Have a girl ever called you 'papi' in bed?
whens that new alijandro fernandez album about to drop?
Doesn't it bother Mexicans that their citizens flee up north for a better life? Why not fix your country instead of running away?
delet this, im a kissless virgin
What are the best things about Mexico?
Is that From Dusk Til Dawn?
top 5 films and top 5 directors
food and beached
Living like niggers is not the American way of life.
we dont have dindus
Me too.
So half Arab.
Honestly i cant tell Mexicans and Arabs apart.
That was an amazing match.
Sorry mexibros.
dont worry , Sup Forums pol is all about this.
Are the Mexican Marines the only non-corrupt branch of the Mexican military?
mexican marines are the only ones without corruption
it wasnt.
>ask a worthless worm anything
The only reason Mexico is relevant is because they are next to us. If they were 100+ miles away and never interacted with us they'd be like Mongolia, when was the last time you ever heard of Mongolia, or Madagascar, or Papa New Guinea? Kek!
why isnt selma hayek sucking my dick as i type this
Le American edugadion
I'm sorry.
Alex it's just to good.
y u guys always blow up shit
it was osorios fault. chile never won anything without Jadue.
How large percentage of Mexican women are as hot as Selma Hayek or hotter?
thoughts on the wall
70% of young mexican woman.
Is it true that you don't need no stinking badges ?
Reconquista aztland son.
its our land.
>ask a Mexican anything
How much for your sister?
OK we trade you all of your women for all of our niggers?
never, only for commiefornia
spain lost their north american provinces within 50 years of their "conquest" by a bunch of puritans and rednecks...good job mestizo scum
>by a bunch of puritans and rednecks...good job mestizo scum
I think you know who the real savages were all along.
california and the southwest is still from us.
That's basically the same, bro.
>How large percentage of Mexican women are as hot as Selma Hayek or hotter?
>0% of young mexican woman.
And what % are still even just decent looking after 25?
young is below 35, fuck off.
I've known actual Spaniards. Thy don't want to be associated with Mexicans either
they love us, they are hispanics like us, thats why they are emigrating here for their crisis in 2008
Only an under-developed brain could get so easily triggered.
Spic Status: CONFIRMED
Gotten the wooden pole through you yet ?
Most mexicans are literal idiots. Not their fault DESU, shit wages and shit education leaves them with little to no option. People should've started a revolution around the 70's but mexicans always find the easy way out
Food is GOAT. Everything else is shit
I have literally never seen a woman like Salma Hayek. 80% of mexican woman look like a grape or a twig, girls that are kind of decent get pregnant at a very early age or are usually huge gold diggers (there are a few qts who don't fit here but they are literally less than .01%)
chilaquiles are GOAT
How much have you saved up for your new wall?
hhaha dude wat are you saying?
absolutely yes.
Are there many normal Mexicans that look as good as Salma Heyek? I mean, like for example, when I'm in Miami, most of the women actually look way better very close to 100% of the time, compared to a city like Atlanta, for example.
So, are Mexican women in Mexican cities pretty much mostly hotties like how it is in Miami?
bout three fiddy
depends on the city really.
Please hurry up and complete your invasion of the South-West United States. It's fun to watch burgers getting cucked.
>inb4 muslim caliphate
Muzzies are less than 4℅ of our population. Meanwhile, there are 50 million Hispanics in the US and that number is growing rapidly.
When you wanna build an IKEA chair you'll miss your loyal Juan tho.
You going to work tomorrow?
What's a good recipe for ceviche?
my mom, no seriously, like between kate winslet and salma
Is thieving the Mexican national pastime?
que vas a cenar y que me recomiendas?
What percentage of hispanic women generally keep their figure after their mid 20s?
Holy fuck do hispanic women blow up.
Do you have any knowledge as to why or how?
like 1% and im being generous
shit and tortillas
btw god bless for barbacoa.
no, its our national sport
thats mudslimes
What about all those African refugees? What is their end game?
Why is it that mexicans living in the USA don't naturalize to using the english language, even after living over a decade in state and working for american contractors or other employers?
they have no pride or self respect, or respect for the country they leech off of. melting pot days are done
have you ever tried teaching english to a monkey?
How do your government plan on paying for the wall?
Well taco bro at least we have some common ground on somthing.
yo no se
lo siento
no hablo español
domo arigato señor rrroboto
pollo estraño
It's just we have tons of media they could learn from. TV, radio, how the hell do you get exposed to a language and not absorb some understanding of basic phrases.
Yup. tarantino is a meme tier filmmaker imo but it is still a pretty good flick.
They do, the 4th gen are proud or their roots, but dislike illegal immigration.
Why do you people come to America instead of making your own country better?
Where are you from?