>we might have a civil war with the radical left
>if we lose, future history books will refer to us in the same way they refer to the "dumb evil south" of the 1800s
We might have a civil war with the radical left
Other urls found in this thread:
Just don't lose then.
But if you lose, you win
t. Trudeau
no one's going to have a civil war you prepubescent moron
A massive army of 2nd Amendment supporters vs crowds of purple haired faggots.
It's almost impossible to lose against the modern left in an actual shooting war.
that's not how it's going to go down, and we're not going to lose
>implying lefties could win
The radical left don't have guns or a means to produce food, how are they going to win a violent conflict against anything?
>if we lose
I have a feeling you'll be okay.
The left is much more organized, well funded, and already proved they're willing to be violent. I could send you a long article if you want.
Hopefully you're right but I don't think it's that simple
I'd rather be known as a redneck, then some who's in red hands.
>implying anybody could lose to modern leftists
The confederacy lost because it was badly outnumbered, had to throw together an army against a country that already had one, had less armament to start with and less capacity to make more. The chance of victory was always extremely slim, and it only lasted as long as it did because of the incompetency of early union generals.
In this case, it would be a disjointed, dependent, largely unarmed left with no federal power and extremely limited state and local power against the United Fucking States. They literally could not muster the force of rebellion large enough to even qualify as a civil war.
I guarantee you, that if things go sour down South were you are, it will fuck up Canada too. We know who to blame. Commies. USA will not lose.
They are funded well enough to stand in streets and wave signs. This costs next to nothing. But to actually openly fight? Leftists scatter from the fucking police, much less militias or the federal military.
Read the article if you think it'd be that easy. Hard left is fucking crazy and already pushing the lines of who it's okay to atrack ("Nazis")
Believe me I'd hope the right would win
History books will refer to us the same way they refer to the "dumb evil south"
>History books will refer to us.
dues vult anoon...
If we have a civil war how do I signal to southerners that I am a good guy?
t. NY Republican
I'm guessing you mean those fucking antifa pussies and BLM retards?
>Hard left is fucking crazy and already pushing the lines of who it's okay to atrack ("Nazis")
They still don't have a way to produce food
In europe they could do some damage. But in the US, they are hilariously outgunned. The left could kill lots of unfortunate souls living in the middle of liberal shitholes, but to describe a national scale conflict as "one sided" would be putting it lightly.
>the left winning against gunowners
Theyll be literally eaten alive in the south.
A civil war is more than limp-wristed tubby guys getting the odd sucker punch in.
Say the words "nigger" and "faggot." Those are like kryptonite to leftist sensibilities.
Same thing happens to them m8.
>in the year 2017, after the presidential election of the 45th president of the united states, the country divided on the the future of the country as a whole. Those that voted for the president wanted to uphold what made the country prosperous and retain the Constitution, where as detractors living mainly on the coastlines of the United States in large urban cities want to completely overhaul the Constitution and make a globalized socialist state with no borders or claim to sovereignty.
>it was a bloody war fought between brothers who no longer believed they were as such, in the end many people lost their lives and the power/wealth distribution in major cities transferred to many up and coming towns and districts, helping to reinvigorate the US economy at the cost of so many lives.
>was it wrong for the urbanites to believe that the american flag and Constitution should be burned in order for a life they perceived as better for all?
>with their loss, we might never know, but the lessons learned from this, of how important the education of schoolchildren from teachers who aren't opposed to the government they are living in, of an entertainment industry that does not try to take advantage of political ideology, and of the political globalists that would seek to undermine any and every country for their agenda...
>these are the lessons we must learn from children, and never forget.
The intelligence community is going nuclear.
shoot niggers
Say "I'm just a lucky guy"
you still are the dumb evil south of the 1800s
New York will fall to Good.
Kek has willed it.
This sort of arrogance is a weakness too. I'm not talking about SJW pussies or even BLM monkeys who can easily be contained or outsmarted. I'm talking about the hard left, antifa is very organized and proves it through raids and attacks on TRS and Trump supporters in general. They're blurring the lines between who it's acceptable to openly call for violence against.
And maybe you're right they'd have no chance in the south but I'm thinking more densely populated areas (not just big cities) and even conservative events/speakers
you're retarded and a concern troll
they rely on the red states for food, all they produce is fucking iphone apps
antifa is literally just a bunch of jewish pedophiles paying squatters to attack smaller groups of unarmed people
they wouldn't even be a factor in a civil war when 3/4s of the military support Trump and the 1/4 is REMF catlady-men and blacks
Don't be worried about some dykes and cucks.we are going to grow our future to MAGA.
It is not unjustified arrogance though. It doesn't matter how organized antifa/the hard left is. They're hilariously outgunned.
Oh don't get me wrong, they're dangerous. But they're only dangerous on the individual level. They can really fuck your shit up, and they probably will continue to escalate. But we're talking about an open and declared actual civil war in this thread. A single terrorist group is not and will never be an army, and antifa can only act the way it does because right wingers in general aren't even aware they exist.
>a bunch of fat neckbeards vs regular members of society
we stand no chance
Antifa pretending its okay to sucker punch people does not mean they would actually be effective at open violence. They would get squashed by local law enforcement which actually have and use guns. They are certainly terrorists but ultimately not incredibly dangerous to anyone but unlucky individuals.
socialists are not regular members of society.
No I'm not I'm bringing it to your attention and read this lazy fuck if you don't believe me
Hard right may be physically superior and have guns but don't understand antifa's (true antifa) street tactics. They ruin lives through violence, threats, and it's only getting worse (more acceptable in MSM narrative)
Holding signs written in marker on trash cardboard vs owning 4 ar15's over 3000 rounds
Soros might be funding these jobless faggots to hold signs but the noise of just a .223 would have them all shitting their pants.
As we have seen non-stop for the past few years when the left riot they do not go to the white neighborhoods they go to the city center and wait for the police to spray them with pepper spray and rubber bullets.
These leftist faggots will have the cops to deal with way before they get to us.
No they aren't.
Niggers are a bigger problem than antifa, antifa uses nigger tactics like ganging up on someone whose back is turned but don't have the physical ability to back it up.
Both start dispersing once gunshots go off, right now I am trying to determine what branch of the military/law enforcement I am more likely to be sent in to deal with these dumbasses, probably national guard but I'd need to know what station/position.
post the article phagg0t
INB4 you post a (((CNN))) article
do you really think this could happen?
leftest need help reading a book.. don't own guns.. are litterally babies..
even paid for antifica or whatever the fuck the black cloth wearing faggots are.. got btfo in pittsburgh during the g20 summit via military noise machine they have..
i'd litterally post up 90 yards out in the woods with my ar and hunting riffles and btfo these fags..
not even scared one bit..
fuck my epic goal.. is 50 m80s gumband together lit and dropeed into a crowd of these fags on a drone..
now thats a mcdonalds weekend special happening..
I have in this thread already but here: status451.com
>The left is much more organized
Stopped reading there.
They fight among themselves all the fucking time, even at times demanding others sub-groups to comply to their wishes or they'll highjack. They can NEVER find a common ground.
The right always has a common ground, which is conserving their rights. They don't give a fuck about the privileges of the left.
>left is much more organized
Yes, they're much better at showing up to an event and then all chimping out in random ways
When the Right is finally pushed over the edge on something, they always organize and are actually effective
>Tea Party got people elected, compared to Occupy Wall St which only accomplished chimpouts in NYC
>Trump went from meme candidate to meme president
>Most of the military is right wing and respond well to structure and order
The right is much more conscientious and desire order.
A "war" with the left would last a few months at most. Just image a curb stomp clip, on a loop, for 12 weeks and you'll get the idea.
>regular members of society
Communists aren't people, leaf.
I've posted it a few times in this thread. Is it showing up or is it being filtered as spam? Search "status 451 days of rage" on google
they really are retarded dude. they don't realize what the right is.
The left have spent 2 generations alienating the military.
If there was a coup attempt there might be some in the military who are apathetic enough to stay at home and let the cards fall as they may, but virtually noone whos going to go arrest or assassinate Trump, detain his cabinet and elevate Hillary/Sanders or Pocahontas. Zero.
Meanwhile the Left could at the very most stage some mass demonstrations. Unfortunately they spent the last 10 years alienating the blue collar working class, so the ones who still have jobs will keep on showing up to make food and othet products. You might be hard pressed to buy a coffee or attend a university lecture- but thats not going to achive a resolution.
Basically imagine Ted Bundy minus the guns and supported entirely by glorified children without any life skils. It wouldnt even be a matter of needing to kill them, theyd collapse on their own within days and if you need proof for that see OWS.
Japanese Red Army, The Red Brigades, Red Army Faction, etc. etc. etc.
Antifa and BLM are bored housewives, less violent, militant and relevant than druggies from the 1960's. Without the internet we wouldn't even be talking about them.
enlisted dude here. my coworkers (including seniors) would all willingly shoot leftists if justified.
No you fucking retard an American Civil war will not be the left and the right, it will be blacks, communists, separatists, Mexican loyalists, Mormons, Scientologists, Protestants, California, Texas, Fascists, Constitutionalists and maybe even more.
You can fucking bet that France and the UK will be sending troops and supplies to whoever we like the most too.
A civil war would be a clusterfuck on an epic scale.
>implying the majority of people will participate instead of staying home, where it's safe.
The radical left will rely solely on strength in numbers, which would be far less than they think.
As far as I know, you can kill more than 1 with a gun.
Seeing as the right has the majority of the guns:
The few that would go out would get obliterated
>implying the left isn't armed
It's a 40/60 split and we have more people.
Look, all I'm saying is that fascism is a disease...like say, rabies.
Now, once it starts, it's still treatable. Your hunting dog gets the hydrophobia and you have a little bit of time to get it treated.
But once it gets too far, there's only one cure. Just like fascism.
All you have to do is take them out to the shed and put the dog down.
It won't be a civil war because you aren't people. You're fascists.
Good bait faggot. Care to define facism?
The democraps are all centralized in the cities. The conservatives control the great majority of the country's landmass.
>Civil war
>When the majority of modern men are the comfiest they've ever been
>Five seconds to get porn, five minutes to get hot food, five hours to play after work
Just shut up and take your soma.
>if we lose
This, modern crowd control and surveillance technology will prevent any traditional "uprising". Our only option is to continue playing the chess game whether we like it or not
I'd whoop the asses of those cucks
when leafs agree.. its obvious..
this whole crap needs ended. its ridiculous.. it slowing future progress and its just gay
did you see trump and Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu trying to "man spread" hard as fuck.. dude israel is actually afraid of madman trump.
fuck i'm a little scared of trump.. but i still want another rally so i can shake his hand and yell death to traitors on national tv.. fuck ya.
sieg heil AMERICA.
buy guns
buy ammo
stock pile food
don't watch tv.
Picture the scene
>BLM, College aged SJWs, wierd LGBTWIQI mental cases band together
>target, conservative HQ, a boarded up walmart
>Screams and jeers echo over the lands
>Left mob thousands strong, stomping their feet and cheering
>Walmart in sight
>the FOUR conservatives who call this home lock and load
>four M60's chatter into the night, Walmart so free ammo
>Final Score - Left 0, Right A Metric Fuckton.
>tumblr explodes, realising the right are gun toting, ammo hoarding survivalists
It will be glorious, I can't wait for the day a leftist mob fucks with the wrong person in the wrong state.
Stand your ground loyalists, we are with you.
Lets say the left in fact armed up and wanted to fight the right in a war.
I dont want to get into all the specifics, but just think about the millions of war vets that are just itching to put all their training and PTSD into action.
Fun fact stay away from the first wave of right wing death squads, anyone who is willing to kick in doors, and kill in cold blood is too dangerous to be kept around for too long. Think night of the long knives.
this is concern trolling you idiots.
>being this content
Whatever guys. Trump won and right now there's a laughably low amount of physical retaliation from the left
But the violence getting worse. Just like demographics are getting worse for the right. Less white people, and millenials are huge liberals. This is why I fear the right is at a disadvantage in the long run in this civil war possibility and politically
I did see Trumps press conference with "Bibi". Not bad. Haven't owned a TV in 15 years. Hail victory, brother.
litterally non combat individuals who seen a gun range, but face an opposition like myself who have been in iraq and other sand nigger countries for 10 years doing missions in broken urban combat..
in most urban cities, i could eat 10 liberal gun owners alive.. easy.
i pick my spot in the woods, where i-------
litterally no contest. iraq 10 years.. liberals.. gun range..
come at me.
we should be focusing on getting the country together behind trump instead of fighting..
we are wasting time.
A few conservatives firing randomly in a crowd of liberal college-aged mental cases from atop a roof a la zombie-invasion.
millennials are liberals, sure, but thankfully Generation Z is showing signs of being far more conservative.
I hope those trends prove true...
>We'll put down the people who feed us
well I guess you can try, but even if you succeeded, it's not exactly a win
>implying soros won't hire mercenaries on behalf of the left
Don't underestimate the civil war, although I'm sure the right will win in the end it could get messy.
Also the media would hide every atrocity by the left & broadcast everything the right does
>Antifa and BLM are bored housewives, less violent, militant and relevant than druggies from the 1960's. Without the internet we wouldn't even be talking about them.
This can't be stressed enough
>if we lose
What PMC could seriously oppose the US military on US soil?
Kill them in their homes
No I'm not trolling, but yeah I'm concerned and everyone's dismissal is making me more concerned.
>demographics heavily favor liberals in future elections
>news headlines and average public perception is getting more accepting of violence toward """Nazis"""
>hard right is content because Trump won
If anything these next 4-8 years we should focus on putting down the hard left once and for all, rather than laughing and dismissing them.
So no I'm not concern trolling, I wouldn't be replying this much trying to make you guys aware to help us in the long run. And ever notice in an obvious CTR shill thread the OP doesn't respond to any replies. They just make as many threads as possibe to inflate concerns around "regret voting for trump, impeachment etc"
Who cares? We will be dead if we lose
>If anything these next 4-8 years we should focus on putting down the hard left once and for all
That's what we're doing. Conservative supreme court will mean the end of affirmative action, maybe the end of invader birthright citizenship
NSA, FBI and CIA have files on every single poster in this thread. Civil war and you better believe your mothers are getting anonymous phone calls telling them the degenerate shit you look at all day. The Deep State isn't messing around, motherfuckers.
>blue hair
>no hygiene
>piercings all over
>greasy clothes
how the fuck is that normal to you?
the left are pussy faggots who would cower into submission if they ever lost their numbers or their chance to scream something. They have not the attention willpower nor the discipline to fight
hey man are you new here?? if you need and info just ask!
You really think the Left would win a Civil War against the Right? Think about it, most law enforcement and military are conservative.
He doesn't go into society so he doesn't know what is normal..
I was thinking false flag events or hit & run ops. Not boots on the ground permanently mercenary action my man.
i raffed
>implying we could lose
>excuse me mam
>your son seems to use a japanense knitting forum
>it appears he's used the term "nigger" 4 times and refers to people as faggots. His favorite term is niggerfaggot
>Im sorry your son's life is over. How will he ever recover??
I swear Ctr seems like morons, Most rational people know the internet has always been compromised
Buncha fuckin retards lmao
Apart from we have all the guns and /ourguy/ in the White castle.
you'd be dead in 12 hours..
the end of the world.. dooms day folks.. could outlast you with just food alone..
the dudes with guns and other courses of action would literally rape u.
liberals look fancy on tv, because tv is liberal.. in the end when the power goes out.. they get absolutely raped.
I have been getting odd calls that can't be traced back. Maybe we are headed for a second civil war.
OP here about to drive to gf's so last post.
I'll concede a full fledged civil war probably wouldn't result in a left victory. But, whether you live in a rural area safe with guns or not just be careful about the increasing amount of violence and lax on part of the media and public perception. And don't get content because we won this election. Long way to go, the far left is a disease and demographics as well as general perception of far right is much more advantageous to the left